The Best Day Of October 2024 For Each Zodiac Sign, According To An Astrologer
The universe is working in your favor.

Take a moment and collect yourself before October, a month of opportunity, begins. The best day for each zodiac sign in October 2024 provides an opportunity to manifest the luck, wealth, success, and love you’ve always dreamed of.
The Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse occurs on Wednesday, October 2, starting the month off with a bang. Solar Eclipses bring about sudden and dramatic changes to your external life, which can mean a surprise new redirection, job offer, and incredible opportunities to live life more authentically. This Libra Eclipse sets the tone for October, helping you to embrace the new and even unknown as you trust that the universe is always working in your favor.
Pluto will station direct in Capricorn, on Friday, October 11, just after Jupiter begins its retrograde journey in Gemini on Wednesday, October 9. Pluto's final ingress through Capricorn is one more chance to wrap up old lessons and receive the closure you need so that you can make the most of what Jupiter retrograde will bring into your life.
As these energies mingle with Venus shifting into Sagittarius and the Aries Full Moon on Thursday, October 17, it’s important to pay attention to your choices, as you are being urged to take the step toward what is new. No matter how scary or intimidating it may feel, trust that the universe has brought you to this moment for a purpose and now all you must do is believe in yourself enough to know you cannot fail.
Luckiest Day Horoscopes for Each Zodiac Sign In October 2024
Aries: Thursday, October 17
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You must love what you put your energy into, Aries. You are being given the gift of luck, but you must also make sure you are creating a life that you love. Don’t undersell yourself by taking the safest path or thinking that a particular dream is too big to accomplish, especially as Venus moves into Sagittarius on Thursday, October 17.
The energy of Venus in Sagittarius brings new opportunities in finances, career, and romance — but you must start listening to your heart, even if it means letting go of something you once thought you wanted. This is an incredible time to begin a new relationship or start investing more in what you’ve dreamed for yourself.
Everything in the universe is conspiring to bring you to your destiny, you just have to believe it’s possible.
Taurus: Thursday, October 10
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Take a pause, dear Taurus, and reflect on what may still be affecting your ability to move ahead with certain plans, such as your willingness to take a risk or forgo aspects of life that may feel like an obligation. As the First Quarter Moon rises in Capricorn on Thursday, October 10, you are being given an incredible opportunity to clear the desk and remove any blocks to accomplishing your dreams and attracting divine luck.
Pay close attention to any thoughts about what you feel like you should be doing either because of how long you’ve invested in a particular path or because of what others may have wanted for you. This lunation in Capricorn will require you to cut ties with anything and anyone holding you back so you also can start manifesting more fulfillment in your life.
Gemini: Tuesday, October 22
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While you are trying to manage everything in your life, Gemini, remember that you also deserve your own energy. You have been so focused on your career and romantic life that you may have been accidentally neglecting yourself, which has resulted in you either feeling stressed or run down.
As Scorpio season begins on Tuesday, October 22, pausing to reflect on yourself, your needs, and how to get back to you not just being successful but also your best self should be your highest priority. Don’t be afraid to take some time off or book a weekend getaway for yourself. You deserve to enjoy all that you’re working for, but the only way you’re going to do that is if you are rested and feeling at peace with yourself.
Cancer: Thursday, October 17
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Learning to embrace more of your professional aspirations and work for the success that you deserve hasn't been easy, but sweet Cancer, it is all about to pay off! As the Aries Full Moon rises on Thursday, October 17, you will step into a moment of recognition and achievement in your career which manifests as acing a particular project, receiving a bonus, or being offered a promotion. If you’re more recent into this particular career dream, then you also might finally receive positive news about a job offer as well.
The idea is to use this energy as confirmation that yes, you actually can have it all in life. You never had to choose between the personal life you’re always longed for and your own divine dreams. When you believe that you deserve it all, then it will be so — and it will all occur in the luckiest way possible. Enjoy this moment, Cancer, because you’ve certainly earned it.
Leo: Thursday, October 17
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Trust in yourself, Leo. As much as you’ve doubted some choices you've made or whether you're on the right track, you are indeed exactly where you are meant to be. Once the Aries Full Moon peaks on Thursday, October 17, you will feel a shining light of awareness in how all of your past decisions have connected to this particular moment. Aries represents one of the few areas of your astrological chart where new beginnings are possible, and though this is a full moon, you finally receive the clarity to know precisely the direction your soul feels called to pursue.
You may have an opportunity to travel, especially through professional or spiritual matters. Take this opportunity instead of overthinking anything, especially as it’s likely to arrive unexpectedly. When you can trust yourself and the path that you are on, you can make the most of these opportunities.
Virgo: Wednesday, October 2
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You’ve been doing an incredible job of working through the lessons and challenges that have arisen this year, dear Virgo, but now you are about to finally understand why everything has happened the way it has. The Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse on Wednesday, October 2, will start October off with a dramatic series of events as it helps bring about new opportunities to your financial life. This may feel like an unexpected windfall but is connected to your past efforts and choices.
