How Neptune Retrograde Will Majorly Impact Your Weekly Love Horoscope From July 1 - 7, 2024

The collective becomes more romantic as retrograde season sets in.

How Neptune Retrograde Affects Love Horoscopes For Each Zodiac Sign From July 1 - 7, 2024 George_Chernilevsky, StockSnap from Pixabay, and via Pexels | Canva

The price for patience can be steep, but the results speak for themselves. That's the energy in love this week, between July 1 - 7, 2024, for the collective. But before we look at the weekly love horoscopes for every zodiac sign, here are the general messages in love for everyone.

First of all, with Neptune going retrograde in Pisces on July 2 and Mercury entering Leo on the same day, we are in for a cosmic treat right at the beginning of the week. Emotions will rise, and creative instincts will shine. If you feel the urge to be more fabulous than usual, don't hold back that eccentric urge. Dress to the nines and step out.


Yet, balance this urge with the soft and sweet in the arena of love. Whispered words and cozy cuddles will inspire and delight, too. So, if you and your love interest/partner wish to pull away from the world and enter a bubble of romance, do that too!


The New Moon in Cancer on July 5 is perfect for love rituals and wishes. You can gather pink candles, pink salt, and other ingredients that evoke the feeling of love and romance. Then light those candles and let the moon do the rest. Now, let's take a look at the weekly love horoscopes for every zodiac sign.

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The weekly love horoscope for each zodiac signs for the week of July 1 - 7, 2024


Best day for love: July 4

Key to Love: Focus on the love that's in your life at the moment.

Aries Weekly Love Horoscope July 1 - 7, 2024 stux from pixabay, graphixmania | Canva Pro


Aries, who are you when no one is around? The energy of love this week urges you to ponder on this question and discover your essence and true self separate from everyone else. Once you know this, you won't be afraid of engaging with another in love because you will know which part you are and what's them, and which aspects of them you are choosing to incorporate into your life because it makes it more fun and everything better. This is the time to celebrate love for love! How will you honor this beautiful energy this week?

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Best day for love: July 5

Key to Love: Give yourself permission to cry.


Taurus Weekly Love Horoscope July 1 - 7, 2024 stux from pixabay, graphixmania | Canva Pro

Taurus, your name holds power. Would you be okay with giving it away and taking on a different name? Or would you choose to name yourself differently from what you were given at birth? These questions may seem irrelevant in the grander scheme of things and for the health of your love life, but that's not so. Names have power and often drive us in unconscious ways. They will impact your love life, too, even though the nicknames you and your partner choose for each other. So be mindful and aware. The energy of love urges you not to stay silent about the things that pinch you inside so you don't stir the waters socially. But they fester within, leading to bigger issues when no one's looking.

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Best day for love: July 7

Key to Love: Journal your thoughts.

Gemini Weekly Love Horoscope July 1 - 7, 2024 stux from pixabay, graphixmania | Canva Pro

Gemini, the energy of love for you this week is all about recognizing the beauty within you and not allowing naysayers or incompatible people to convince you otherwise. Here, beauty is literal and figurative because diversity makes the world beautiful, and people are not robotic copies of each other. Whether you are single or in a relationship, hold on to this message and shine bright and beautiful. Your cosmic gifts will unfold in love when you do. You are also encouraged to lead with kindness in your love life, set healthy boundaries, or walk away while at it.


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Best day for love: July 7

Key to Love: Practice self-care.

Cancer Weekly Love Horoscope July 1 - 7, 2024 stux from pixabay, graphixmania | Canva Pro

Cancer, the energy of love this week for you is tinged with magic. Any wish you have can come true. So be extra careful of your moods and the things you say. If you accidentally speak badly about the person you love, you may manifest something negative for them. Similarly, if you don't recognize your true needs in love and settle or compromise on what doesn't feel right, you will manifest even more of such unpleasant experiences. Journaling your true wishes can help you know exactly what you want and bring that to life. The universe awaits!


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Best day for love: July 7

Key to Love: Allow people to love you.

Leo Weekly Love Horoscope July 1 - 7, 2024 stux from pixabay, graphixmania | Canva Pro

Leo, have you ever told yourself that you love... you? The energy of love this week is all about self-love for you, which will then transform into a magnetic manifestation of true love of the kind of partnership. People weren't lying when they said it all starts from within. You are also encouraged to make new friends and engage in interesting conversations. Just make sure to listen more than you speak or make it an equal exchange of listening and speaking. This will unlock your blessings in love, too, and bring you something beautiful in the most mysterious of ways.


