Monthly Gemini Horoscope


Luckiest day of the month for Gemini in May 2024: Saturday, May 25

Jupiter, the planet known for bestowing luck and abundance while expanding your life in the best possible ways, will shift into Gemini on Saturday, May 25. Jupiter is the largest planet of the zodiac. Because of this, whatever area of your life it touches will experience infinite growth during this phase. Your zodiac sign, Gemini, will help you live larger and bigger, representing a huge upgrade in how you spend your days and how you view the opportunities that surround you.

Take time to reflect on the significance of Saturn in Pisces, bringing up career potential just as Jupiter shifts into Gemini. You are being led to see that what you want to manifest in your career will become possible because of the personal growth you surrender to. There will be changes ahead on your path, along with risks that are tied to more deeply embracing your authenticity. Remember, you wouldn’t encounter anything you do if it also weren’t leadiing you where you are meant to be.

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