Each Zodiac Sign's Horoscope For The Week Of May 9 - 15, 2022
Mercury retrograde begins.

Welcome to each zodiac sign's horoscope for the week of Monday, May 9 to Sunday, May 15, 2022 during Mercury retrograde.
So what's in store for each zodiac sign this week, according to astrology?
This week brings us many different transits, all of which will influence us in one way or another.
We are looking at the oncoming Mercury retrograde on the 10th.
With that in mind, we can all expect a certain degree of mishap and misadventure.
We will be taking in the vibes of many lunar crossings. Each one of them will directly affect us.
With Moon opposition Saturn and Moon in Virgo happening on the same day, May 9, we should see some very picky behavior.
With Moon opposition Mars and Moon trine Pluto retrograde, on May 11, we will definitely find out who has the worst temper and what they do with it.
All in all, this week promises much in store for those who know the difference between right and wrong. Decisions will be made this week that affect the rest of our lives.
Because of the Mercury retrograde, we will spend hours, if not days, waiting upon the results of tests, efforts, and communications. Whatever comes our way, we will act accordingly. Or not.
Weekly Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign In Astrology, May 9 - 15, 2022
(March 21 - April 19)
This week brings you work and accountability. You will take on a difficult project, and then you will have to stand guard as it takes shape.
You didn't know how much work would be required for this task, but when you said 'yes', you took responsibility for more than you thought would occur.
You will be doing a lot of 'catch up' this week, with one eye on one project and another on something altogether different.
(April 20 - May 20)
It's a good week for you as you get to do your version of 'playing.' There's a childlike quality to the week, where you don't feel as though everything you do must come with dire consequences.
In fact, this week gives you the freedom to be a little silly. You'll share some fun moments with friends. You'll experience the luxury of not taking everything seriously, which is a vacation.
(May 21 - June 20)
This week brings you the desire to be complimented and praised. While that might sound egomaniacal, you feel you deserve to be noticed for your good work.
There's a chance you will be recognized, but along with those who will praise you will come those who seek to take your name down and drag it through the mud. You know this would happen, so you choose to ignore it in advance.
(June 21 - July 22)
It's back to the waiting game this week, except now you are quite certain of the outcome, and it will be a good one. The only bother is in the waiting time; you are losing patience.
It's hard for you to know that your work is done, yet you will not have what you've worked so hard for. It's coming, it's on its way, but until then, you'll wait as you must do.
(July 23 - August 22)
You are about to take something away from someone, as you believe they have abused the privilege of having it. It may not be yours to take away, but you simply cannot stick around watching as someone in your life abuses something, and you feel you must stop them in their tracks.
This is a serious ending that you will cause, so understand that it won't stop until the field is laid bare once you start this mechanism up.
(August 23 - September 22)
Here, you have a week where you get to play the role of the helpful, wise friend. You may not be all that wise, and you may not even be a helpful friend. Still, you certainly adore the attention you get when you start giving advice to people who listen to you as if you are the messiah returned.
It's a part you play, and it gives you an inner thrill; you know you aren't an expert, but you certainly love to fool people by acting as if you are one.
(September 23 - October 22)
Whatever you've been up to, it's working out well in the home this week. All family members feel at peace with some recent decisions. You get to enjoy this week as nothing comes with obstacles.
You will have fun with family and share loving times with your partner. It's also a great week to get into some home improvement. Hobbies await!
(October 23 - November 21)
What's a little lover's spat in the middle of all the fun you've been having with your partner lately? It's not much, but there's a good chance that this mini-argument may throw you off course, romantically, for a little while at least.
You didn't know your lover had it in them; you had no idea that they could be just as feisty and aggressive as you are. It's a match made in Heaven, where two can play at whatever game you set up.
(November 22 - December 21)
You are coming into a well-deserved week, where your thoughts of depression and defeat are finally over. You've been going through a downtime, where you feel that life is over for you, and all you have left is to wait to die — WOW, that's negative.
Now, it's time to wake up from this bad dream and accept that YOU'RE the one who will make or break your life. Be the change, Sagittarius. Don't wait for permission to live. Get on it now!
(December 22 - January 19)
This week gives you the impression that you are being used, financially. You are generous, and those in your life know it. It's expected; you give, they take, and all is well.
And while that doesn't seem like a fair exchange, it's what you've accepted now for a while. So, you choose this week: say something to stop this or accept it and continue on, feeling used. It's up to you.
(January 20 - February 18)
You, on the other hand, will be sitting pretty this week as the money comes rolling in. Seems you did the right thing at one point, and now your investment is paying off.
Whether it was just plain old good work at the job or a literal investment that grew into maturity, you are the one who will reap the rewards of financial security this week. Weeks like this do not happen often. So open your eyes and take advantage of this good fortune.
(February 19 - March 10)
This week has no grand events in store for you. Unless, of course, employment security constitutes a grand event, which it very well just might.
You can celebrate this week because the status quo rules, and there's nothing much in the ways of negativity heading your way. It's a mundane week filled with mundane actions, and sometimes, that's exactly the kind of week we humans need to feel safe.
Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.