The Gay Man You Need To Date, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Love is love.

It is important to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community and everything they've overcome.
Everyone is different and special in their own way, and instead of alienating people for who they are, it's time we applaud those who have chosen be totally and unapologetically themselves, uninhibited.
Plus, whether it comes to friendships and relationships, we’re all the same, no matter who we love or how we identify. And your zodiac sign is the perfect way to find the ideal person to date.
When it comes to gay zodiac compatibility, our signs say a lot about the way we run our lives, place our priorities and spend our time.
So, why not look to the stars to find out who to date next? You never know the new type of person you'll meet next.
A lot of the time when reading about who to date based on astrology, the LGBTQ+ community tends to be forgotten in the conversation, and that should never be the case.
Not only can we find an even wider variety of people to love, but the zodiac signs have even more unique characteristics that might take you by surprise.
So, how does your sign fit into the LGBTQ+ community? Keep reading to find out the best gay zodiac matches and who you're meant to be with.
The Gay Man You Should Date, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)
Even in his relationships, Aries can be controlling, but there is something about having a dominating boyfriend that makes you feel safe (and also turned on).
It’s not so much that he’s bossy, though, but more that he takes on a protective role when he’s around the people he loves.
Aries is also totally charming and will have you blushing from your head to your toes when he flirts with you. Whether you’ve been dating for a while or he just wants to compliment his BFF, he has a way of making everyone feel special.
Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)
Taurus likes being in the background, observing others and getting involved only when he feels comfortable. He takes his relationships seriously, wanting to be an important part of all of his friends’ lives.
When it comes to romantic relationships, Taurus is the sensual type who knows exactly how to please his man. Taurus is the type of boyfriend who loves to drop serious cash on his partner simply because he likes making him happy.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Gemini is somehow always busy, even when his friends are looking forward to a long weekend of pajamas and Netflix. He likes having a lot of responsibility, though, because it makes him feel like a real adult.
As for relationships, Gemini likes being busy there because it makes him feel like the easy come, easy go guy that intrigues everyone. When he’s with you, he’ll act like a huge flirt, but when he’s gone, he’ll have you wanting more.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
You can always count on Cancer to be the person who knows there’s something wrong without you having to say a word. He feels very close to his friends and always wants to let them know that he cares deeply about them, no matter what.
Cancer is also very in touch with his emotions and isn’t afraid to let others know that he’s comfortable in his own skin.
Count on Cancer to laugh when you laugh, and cry when you cry, all because he wants to be known as the friend (or boyfriend) who is totally honest with his emotions.
Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)
Leo loves being the center of attention (obviously), which is why he's always so loud and expressive. If it were anyone else, it would be annoying, but Leo makes being dramatic more entertaining than a movie.
Because he’s so into dramatics, it makes sense that he would also be very creative. Whether he's surprising his boyfriend with an all-out anniversary dinner or his BFF with a homemade gift, everything Leo does is heartfelt and sweet.
Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22)
Virgo can be considered very critical, but it’s usually only because he compares himself to his friends. He sometimes wishes that he were more like the people in his squad, but then he remembers how lucky he is to have so many great people in his life that the criticism fades.
Virgo loves being smart because nothing is better to him than having the answers to pretty much everything. Whether he’s trying to wow his crush with fun facts or using his smarts to teach someone something new, Virgo embraces being a smarty-pants.
Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)
Libra loves romance for two reasons: he gets to make his boyfriend feel like a total prince, and he doesn’t have to make any decisions for himself.
Libra is much better at going with whatever his friends or partners want to do, and if he can turn something like a picnic into a romantic date or a fun cookout, he’s all for it.
If you leave it all up to Libra, it would take him days to make a decision about anything. That is why he works best with friends or boyfriends who are more dominant; as long as he can go with the flow without having to make things happen, he’s happy.
Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)
Being needy isn’t actually all that cute, but it somehow works on Scorpio. He might always be texting you or asking you to come over and hang out, but he’s able to do it in a way that makes his friends and significant others feel loved and wanted.
Scorpio is also all about passion, which means that if you’re dating him, he’ll be big on PDA, and if you’re his BFF, he’ll be enthusiastic about doing pretty much anything. All of this excitement and love makes him a staple in anyone’s life.
Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 19)
Sagittarius loves being a little silly and out there because he loves to make his friends laugh. When he jokes around with the people he loves, he’s really strengthening the bond he has with them.
Whenever you’re feeling down, you can count on him to make you feel better.
Sagittarius is also full of wanderlust and isn’t one to stay in one place for very long. He’s always down to take a weekend trip or explore a part of the city he’s never seen before.
Even if he’s already been somewhere or tried something before, sharing the experience with his friends or partners is very special to him.
Capricorn (Dec 20 - Jan 19)
Capricorn is probably the most responsible sign, which kind of makes him "the mom friend." He somehow always knows what to do, whether you’re lost in the middle of nowhere trying to get to a music festival or in desperate need of an Uber, but everyone is too trashed to find their cell phone (hint: you’re holding it).
Capricorn likes being known as the responsible one because it means he always keeps a level head in everything he does. He's incredibly ambitious and won’t take no for an answer.
Whether he’s asking you out or he’s applying for a new job, he doesn’t often back down.
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
Aquarius knows how to be unique without seeming like a total poser or “ironic hipster.” He’s always up for trying something new and is the perfect person to go with if you want to try that underground bar or new restaurant on the other side of town.
He might seem like someone who exclusively keeps to himself, but Aquarius is actually very friendly. He likes to keep an open mind and will be more than happy to meet new, interesting people (and date them).
Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)
Pisces' head is always up in the clouds, but only because he’s dreaming of all the people and things he loves. Even if he seems spacey, chances are good that he’s just thinking about the plans you’ve made with him or what he wants to watch on Netflix with his boyfriend later.
With all of that dreaming going on, it’s no wonder that Pisces is often caught up in his thoughts. He's a very introspective person, which makes it easy for him to overthink things.
He's a complicated person by nature, but when he’s with his friends and significant other, all his worries and thoughts float away. He vastly appreciates the people in his life.
Emily Ratay is a full-time writer living in Pittsburgh. She's passionate about the environment, feminism, astrology, and plans to write a non-fiction book in the future.