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Best day for love: July 2

Key to Love: Enjoy some playful moments.

Virgo Weekly Love Horoscope July 1 - 7, 2024 stux from pixabay, graphixmania | Canva Pro

Virgo, have you ever thought about gardening or farming? If you have, it's because you have a green thumb and don't know this. As an earth sign, this is not unnatural for you. But if you don't tap into this potential and do something with it, it will always remain a potential and will never be useful to you. This brings us to your love life this week. Your green thumb will help you in it, whether directly through earth magic or indirectly by crossing your path with your true love. So get gardening!


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Best day for love: July 7

Key to Love: Let go of the past that is holding you back.

Libra Weekly Love Horoscope July 1 - 7, 2024 stux from pixabay, graphixmania | Canva Pro

Libra, the energy of love this week has a whimsical quality for you. If you feel like reading romantic novels or watching rom-coms, lean into that desire and allow your soul to be at ease and enjoy itself. Whether you are single or in a relationship, this message will apply to you as a chance to care for yourself and breathe. You may not realize this, but this whimsical activity will be a means of catharsis for you, too. If you feel called to afterward, journal your thoughts and feelings and be prepared for a big surprise when you write things that seem almost too wise or deep to have come from within you. It won't be the universe, though. It would be all you.


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Best day for love: July 6

Key to Love: Forgive someone.

Scorpio Weekly Love Horoscope July 1 - 7, 2024 stux from pixabay, graphixmania | Canva Pro

Scorpio, any time anyone tries to convince you that you are not good enough for love or romance, look at them and ask yourself why they feel the need to go out of their way to bully or mistreat you like that. That will tell you all you need to know. It's not about you. It's their fear they are projecting on you. The energy of love this week has many such revelations in store for you. So be mindful and observant. Don't take anything at face value. Look deeper. And if possible, journal your findings so you know exactly what to embrace and what to leave behind.


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Best day for love: July 3

Key to Love: Managing expectations in love.

Sagittarius Weekly Love Horoscope July 1 - 7, 2024 stux from pixabay, graphixmania | Canva Pro

Sagittarius, the energy of love this week for you is fun, frolicky, and full of sunshine and rainbows! This doesn't make it childlike or ridiculous, though. It just means you will be treated to the highest of the highs they speak of when they say someone is high on love. It's what couples experience during the honeymoon phase. Let this awesome energy soothe your soul and bring you joy. Things will organically mellow out eventually. Don't let anxieties sabotage you from experiencing this first phase of love. Just make sure to keep your expectations grounded so you can be happy in the moment, and that's that.


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Best day for love: July 1

Key to Love: History and taking notes about special moments.


Capricorn Weekly Love Horoscope July 1 - 7, 2024 stux from pixabay, graphixmania | Canva Pro

Capricorn, the key to love is what you believe is the key to love. That's your cryptic message for this week in this arena... but only because you are being gifted the chance to write your own destiny. So what will it be? Whether you are single or in a relationship, this message will apply to you, so choose what you want and go for it! Just remember that history often repeats itself when people forget to respect history or ignore it altogether. Tune into your wise Saturnian nature (after all, Capricorn is ruled by Saturn) and allow this window of opportunity to be the best thing to have ever happened to you in love!

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Best day for love: July 1 & 2

Key to Love: Sentiments and sharing gratitude with others.

Aquarius Weekly Love Horoscope July 1 - 7, 2024 stux from pixabay, graphixmania | Canva Pro

Aquarius, there's gold, and then there is fool's gold. That's your message in love this week. Know the difference, and you won't waste your time on people who are incompatible right from the start or those who look down on you or think you are not good enough for them for one reason or another. Don't take those rejections personally (although it's understandable if the mean-spirited rejections hurt). You must embrace your uniqueness and know that your soulmate will love you for who you are. You are also encouraged to find ways to heal old wounds, whether at a therapist's office or through journaling and self-reflection. It will all add up in the end for you.


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Best day for love: July 3

Key to Love: Do something kind for another person. 

Pisces Weekly Love Horoscope July 1 - 7, 2024 stux from pixabay, graphixmania | Canva Pro

Pisces, the sweetest experiences await you in your love life this week, whether you are single or in a relationship. Prepare to have your mind blown, and your heart open up with joy and pleasure. Of course, make sure to meet the other person halfway when all this is happening. It will ensure that you can extend the joy and create true memories with each other. Unlocking your creativity and becoming intensely inspired are just extra treats on the side!


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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
