3 Zodiac Signs Are 'Lucky In Love' During The Moon In Scorpio On March 10, 2023

Love divine.

3 zodiac signs who are luckiest in love march 10 2023 tlteam, The Branding Co, michael jung and ifc2 both ffrom Getty Images all via Canva Pro

With the Moon in Scorpio on this day, March 10, 2023, three zodiac signs are the luckiest in love. We should see a lot of people getting in touch with intense feelings of both love and loyalty to the people they are in romantic relationships with. This is a very good transit for announcing engagements, as well as being a great time for couples to decide, one way or another, what they should do with their future together. There's a feeling in the air today that if we put our minds to it and do it together, we can accomplish great things.


Scorpio has always represented passion, and while we assume that means intimacy and romance, it extends itself to our passionate look at life itself. During the Moon in Scorpio, we want to be heavily involved. We want to show up, and we fearlessly let the people we love know that we are not backing down. The passion that we feel today comes in the form of self-respect, and it is that kind of secure feeling that allows us to be noble and bold around our romantic partners.



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During the Moon in Scorpio, there is one thing that becomes obvious to us and to our partners; we are loyal and devoted, or we are nothing at all. We feel that we need to trust our partners implicitly and let them know that this is how it must be. For three zodiac signs, this is a no-brainer, and fortunately, we will be met with partners who feel exactly the same way as we do.

The three zodiac signs who are the luckiest in love on March 10, 2023: 

1. Cancer

(June 21 - July 22)

You and your partner feel as though you are now ready to move on to whatever awaits you. Because you feel secure enough with this person, you really don't mind not knowing exactly 'what awaits you,' but you do know that, during the Moon in Scorpio, on March 10, 2023, you will do it together.

You trust your person, and you've shown them that you are not only dedicated but just as trustworthy as they are. This means everything to them, as they may be coming from a background where trust is key to their happiness. The two of you will feel very 'established' on this day, and the noise of the world and its pressures will bother you less than it generally does. Today is a day of togetherness and romantic understanding. You will feel at ease and at home with your partner.


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2. Scorpio

(October 23 - November 21)

You are only too happy to welcome in this day, because the Moon in Scorpio is always on your side and is always there to make you feel justified in your actions, in love and in romance. You know that you can sometimes come off as a little too controlling, but your romantic partner has learned to work with you, and on this day, you'll be surprised at just how lenient they can be.

You are pleased with your mate as they give you so much to work with, and you feel that this relationship is so much more than loving; it's intellectually stimulating as well. During the Moon in Scorpio, you're in your element, which means that you will enjoy the challenges they provide you, as everything this person does seems to generally consider your health and well-being. You've got yourself a winner, Scorpio.


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3. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20)

Scorpio energy always works well for you, and on this day, March 10, 2023, you'll find that you are not only clearheaded and able to speak up about what's on your mind, but you'll also find that the way you go about sharing information with your romantic partner is truly a blessing in disguise.


You and your person seem to have developed your own style of communication, and while nobody else can really understand how the two of you keep on keeping on, you know that it's just something you've developed over the time you've been together and that it works. Sometimes, you don't even need words to communicate; you are so on the same level as each other. Today brings this into focus, and along with this comes a deep appreciation for each other. You are wildly devoted to this person, and they reciprocate your feelings on a daily basis.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
