Each Chinese Zodiac Sign's Weekly Horoscope January 13 - 19, 2025
A winning streak for each zodiac sign.

This week's Chinese weekly horoscope is here for all animal zodiac signs. According to Chinese astrology, here's what you need to know about January 13 - 19, 2025.
This week's I Ching hexagram is Thunder over Mountain (#62), changing to Heaven over Water (#6). It reminds us that small wins must be treated with the same respect and consideration as big ones, as they directly lead to the big ones.
Remember that not every goal or path is meant to be forever, whether in love, friendship, project, hobby, or interest. So cherish the memories, but don't hold on beyond the expiration date. It will block you from embracing the new.
Journaling is called for here as a way to reconcile with wounds of the past so they cannot hold any power over you in the present. Something magical will emerge when you realize that certain small wins can lead to new paths and opportunities and big wins elsewhere.
Chinese zodiac signs weekly horoscope for January 13 - 19, 2025:
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Rat, how do you celebrate your body, health, energy centers, and life path? A meditation or spiritual retreat will benefit you this week and help you determine how to improve it.
Your love life will thrive when you thrive. So prioritize self-care and listen to your emotions to communicate clearly and be more present when engaging with your partner or love interest. A beautiful bond will emerge from this.
Do you love collecting items, coins, or toys? A limited edition may drop soon and bring you more luck this Lunar New Year!
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Ox, are you hoping for new love, either platonic or romantic? Allow your heart to lead you where you wish to go, and trust that in time, you will conquer all mountains. You must take the first step and then the next one.
From a romantic perspective, now's not the right time to marry, even if you are in a long-term relationship. Wait for a better window to tie the knot or pop the question. Large water bodies, like lakes, rivers, and seas, can counteract this effect.
Try to rest and relax more this week. It will energize you for the next big boost to come. Plus, you will recollect some precious memories that bring joy to your heart.
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Tiger, invest in what truly matters and create something extraordinary. Your inner strength pairs excellently with strategizing. Now's your time to finish a masterpiece project you want to work on. Those with an artistic bend will experience astonishing good turns this week. Poets will also find words flowing out of their souls.
In love, the opportunity to find your soulmate increases — you may already have this person in your life. Coupled? You can do a love ritual together for prosperity, especially on January 13.
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Rabbit, enjoy this time before the Lunar New Year celebrations. For now, do not worry about anything else.
Focus more on self-care this week, allowing you to correctly show up in romantic relationships with a full cup of love.
Games, charades, puppet shows, and every entertainment you can think of will beckon you now. Find your adventures and embrace them fully!
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Dragon, gracefully end the Year of the Dragon and make way for the Year of the Snake with positivity in your heart. Good things will come when you lead with love.
In romance, be the one who fascinates and draws curiosity by being your full self unapologetically. A vacation with your partner may be just the thing, too!
Food and nutrition will be a big thing this week, especially if you are building muscles and trying to prepare for sports, athletics, or a marathon. Pay attention to what your gut tells you.
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Snake, focus on family, friendship, and love. Open your heart and let the light in. It will bring fresh ideas and the desire to do something fun and crazy. Most of you will benefit from focusing on ongoing personal projects and personal development.
Love will come when you are ready. Try to make beauty, skincare, and all things that enable people to live a beautiful and healthy life a focus this week. A glow-up is here for you!
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Horse, choose your loyalties and express yourself clearly, whether it's a family discussion, a societal issue or even a sports championship.
In love, the opposite will attract this week. So watch out for sparks and flares when your eyes meet another's! Strong romantic tension will surprise you.
Are you good with handicrafts or woodworking? Doing crafts will help you to find peace in this area of life. Let your inner child come out and play!
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Goat, try your hand at something novel like a cooking TikTok or Instagram food recipe that wowed you.
In love, ask for clarity when you are confused. Knowing what you want will improve your communication and bring you closer to your relationship goals. Assumptions are a no-go right now.
Your career will benefit from new plans, outlines, and good strategies for success. You cannot do it all alone, so delegate and focus on teamwork.
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Monkey, know that you are not everyone's cup of tea, and that's OK. Your tribe will appreciate you and help you succeed.
Your love life may experience some ups and downs and emotional turmoil. Honesty will help improve communication, and journaling will bring insights into personal triggers and areas of responsibility.
Creativity is everything for you. Let your inner genius shine without censoring the spark. You will surprise yourself and everyone else in the best way possible!
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Rooster, let your heart rejuvenate and find ways to incorporate greenery like house plants and fresh flowers into your life.
If you are in a relationship, your partner could surprise you with a big gift. Single, but dating? You may have a conversation that leads to a decision to take your relationship to the next level.
Let your heart decide what it wishes to do this week to aid self-care and self-love. With fully charged batteries, you will be unstoppable in the weeks to come.
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Dog, love and creativity come together in both platonic and romantic ways. If you are single, you will find reasons to celebrate and engage with your date in the sweetest ways possible. If you are in a relationship, now's the time to share the deeper secrets and open up more to each other.
Poetry and spoken work will bring out messages and insights from your soul. Even if it's just fast rap, explore and find poets who speak about things that light up your soul.
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Pig, try something new and give it your best shot. You may or may not have beginner's luck, but you will enjoy it throughout!
Your love life will be potent now, so be more mindful of how you engage with your partner or date. Let your mind and heart be in sync.
Do at least one creative thing this week, whether a simple hobby or a learning exercise employing unique techniques. Everything will add up in the end in the most beautiful ways!
Valeria Black is a Tarot Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.