What Your Zodiac Sign Can Manifest On June 7, 2023

Say something with powerful intention to make your manifestation work for you.

what your zodiac sign needs to manifest on june 7, 2023 Iryna Shek and Natalia Zakharova both via Canva Pro

The "I am" statement is the most powerful one you can make. When it comes to manifesting through affirmations, using the, I am statement powerful because it is believed whatever comes after it is what creates your destiny. Whatever you say you are, is what you will become. By speaking affirmations as "I am," you talk about life and energy in your deepest manifestations. You do this by harnessing the power of attraction and believing what you desire is already a reality.  


What your zodiac sign needs to manifest on June 7, 2023:


(March 21 - April 19)  

Manifest: Relaxation 

Take time out of your day to take an Epsom salt bath and cleanse away any recent challenges or negativity. Add a few drops of lavender essential oil to relax while repeating the affirmation.  

Affirmation For Today: I am embracing moments of relaxation and joy.  

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(April 20 - May 20) 

Manifest: Expansion

Write down on a slip of paper what you hope to achieve. Bury it beneath a basil plant as you repeat the affirmation. Add the basil itself to your cooking for greater abundance.  


Affirmation For Today: I am seizing opportunities for career advancement and expansion.  

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(May 21 - June 20) 

Manifest: New perspective 

Perform a shower meditation by scrubbing yourself with white salt and almond oil for greater prosperity. As you use the scrub under the water, envision yourself and your perspective being washed clean while repeating the affirmation.  

Affirmation For Today: I am open to receiving a new perspective in my life.  

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(June 21 - July 22) 

Manifest: Reconnection 

Tie a piece of carnelian and another with white string or red if this is a romantic connection. Lace them under your pillow while repeating the affirmation before bed.  


Affirmation For Today: I am holding space for a vibrant reconnection to take place.  

RELATED: How To Manifest A Better Life Than You Ever Thought Possible


(July 23 - August 22) 

Manifest: Emotional intimacy 

Practice heart-opening tapping exercise while sitting cross-legged. As you focus on the tapping, concentrate on your breathing and silently repeat the affirmation to yourself.  

Affirmation For Today: I am opening myself to greater emotional intimacy.  

RELATED: How To Use Sigils To Manifest Anything You Want


(August 23 - September 22) 

Manifest: Self-care 

Take a moment in the morning to sit with yourself. Focus on your breath, on the feeling of worthiness in your body, and repeat the affirmation six times as you smile with gratitude.  


Affirmation For Today: I am creating opportunities for more excellent self-care today.  

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(September 23 - October 22) 

Manifest: Inner peace 

Take a piece of amethyst and hold it in your hands while repeating the affirmation. Place it in your clothing or pocket throughout the day as you try to be mindful of your breath and protect your inner peace.  

Affirmation For Today: I am focusing on being a vessel of peace and love.  

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(October 23 - November 21) 

Manifest: Fulfillment 


Complete a gratitude practice by sitting quietly while you write down everything you are grateful for. Once finished, anoint yourself with frankincense and repeat the list aloud, touching on your heart. 

Affirmation For Today: I am fulfilled within my body, mind and heart.  

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(November 22 - December 21) 

Manifest: Important conversations 

Anoint your throat chakra with sandalwood oil while repeating the affirmation three times. Place a tiger's eye in your pocket for courage.  

Affirmation For Today: I am open and ready for those important conversations I avoid having.  


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(December 22 - January 19) 

Manifest: Trust 

Tie a small string around your left ring finger as you repeat the daily affirmation. Then untie and place the string somewhere sacred in your home as a reminder of trust within your heart.


Affirmation For Today: I am trusting in myself, the universe and all those in my life.  

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(January 20 - February 18) 

Manifest: Authenticity 

Create an altar with a gold candle, basil and rose. As you focus your intention for greater authenticity on the beforehand of you, repeat the affirmation.  

Affirmation For Today: I am honoring my truth as I embrace radical authenticity.  

RELATED: Best Marriage Compatibility For Each Zodiac Sign


(February 19 - March 20) 

Manifest: Understanding 

Anoint your temples with eucalyptus oil as you repeat the affirmation for the day. Place aquamarine in your clothing or workspace for greater clarity and peace.  


Affirmation For Today: I am practicing greater understanding toward myself and the unresolved situation solved.  

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.