4 Zodiac Signs Most Affected By Full Moons
Watch out for these star signs when the moon is full.

Everybody is affected by the moon and her various phases in some way — it’s a natural phenomenon.
During both New and Full Moons, the gravity of the sun reinforces that of the moon, causing the magnetic pull of tides to increase, so just imagine what it does to us.
The moon pulls on our life source, our mental universe; it pulls on our emotions, our judgment. It can disrupt our thinking and make us paranoid.
But the moon can also give us power, magic, and magical thinking. That's why, if one is a practitioner of the magical arts, it is always during a Full Moon that one partakes in ceremonial magic.
For some zodiac signs, the effects of the Full Moon's pull are even stronger than they are for others.
But who is most affected by each month's Full Moon, and which zodiac signs' personality traits are most susceptible to the "crazy" haze that can occur while the moon is at its brightest in the open sky?
Four zodiac signs most affected by the Full Moon
1. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Known as the most open of all the zodiac signs to things phenomenal and ethereal, Sagittarians readily give up the ghost when the Full Moon comes on. It’s as if all that freedom that they associate themselves with suddenly becomes unbridled and loose as a goose.
A Sagittarius may become weepy and emotional during the Full Moon, and then once they’ve regained their vision, they’ll go off and plan something gigantic for the future.
When the moon is full, you can expect those born in the latter part of the year to go especially nuts — and by nuts, I mean untethered in imagination with possibly a bit of neurotic paranoia.
2. Libra (September 23 - October 22)
All it takes is that one tiny little cosmic push and those Libran scales can topple into wacky discord and unbalance.
Those born under the sign of Libra are usually pretty stable people. They’re used to keeping it bottled up, and while they don’t like to repress their feelings, they manage to be examples of stoicism and an easy-going attitude.
That's until, of course, the Full Moon rises in the sky — and then it’s time to let their Libra freak flag fly high.
Being balanced takes energy, and when the pull of the moon starts its work on a Libra man or woman, it’s as if the floodgates open up for them. Expect tears, wild ideas, sexy times and a little bit of self-hate. Not excited about the self-hate part, but hey, it happens.
3. Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
There we go again. Right after Sagittarius at the end of the year, you’ve got your Capricorn thinkers all revved up with no place to go. That’s how the typical Capricorn gets during the Full Moon.
Shine that lunar klieg light on the world of Capricorn, and you get a bunch of people who are excitable and ready to light the world on fire... except, they can’t really do that, can they?
And so, the Full Moon can inspire frustration in those sea goat types. The good thing about Capricorns is that they can transfer frustration into creativity, and oftentimes they do during the Full Moon. For creative types, especially writers, this is when the good stuff flows for our Capricorn buddies.
And once again, our friend Aries makes the grade ...
4. Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Oh, you pretty things, you. Don’t you know you’re driving your mommas and poppas insane?
Aries, Aries, Aries. When we want to know how the Full Moon affects us, just put an Aries under a Full Moon and you’ve got a recipe for a full-blown avalanche of emotions.
Sexual paranoia is a big one for our war-god Rams. You don’t really know jealousy until you’ve met a particularly neurotic Aries under a Full Moon and really got a taste of what it’s like to want to rip your flesh off and go running through the Moors like your American Werewolf Aries friend in London.
Or, perhaps it’s more like American Weresheep in London. But Aries takes the cake when it comes to Full Moon madness.
The truth is, we’re all lunatics to some degree.
There are just some signs that take it less stealthily than others.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.