Monthly Capricorn Horoscope


Luckiest day: Thursday, July 25

Lucky theme: Saying 'yes'

You need to leave some space for the unexpected in your life, Capricorn. While you can always make a plan for success and follow it through, it doesn’t always mean that there isn’t another way. But you have to be open to new offers, redirections from the universe, and allowing yourself to declare a plot twist and excitedly move into a new direction.

Mercury will move into Virgo on Thursday, July 25, bringing in a multitude of lucky offers that are all blessed with luck and abundance. It might not be in the area you had thought it would be, or even in the specific manner, but you will be receiving opportunities that will help bring in precisely what you’ve been trying to manifest.

Step out of your comfort zone, entertain new possibilities, and ensure that you are saying yes to the divine redirections from the universe. Wealth, success, and even greater meaning are yours — you just need to accept that life can actually be so much better than you once thought possible.

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