While you will enjoy this turnaround and the wealth that you are moving into, you also want to make sure that you are investing it wisely. In this case, you would be best supported in investing it in matters of your home, whether that means purchasing a property or making home improvements (no matter how small) to your existing place.
The idea in October is to openly receive this financial gift and use it to manifest more of the home life you’ve always dreamed of.
Libra: Wednesday, October 9
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It may seem like opportunities or offers have slowed recently, Libra, but rest assured it’s not because they won’t work out. Jupiter will station retrograde in Gemini on Wednesday, October 9, helping you reflect on the progress you’ve made since the planet of luck shifted into this air sign earlier this year.
Jupiter in Gemini is all about getting you out of your comfort zone and embracing all the world has to offer. But it’s also about you listening to and following your own unique soul purpose in this lifetime. Even if you discover that you haven’t been tuning into your intuition or making the most of opportunities in your life, that doesn’t mean you can’t turn matters around.
Be open to seeing and feeling the truth as you allow yourself to acknowledge your dreams and the life that you know you are meant to live.
Scorpio: Thursday, October 24
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You may have felt confused recently about the trajectory of your career, but clarity is arriving, dear Scorpio. It’s important to pay attention to what arises with the Last Quarter Moon in Leo on Thursday, October 24, as you will be guided to surrender to a divine release that is in the best interest of your highest self. This is all about letting go of a particular plan, path, or idea that no longer serves what you are meant to do and experience in this life.
To receive the benefit and space this is meant to create in your life, you must be willing to let go. You should never feel drained by anything you put your energy into, even your career — but the more you remain anywhere simply because of what it feels like to create the change you seek, then the more you avoid the destiny that is meant for you.
Let yourself release what is no longer meant to be a part of your life and make room for the luck, joy, and success that you truly crave.
Sagittarius: Friday, October 11
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Just because you thought you were done with the lessons doesn’t necessarily mean you are, Sagittarius. But instead of looking at these moments of tests and lessons with fear or frustration, try to hold space for what they are trying to reveal to you. To do that, you must always be open to learning more, especially once Pluto stations direct in Capricorn on Friday, October 11 in your house of value.
Although you have spent a great deal of time investing in your financial future and success, you may have not taken into account the value of peace, relationships, and your home life. But having the life that you truly desire and learning the lessons of Pluto in Capricorn means you are learning what truly represents value in your life — not by anyone else’s standards, but your own. This means you are redefining what success means and allowing yourself to make more authentic decisions.
Capricorn: Sunday, October 27
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You are about to enter an extremely successful era of your life, Capricorn — you just need to make sure you're mindful of the balance you’ve been working to establish in your life.
Asteroid Vesta, ruler of commitment, enters Libra on Sunday, October 27, increasing your dedication and focus on your career. However, it’s not just a new role or promotion you’re after, but greater abundance as a whole. Once Vesta is in Libra, it’s important to first reflect on how dedicated you feel to your career or the particular job you're currently in. If you don’t feel that deep connection or desire to succeed, it may be time to start investigating other options that will give you the feeling that you crave.
However, if you are in the professional area you are meant to be in, you will feel an increasing commitment to succeed both for yourself and your company. As much as this is the lucky energy you’ve needed to turn this area of your life around, don’t forget your romantic partner or family, and make sure you are still focusing on attracting abundance while also maintaining balance.
Aquarius: Wednesday, October 2
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Never underestimate the power that you have over what you choose for yourself and your life, dear Aquarius. The Libra New Moon and Solar Eclipse on Wednesday, October 2, represents a turning point in your journey when you will have a better idea of what direction you want to take in your life as well as the ability to seize the opportunity when it unexpectedly arrives.
The Libra celestial event marks an important chapter in your life, one that will be about greater abundance and luck. Try to remember to leave room for what you haven’t planned for, and no matter how unexpected a current offer may be, allow yourself to truly believe that the universe is always working in your favor. You have nothing to lose by saying yes, and by exercising your power of choice, you just may decide to take on other aspects of change in your life as well.
Pisces: Sunday, October 13
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You’ve been working so hard in planting the seeds for the next phase of your life, dear Pisces, but it seems that you’ve been doubting whether or not it would all actually start coming together. But lucky change is on the way as Mercury returns to Scorpio on Sunday, October 13, bringing in new offers, developments, and conversations about the future.
The only thing that may be surprising is how your life seems to change overnight. Just remember that you have worked for this and ground yourself in all you know is real and that you deserve, as this offer of change and abundance can involve travel or relocating.
While you will have to weigh the decision that is best for you, everything in the universe indicates that taking this chance is all about manifesting your destiny. Try not to be afraid of the very success you’ve been working for. Instead, surrender to it and all that it will bring to your life.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.