Luckiest Day Of The Week For Each Zodiac Sign From November 18 - 24, 2024
A new beginning is a chance to fulfill your destiny.

Pluto shifts into Aquarius on Tuesday, November 19, heralding a new era in each zodiac sign's life. As this energy unfolds, each zodiac sign's luckiest day of the week helps them follow their path of authenticity.
Pluto is known as the lord of the underworld, bringing the energy of alchemy, transformation, and rebirth to whatever it touches. As it moved through Capricorn, it was about crumbling the structures that no longer resonate or are unnecessary in your life. As Pluto moves back into Aquarius, where it will remain for the next 20 years, it brings a free-spirited rebellious zest that allows you to believe you can accomplish anything you desire.
Pluto tends to work more slowly but is the most powerful in the first few degrees of a new zodiac sign, meaning that while you are just beginning this new era, it doesn’t mean that you can’t make the most of it.
As the week progresses, the Sun will shift into Sagittarius on Thursday, November 21, bringing a confident and adventurous attitude toward life. This will help you utilize the new beginning that Pluto promises as you will be more courageous and curious to explore what this means for you and give you hope for the journey ahead.
Embrace your inner explorer as you reflect on your past and the abundance you want to create in the future. Use the energy of the Last Quarter Moon in Virgo to release ideals and beliefs that have kept you thinking more in the box than outside it. New beginnings are always lucky, however, it’s how you choose to approach them that can help you let go of fear and see nothing but infinite possibilities for the beautiful future that awaits you.
Luckiest day for each zodiac sign between November 18 - 24, 2024
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Luckiest day for Aries this week: Thursday, November 21
Take heart, dear Aries, because better times are on the way. The Sun shifts into Sagittarius on Thursday, November 21, introducing luck, abundance, and possibilities for new beginnings. While the last month or so has been rather challenging and may have felt like nothing went the way you had hoped, that is over now. But now, hope and divine synchronicity will begin to filter in.
Let go of doubt or hopelessness so you can start making moves and trusting the direction you are guided to take. You will focus on new aspects of your life. Whether that's specifically setting up a new endeavor or giving your life a makeover, everything is favored during this time. Avoid putting off taking action, especially as this is one of the luckiest phases of the year for you.
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Luckiest day for Taurus this week: Thursday, November 21
To attract greater abundance into your life, Taurus, you need to be willing to embrace transformation. Instead of merely looking at change as something that you do, try to see it as an attitude that you can adopt where you are not afraid of what you could lose or what will shift but instead trust in the universe.
As Sagittarius season begins on Thursday, November 21, you will be more open to taking chances and letting life change how it is meant to. This will bring greater optimism and excitement for the future. The more you can become the change, the easier it will be to attract it into your life — along with all the luck destined for you.
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Luckiest day for Gemini this week: Tuesday, November 19
Just because it may feel like a slow start toward your dreams, Gemini, doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t start at all! Pluto will make its final shift into Aquarius on Tuesday, November 19, where it will remain for the next 20 years, continually bringing transformation and luck to your life.
Pluto’s magic is a process of excavation and discovery that happens so slowly you may not notice at first — yet what it creates lasts a lifetime. This will help you uncover the blocks to abundance or that life you’ve been dreaming of so that you can start taking action on your dreams and finally see that a life built on truth continually brings enormous blessings.
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Luckiest day for Cancer this week: Tuesday, November 19
You can breathe easy, Cancer, now that Pluto has left Capricorn, and the romantic lessons of the past few years are now over. But now that one chapter is over, another is just beginning. The difference is in this new phase, you will be able to rebuild your life in a way that’s most authentic for you.
On Tuesday, November 19, Pluto shifts into Aquarius, highlighting themes around rebirth, transformation, and financial matters. Although Pluto will be slower in bringing about results, it is a process you don’t need to rush. During this time, all you need to do is focus on what you authentically want and feel driven to create because the universe will do the rest.
But you may want to celebrate the end of Pluto’s reign in Capricorn, and feel the weight that has been lifted which will let you embrace this new era of rebirth with greater trust.
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Luckiest day for Leo this week: Friday, November 22
The Last Quarter Moon in Virgo will rise on Friday, November 22 in your house of finances, Leo. Last Quarter Moons are a time to release and let go, so you will be guided to reflect on your inner beliefs or certain practices that aren’t aligned with the financial abundance you want to attract into your life.
This Virgo Moon's perfectionistic and codependent nature, makes us prone to overly caring for or financially providing for people who refuse to return the favor. What you let go of around this time is to help you focus on yourself and continue creating the space to manifest greater wealth and self-worth for what you deserve to receive in the future.
