Weekly Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign From November 11 - 17, 2024
The week of November 11 - 17 brings significant changes to each zodiac sign.

Weekly horoscopes for November 11 - 17, 2024 reveal many changes on the way for each zodiac sign.
Venus enters Capricorn at the start of the week, adding some earthy energy to the sky while Martian energy helps us all focus on success with the Moon in Aries making a trine to Mars in Leo beginning on November 12. Mars and Venus taking the stage early in the week helps us balance our relationship dynamics.
On November 15, Saturn stations direct and the Full Moon in Taurus takes control. Things get a lot more entertaining on November 16 when the Moon enters Gemini, a good time to catch up with friends or communicate with others.
Each zodiac sign's weekly horoscope for November 11 - 17, 2024
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Venus in your career house brings positive energy for your goals and ambitions. Get ready to get busy once the Moon enters your sign on the 12th with a blaze of energy that can awaken your soul. The Full Moon in Taurus follows suit, igniting some passionate moments and making the concept of romance very interesting as the romantic themes from the last six months conclude.
As we look toward the weekend, the Moon in Gemini beginning on the 16th allows you to weave your story now that Mercury in Sagittarius gives you downloads, helping you to close the week.
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Pisces energy feels magnetic early in the week as it brings opportunities for socializing and making new friends. Once the Moon moves into Aries, you can rest and relax, since this is the prelude to the Moon in your sign.
The Full Moon in Taurus on the 15th encourages you to congratulate yourself on all you have achieved in the last six months. Celebrate both the big and small victories during this time since they will propel you to move with much more confidence for next year.
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With the mutable energy starting things off early in the week, the Moon in Pisces can be a good period for you to make better plans for your goals and future. You are feeling quite self-assured as Saturn prepares to station direct on the 15th. The Moon in Aries lets you feel the spark of hope as you trust your dreams during this Scorpio season.
With the Full Moon in Taurus on the 15th, you will reflect on how important it is to be there for yourself and trust your process. Once the Moon is in your sign, you feel recharged and ready for the next phase.
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Although the Moon in Pisces can help you get on track with your plans, it is the Moon in Aries beginning on the 12th that permits you to set plans in motion. Now that Mars has left your sign, it's a calming experience as you shift your focus to growth and planning and become less impulsive.
The Full Moon in Taurus on the 15th awakens your romantic side, making this a good time to see what you desire in relationships and what you are no longer willing to tolerate. However, the Gemini energy during the weekend can be a great moment for you to get back to you.
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Now that Mars is in your sign, you feel supercharged. The Moon in Pisces starts things off early in the week helping you find your strength and build your armor. The warrior energy is magnified with the Moon in Aries beginning on the 12th making a trine to your sign, making you feel more optimistic about the journey ahead.
When the Full Moon in Taurus commands our attention on the 15th, you'll see how your career or vocational goals have transformed in the last six months. Feel free to make changes or set new plans — the sky's the limit.
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Your relationship house receives a boost of energy early in the week with the Moon in Pisces warming your heart and allowing you to forgive those who have wronged you. Closing the chapters of the past gets easier with Saturn stationing direct on the 15th. The Moon in Aries on the 12th assists you with acquiring the maturity and growth to let go of the past and move forward.
When the Full Moon is in Taurus on November 15, you may reflect on the evolution of your learning process in the last six months, especially if you embarked on a new learning journey. On the 16th, the Gemini Moon shows you how to keep your eyes on the prize.
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Love is in the air with the Moon in Aries on the 12th making it a pleasant period pushing you to bask in the romantic energy with your partner. Or you can show yourself the care and love you need. The Full Moon in Taurus on the 15th adds more Venusian energy to the picture, helping you build and trust yourself as you traverse through the new terrain.
On the 16th, the Gemini Moon makes a trine to your sign, helping you to focus on a project or hobby that brings you joy.
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During the week, things get intense with the Moon in Aries on the 12th helping you feel more aligned with your purpose. The Martian energy has you going full force and feeling unstoppable.
As things intensify with the Full Moon in Taurus, you enter a potent chapter where taking center stage comes easy for you, especially once the Moon connects with Mars in Leo — but you can handle the challenging energy. The Moon in Gemini on the 16th helps you see your strength and power, a confidence-building transit that helps you find your voice.
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As we get more prepared to tackle the building pressures of the week, the Moon in Aries is a good time to analyze how your relationships with others have continued to transform in the last several years. Saturn stations direct on the 15th, helping you resolve any problems and reconcile with others in your home.
The Full Moon on the same day is a good moment to implement a routine that helps you reset and puts your priorities in order. When the Moon is in Gemini on the 16th, the relationship energy can feel potent as you uncover what you want from your partner.
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Venus is now in your sign adding harmony to your relationships. The Moon in Aries on the 12th helps you find the perfect outlet to release stress and feel recalibrated.
On the 15th, Saturn stations direct and the Full Moon in Taurus helps the collective reflect on the process of rebuilding our relationships. At this time you may experience the importance of taking care of yourself and being more mindful of how you utilize your energy.
The Gemini Moon on the 16th brings some new tactics that help you build stronger trust and set the foundation for making more impactful connections at school or work.
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Being in your element early this week with the Moon in Aries on the 12th can help you mend some broken relationships, especially now with Mars in Leo propelling you forward to meet new people and embrace being more extroverted.
The Full Moon in Taurus on the 15th is a moment where you begin to craft new plans that can help you get on the path to success. Air energy captivates you with the Moon in Gemini starting on the 16th, allowing you to take some initiative with your creative process.
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Venus in Capricorn on the 11th brings you new muses and helps you evolve your projects for the next several weeks. You know you can get ahead early this week with the Moon in Aries on the 12th helping you find the missing pieces of the puzzle you have been working on.
Things continue to click with the Full Moon in Taurus on the 15th allowing you to find your passion and drive during this Scorpio season. With Mercurial energy entering the picture, the Moon in Gemini on the 16th grounds you, serving as a potent source of inspiration and optimism for the next week ahead.
A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.