11 Little Signs You Mean Everything To Him
He's so in love with you. And it shows.

Honestly, the number of bad relationships we've been in has blinded us from the actual good guys out there. The right guy is out there, we just need a little help spotting him in a sea of jerks.
When you've found a man you want to spend your life with, you may look for indications that he truly appreciates and adores you. But sometimes, you'll just know based on a few very specific signs.
Here are 11 little signs you mean everything to him.
1. He will never go a day without reminding you how much he loves you.
You'll constantly feel like a priority in his life. He takes the time every single day to express to you how deeply he cares for you, whether it's verbally saying "I love you" or through his actions.
Finally, you've found someone who means as much to you as you do to him. And it's quite a wonderful feeling.
Photo: Rahib Hamidov / Pexels
2. He will do everything in his power to earn your trust.
He wants you to be comfortable and confident in your relationship. The very cornerstone of this is being able to trust someone, and he will realize that.
He knows this isn't something that's just handed over — he has to work for it. And because you mean so much to him, he has no problem putting in the effort.
3. He helps you feel courageous.
When your courage is gone, he will help you feel more at ease. No matter where life takes you, he will be your backbone through all of your weak moments.
He will be beside you every step of the way, cheering on your victories and wrapping you in his hands during your defeats. He goes to great lengths to ensure you feel confident to move forward.
4. He will be your motivation.
When you feel like you can't get up off the couch or start your day, he will keep pushing you to achieve your goals and make your dreams a reality. He will never give up on you or your passions, even when you want to.
His own drive and ambition will rub off on you as he pursues his own dreams. He really wants you to know that you are in this together, offering one another emotional support.
Photo: Julia Larson / Pexels
5. He always sees you as beautiful.
Making you feel beautiful does not just mean saying the words to you; it's in the way he glances at you, touches you, and treats you. When you feel low about your appearance, he reminds you of how you make his heart beat and his knees weaken.
No matter how you look or what you are going through, he views you as beautiful.
6. He accepts you at your worst.
Even when you're the furthest thing from beautiful, he sees your flaws and embraces them fully, without question. And he knows you do the same for him.
He doesn't care if you're in sweatpants laying in bed with morning breath — all he cares about is being with you.
7. His actions speak louder than his words.
Any man could say something but end up doing another. But this man is different. This man sees you as his entire world, and it shows.
There will be no such thing as empty promises or feeling forgotten. Every promise he makes to you, he follows through. He's true to his word, and goes above and beyond to make sure you know it.
8. He goes out of his way to show that you matter.
Do you need a prescription filled, but have to stay late at work? Did you forget your lunch at home? No matter how small the task, he will understand what really matters the most.
He will go to the pharmacy to pick up your prescription, and drop by around lunch time to deliver a meal. All because you are the most important thing in the world to him.
9. He makes you feel so undeniably safe.
No matter what situation you find yourself in, he will be there to make you feel secure. You'll always be able to sleep soundly knowing he's there, right by your side.
Photo: Spora Weddings / Pexels
10. He will never hurt you.
When you mean everything to him, you'll never have to worry about him hurting you. It's natural to have disagreements and arguments in a relationship, but there is no reason to make things personal, become insulting, or become abusive.
With him, you can go through each day knowing he is your safe space, and that he would never do anything to make you upset.
11. He will stand by you forever.
There will be good times and there will be not-so-good-times, but through it all, he will be there. He wants to work out everything with you because his love runs deep for you.
Any guy can be by your side on sunny days. The real test of character is whether or not he will hold the umbrella over you during the rainy days.
Étincelle is a writer whose bylines have appeared on PopSugar, Puckermob, among others. She writes about relationships, dating, and lifestyle topics.