What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About The Week Of August 19 - 25, 2024, Per A Tarot Card Reader
Strength, power, and pure brilliant joy!

This energy of this week's tarot card horoscope tells each zodiac sign that it's time to brush off the blues and say bye-bye to bitterness because August 19 - 25, 2024, is truly sweet and resplendent! But, before we look at the one-card tarot reading for every zodiac sign, here is a general tarot reading for everyone. We have the Three of Swords, Three of Pentacles, and Nine of Swords on the table.
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At first glance, they speak of warring ways, ugly feelings, and the need to take anxiety into full account. Yet, they also give us the solution to the problem plaguing us — full honesty. The truth will set you free. Once you stop brushing things under the rug or ignoring red flags, no one can pull the wool over your eyes or make a fool out of you anymore. This applies to family, friends, and everything else, too.
So don't ignore what makes you anxious. The anxiety is not the problem, but whatever is creating your anxiety is. Anxiety can be your friend, helping you to sense what's suspicious and under the surface. This week, you must be more observant. Once you embrace awareness, you will discover your true inner strength. Now, let's take a look at each zodiac sign's one-card tarot horoscope for the week.
Weekly tarot card horoscope for each zodiac sign from August 19 - 25, 2024.
Aries: Ace of Wands
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The most compatible zodiac sign for Aries this week: Other Aries
Aries, you got the Ace of Wands as your tarot card. As a fire sign suit, this card aligns with your natural spirit. So expect only the best this week, including unexpected help from unexpected quarters as you venture forward on your chosen path.
Now's not the time to be slow and cautious. Be quick, spirited, and confident! You will also find joy when you try a new hobby or allow another person to introduce you to a new form of creative expression, be it pottery, finger painting, producing vegetable dyes, or something creative.
Taurus: Three of Pentacles
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The most compatible zodiac sign for Taurus this week: Other Taurus
According to the Three of Pentacles, working well with others will bring you unexpected blessings. Don't choose just anyone to collaborate with. Mediocre partners will result in mediocre results, while red-flag partners will sink your ship. Just remember: you have your areas of strength, and so do the ones you team up with.
Make sure to take the lead when it's your field of expertise instead of deferring to groupthink. Wearing a Clear Quartz or Amethyst pendant for greater clarity and inner peace is a great addition to your wardrobe this week.
Gemini: Five of Pentacles
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The most compatible zodiac sign for Gemini this week: Cancer
Gemini, some weeks can be more challenging than others. As this week is close to the end of the month (not completely, though), some of you may face some financial constraints because of overspending earlier this summer.
This card is cautionary against doing so now on luxuries that are best deferred to a later date, including expensive vacations. Keep a budget book to build better financial habits and to be more organized. Watch a few YouTube or TikTok videos on this first to get some creative inspiration!
Cancer: Three of Swords
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The most compatible zodiac sign for Cancer this week: Leo
Cancer, the tarot card for you this week is the dreaded Three of Swords. It cautions you not to ignore red flags for the sake of false harmony or maintaining the status quo. Only you will suffer because of it while the rest go their merry way. So protect your heart from heartbreak and trust your intuition!
Now's the time to close an old chapter if all it brings to your doorstep is more sorrow, pain, and the crumbling of dreams. Meditate on this and look for answers within. Saging your home and doing a ritual bath can clear away some of the stagnant energy and open you up to fresh ventures and clarity.
Leo: Nine of Wands
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The most compatible zodiac sign for Leo this week: Virgo
Leo, you have done a lot to make yourself worthy of respect. But the road ahead is longer still, especially if you are an athlete, a business owner, or a budding actor/entertainer. The Nine of Wands urges you to stay patient even as you shoulder all your burdens and responsibilities with strength.
Nothing can stop you if you can remain grounded and focused now. You are also encouraged to find ways to work out any anxiety or impatience from your system, as it's natural to experience that from time to time. Hitting the gym, dancing, or boxing are some good ways to accomplish this.
Virgo: Ten of Pentacles
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The most compatible zodiac sign for Virgo this week: Taurus
Virgo, the time has come for you to utilize what you have saved to invest in your future. Whether this is making a downpayment on a house, setting up a small business, or something else, you have the cosmic forces rooting for your success!
Remember to honor your loved ones and keep them in mind while making this decision. Plus, lean into love and support wherever you can. You are not alone on this quest!
Libra: The Lovers
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The most compatible zodiac sign for Libra this week: Capricorn
Libra, the tarot card for you this week is a major arcana card – The Lovers. Usually, it speaks of love and finding the one, but this time, it's cautioning you against romantic delusions. What may seem bright and sparkling on the surface may not be so underneath. So don't jump into any relationship or undertaking just based on initial vibes.
You may find yourself saddled with unsavory individuals that way. Instead, look at the options before you and remind yourself that you have an important choice to make.
Scorpio: Temperance
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The most compatible zodiac sign for Scorpio this week: Cancer
Scorpio, sometimes it's important to be a little eccentric to discover the truths of life and its magic. This week, you are urged to do just that, per your tarot card — Temperance. It's a major arcana that speaks of many things, but at this time, it's urging you to blend energies or ideas that may appear disparate on the surface even as you remain open-minded.
You will find something unique and astonishing if you can do this. If you feel called to, maintain an observation journal to catch more ephemeral ideas of this kind!
Sagittarius: Ace of Pentacles
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The most compatible zodiac sign for Sagittarius this week: Cancer
Sagittarius, this week you can start something new. You can establish a new order, like making new friends or social connections that enable you to keep growing and thriving in life. The Ace of Pentacles is often called a seed. So, while it speaks of potential and dreams for the future, know that dreams only become a reality when the seeds of it are watered and nurtured well.
You are also encouraged to be more mindful of the people you surround yourself with. Heavy pessimism masquerading as realism can block your native creativity. Almost like those people who strike down a child's dream to be an astronaut or a famous movie star just because they cannot see how that can be achieved.
Capricorn: Four of Pentacles
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The most compatible zodiac sign for Capricorn this week: Gemini
Capricorn, the time has come for you to ground yourself and make an important decision. Who will you allow on this journey with you? And who will you leave behind?
Friends may not always make the best business partners. But business partners and connections don't always become friends either. So be mindful. You will know who to go all-in with and who may be only interested in selfish pursuits.
Aquarius: Judgment
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The most compatible zodiac sign for Aquarius this week: Pisces
Aquarius, anytime anyone tells you that something cannot be done, ask yourself why they are so certain. The world we live in is too fantastical, even from the perspective of someone in the 17th century, for such comments to be true. Outdated ideas are what you need to watch out for this week, per your tarot card.
Judgment is a major arcana, so this message should not be brushed off! The right mindset will raise you beyond what you believe you are capable while the wrong one will keep you small.
Pisces: Eight of Wands
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The most compatible zodiac sign for Pisces this week: Leo
Pisces, the time has come for you to be more confident and self-assured. You have got what it takes, but self-sabotage will ruin your progress if you let it. The Eight of Wands reminds you that imposter syndrome is a lie. There's also no such thing as perfection. But what's true is the ability to learn, grow, have grit, patience, and so much more.
If you stumble today, it does not mean you will continue to stumble forever. If you feel called to, meditate on this, and it will help you move forward with greater confidence and strength.
Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.