What To Manifest Today, April 7, 2023, By Zodiac Sign

The Moon in Scorpio brings intense opportunities for each zodiac sign.

what to manifest today, friday, april 7, 2023 Carmela de Guzman from Sparklestroke via Canva/The Branding Co and daronk Hordumrong's Images  via Canva Pro

The Full Moon in Libra is gone, but we are still within the three-day window for manifesting by the power of the Full Moon. Today's Moon will enter Scorpio, so let's tap into our secret desires and set a powerful intention.

How should you work your manifestation for today? Say the mantra for your zodiac sign any time of the day or night. Write it down for extra focus, and pay close attention to your desire. Put your whole heart into this thought and see it in your mind as if you already have it. When you think about your burning desire throughout the day, believe this vision will come to you.


Keep reading to discover what to manifest today, April 7, 2023, according to astrology, based on your zodiac sign.



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What should you manifest today, April 7, 2023:


Manifest: Power


I know what I want, and when the time is right, I'm prepared to get it and claim it as my own."

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Manifest: Marriage and partnerships

"I attract the right person to my life, and the relationship fated for me will withstand the tests of time."

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Manifest: Health Improvements

"My body is a perfect size for me, and it functions exactly as it needs to so I can complete my life's purpose."

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Manifest: Romance

"I have amazing experiences and create unforgettable memories for myself and others."

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Manifest: A forever home

"I have a beautiful home that is inviting and comfortable for me, my family, friends and my pets. Whatever I need comes to me affordably  and at the right time."

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Manifest: A chance to speak your mind freely

"My words matter, and when I speak, things happen. People listen, and I make an impact."

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Manifest: Financial security

"Money comes easily to me. Whatever I must spend, I get back in another way in double measure."

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Manifest: A beautiful life

"Everything in my life is exactly how I want it to be. I have peace, and a solution comes to me without fail to solve areas of unrest."

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Manifest: Protection against hidden enemies

"I see people for who they are, and when someone tries to harm me, they fail."

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Manifest: Networking opportunities


"I meet the right people at the right time. In fact, what I have to offer, people have been looking for, so when they find me, they desire to do business with me."

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Manifest: A new job

"A career with living wages, amazing benefits, and flexible scheduling is mine. I look for this job, and I find it. The offer comes to me because my skills are perfect for the role."

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Manifest: A dream vacation

"The perfect restful vacation is mine. I have the money to travel, and I find a place that is safe, fun and super relaxing. Work, family, and pets are fine while I enjoy myself."


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Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is the Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She is a member of the ISAR and a graduate of the Midwest School of Astrology.