Every Chinese Zodiac Sign's Weekly Horoscope For July 3 - 9

Glorious happenings for a brand new week!

chinese weekly horoscopes june 3 - 9 Vectortradition, 3DTampa7's Images  via Canva Pro/ 09910190 via Canva

Your weekly Chinese horoscope for July 3 - 9, is here with predictions for all zodiac signs. This week's energy is excellent for engaging with family members and even going on a trip together.

Whether it's a trip to Disney World, an extended cruise on the Caribbean or just a nice family dinner at your favorite Chinese restaurant, sharing food and laughter will bring tremendous positivity into your life at this time. Don't forget to bring along your grandparents.


Those who study in a university or will be starting this year should carry as much memorabilia from home as possible to help them stay grounded and connected to their roots. A lot of negative peer pressure can be avoided by just glancing at a photograph of your parents. Do it your way. Now let's focus on the weekly horoscopes for each Chinese zodiac sign for July 3 - 9.

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Chinese zodiac sign weekly horoscope for July 3 - 9, 2023:


(1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032)

Luckiest Day for Love: July 4th


Luckiest Day for Money: July 5th

Luckiest Day for Friendship: July 3rd

Rat, this week will be very calm and relaxed for you. You may even feel bored by mid-week. The universe is giving you a pocket of peace to help you restore yourself. Many of you are very ambitious, and the road ahead will take a lot out of you. Others of you are about to meet a soulmate within the next few months. So the pace will definitely pick up pretty soon. Use this opportunity to do whatever your heart pleases. If a trip to the spa is what it wants, go for it.

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(1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033)

Luckiest Day for Love: July 5th

Luckiest Day for Money: July 3rd

Luckiest Day for Friendship: July 3rd

Mostly, this week will be pretty good for you, Ox. You will finish your work on time and have great experiences with your friends and colleagues. Just be careful of someone from your past or an overbearing person in your present ruining the week. For some of you, their energy is trying to eclipse the positivity of this week for you. They will only succeed if you let them. That means if your pesky ex gives you a call out of the blue, don't pick up! It's time to be your own best friend.

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(1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, 2034)

Luckiest Day for Love: July 3rd

Luckiest Day for Money: July 6th

Luckiest Day for Friendship: July 7th

This week is going to be extra hectic for you, Tiger. If you are a stay-at-home mom, your week will be just like it is usually ... hectic if it's usually hectic, and calm if it's usually calm. Some of you will be asked to do some overtime this week. It could be because of an emergency or a staff shortage. This is especially true for those in the hospitals and healthcare industry. Keep pushing, and don't give up when your schedule speeds up. You have what it takes to complete this challenge successfully.


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(1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023, 2035)

Luckiest Day for Love: July 7th

Luckiest Day for Money: July 8th

Luckiest Day for Friendship: July 9th

Beware of a third-party situation this week, Rabbit. Some of you are about to get involved in one because of a cheating partner, or you will find out that one parent was unfaithful to the other, breaking your heart. Don't jump to conclusions immediately, though! If children are involved, and the situation could lead to a divorce or legal proceedings, you'll need solid evidence to back yourself up. This week will be pretty regular for others, and nothing extraordinary will happen during it.


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(1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024, 2036)

Luckiest Day for Love: July 9th

Luckiest Day for Money: July 9th

Luckiest Day for Friendship: July 9th

Dragon, this week will be extra good for those of you who are in a relationship or are involved with someone romantically, even though you haven't committed or confessed to each other yet. Lots of loving words and romantic gestures are in store for you. For the singles among you, this positive energy and love will come to you from a sibling or someone you never expected would show you so much love, kindness and respect. It can be the beginning of something unexpected for some of you.


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(1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025, 2037)

Luckiest Day for Love: July 9th

Luckiest Day for Money: July 9th

Luckiest Day for Friendship: July 8th

Snake, be very careful of the decisions you make this week. It will directly have an impact on the coming weeks for you. Some of you are on the verge of making a huge decision in your life. It can be related to marriage. It can also be related to career and education. Take your time with this decision. Don't get swayed by too many opinions. It's still your life, and you have to consider the unique position you are in. If you have a sibling who is a Horse zodiac sign or if you are involved with a Goat, read their horoscopes as well.


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(1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026)

Luckiest Day for Love: July 7th

Luckiest Day for Money: July 5th

Luckiest Day for Friendship: July 3rd

Horse, this week is presenting itself as a blank slate for you. You get to decide what you want to do. Do you like to apologize for bad behavior in the past? Do you want to confess your feelings to someone you love? Do you want to watch that new series on Netflix? You get to decide what the week will look like for you. Fate doesn't give us a free pass all the time. So take advantage of this easygoing energy while it's here!


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(1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027)

Luckiest Day for Love: July 3rd

Luckiest Day for Money: July 4th

Luckiest Day for Friendship: July 5th & 7th

Goat, this week is about courage, confidence and speaking your mind. Some of you really need to stand up for yourself and make your feelings known. Especially if this is in a close relationship where you are afraid you will end up hurting the other person or cause them to accuse you of creating unnecessary conflict. Don't walk on eggshells anymore. You need to clear the air. Some of you already know this will not work because this is not the first time you have had this experience with this individual or group of people. If that's the case, now's the time to ask yourself if you are associating with friends or enemies. If you are dealing with a Tiger or Snake, read their horoscopes.


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(1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028)

Luckiest Day for Love: July 3rd

Luckiest Day for Money: July 3rd

Luckiest Day for Friendship: July 4th

Monkey, your friends will play a big role in your life this week. For some of you, this will be in the form of wingman or women while you are outside. For others, they will act as a sounding board to help you narrow down your choices or ideas. They may even caution you against something you never considered. Just remember not to act rashly and impulsively as soon as you receive input. Take your time. Mull things over. Once you work, you'll know you made the right move.


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(1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029)

Luckiest Day for Love: July 5th

Luckiest Day for Money: July 6th


Luckiest Day for Friendship: July 6th

This week is about choices for you, Rooster — exceptionally creative choices for creative professionals. Take your time, look through what is best for you, and then take action. Some of you may be involved with a Monkey at this time. If you are, read their horoscope as well. Others of you need to stand by your creative vision and see it through to the end. Jenna Ortega from Netflix's Wednesday will either play a prominent role in your life or you will benefit from reading her story.

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(1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030)

Luckiest Day for Love: July 7th


Luckiest Day for Money: July 7th

Luckiest Day for Friendship: July 8th

Dog, no matter what you do this week, you will end up hurting someone. For some of you, your parents do not approve of the partner you chose for yourself or do not believe you are part of the LGBTQ+ community.

For other zodiac signs, two or more people are fighting in your social circle, and you will be asked to take a side. It's going to be a tough decision, regardless of what the situation is. Keep your head on your shoulder and try to look at all sides of the story before you choose. If you are dealing with a Snake or Ox, read their horoscopes.

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(1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031)

Luckiest Day for Love: July 9th

Luckiest Day for Money: July 8th

Luckiest Day for Friendship: July 9th

Pig, this week is going to be pretty pleasant for you. Nothing much will happen. The pace will be pretty hectic if you work on something important in your career. This relationship has good promise if you interact with someone new in love. Only time will tell where things will go. Enjoy your time with each other and ensure the communication lines are clear and strong. Who knows? They may turn out to be your future spouse, some of you.

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Valeria Black is a tarot reader and astrologer, with a dash of wicked humor on the side. Follow her on Instagram for more star-blessed intrigues and mysteries.