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Luckiest day for Virgo this week: Thursday, November 21
Allow yourself to receive greater ease into your life, Virgo, especially in your personal life. While being goal-driven and focused is only an asset to you, when you take that same energy and use it in your home or family life, you can miss the opportunities for joy and expansion.
Try to find greater peace in accepting that everything is okay in this moment. There doesn’t always have to be something to figure out or overcome. Life is simply about making space to enjoy what you’ve created.
As Sagittarius season begins on Thursday, November 21, use this time for connection in your personal life. This energy brings positive developments to any theme surrounding a home, such as a purchase or remodeling of an existing property, and hlpes you let go of the mindset that something always has to be wrong so that instead you can see the divine possibilities around you.
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Luckiest day for Libra this week: Friday, November 22
Let go of the excuses, dear Libra, and make room for hope in your life. Instead of telling yourself that a particular dream is impossible or doubting your abilities, try to realize that each thought you have is divine guidance toward what is meant for you.
As the Last Quarter Moon in Virgo rises on Friday, November 22, you will be encouraged to let go of excuses and doubt to create more space for hope and creation. Now is the time to listen to your inner self and see that the universe always guides you. The luck you have been seeking and that sign from the divine that you are on the right path can only be found by listening to your intuition and allowing yourself to follow your dreams.
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Luckiest day for Scorpio this week: Thursday, November 21
Financial matters improve as the Sun shifts into Sagittarius on Thursday, November 21, providing welcome relief from any recent challenges, Scorpio. Sagittarius rules over your house of wealth, but to manifest greater abundance during this time, you also have to adopt the energy of this fire sign by believing everything is possible.
Search for the deeper meaning behind what arises and let yourself reflect on your feelings, as you will need to ensure that you have fully embodied your worth to make the most of this potentially lucrative time. Think outside the box for how to grow your finances, but most of all, let yourself take a chance and plant the seeds for the life you truly want to live.
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Luckiest day for Sagittarius this week: Friday, November 22
Let yourself make space for what you want, Sagittarius, by letting go of what isn’t fulfilling your soul anymore. Although you crave financial independence, you can’t sell your soul for a paycheck as you truly need to feel like you are making a difference.
As the Last Quarter Moon in Virgo occurs on Friday, November 22, you are guided to release the beliefs or inner obstacles to achieving professional and financial success. You may also decide to finally put your notice in at a job you haven't felt very connected to recently. Trust yourself. While stability matters, taking risks is often necessary to achieve what you want and what is meant for you.
Your zodiac season also begins on Thursday, November 21, blessing you with a period of luck and renewal, so there is no time like the present to let yourself embrace a lucky new beginning.
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Luckiest day for Capricorn this week: Tuesday, November 19
Release the hardships Pluto in your sign has brought into your life since 2008, Capricorn, because it is officially over. While you had a bit of a reprieve at the beginning of the year when Pluto shifted into Aquarius, its journey in Capricorn wasn’t officially over, so you had to move through a final phase of lessons in the past few months.
But all of that is finished once Pluto shifts into Aquarius on Tuesday, November 19. This begins a journey of discovering your self-worth and new avenues to increase your finances. It also finally takes the pressure off of you and puts you into an amazing position once the Last Quarter Moon in Virgo activates your house of luck on November 22, bringing in the ability to clear the decks and step into a new era of abundance in your life.
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Luckiest day for Aquarius this week: Friday, November 22
Your life should only be made up of what truly resonates with your soul, Aquarius. There is nothing you have to do, nor any path you must follow except the one within.
The Last Quarter Moon in Virgo will rise on Friday, November 22 in your house of connection, and transformation. This can help you release and let go of what doesn’t matter to you or your life’s dream. Moon in Virgo represents the obligations or the ideal vision for how life would turn out, but it can also prevent you from embracing what is and enjoying all you have created.
Instead of thinking that you need to make your life look like anyone else’s, use this energy to focus on what you want and have the courage to change your mind so that you can also change your life.
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Luckiest day for Pisces this week: Thursday, November 21
Career opportunities pick up as the Sun shifts into Sagittarius on Thursday, November 21, dear Pisces. Sagittarius rules over matters connected to your professional path and success, so as the Sun (one of the luckiest planets in astrology) shifts into this experimental fire sign, you will receive offers and recognition for career advancement related to a project or endeavor that you have been working towards for a significant period.
Allow yourself to shift gears from work mode into receiving. Try to take what happens during this time as what you deserve because of all you’ve invested in your dreams. If it changes your life in unimaginable ways, remember that this is also everything you’ve always deserved.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.