How The Unpredictable New Moon Brings Change To Each Zodiac Sign's Horoscope Before The New Year Starts
New roadmaps await with unknown destinations. Use your values as the key to decide which steps to take next.

Good Vibes all around! This New Moon is a joyous, uplifting and expansive to what big dreams we have in store for ourselves. Ruled by Jupiter in Taurus, which is slowing down to station direct on December 30th, it is prompting us to recognize what we are moving on from and connect with others around the ways we can build our lives and future together.
This New Moon roots us in a grounded perspective and dares us to take steps towards something bold and exciting, with a trine from the North Node in Aries. Finally, the day following the new Moon, Mercury in Capricorn stations retrograde in supportive aspects to both Venus in Scorpio and Jupiter in Taurus. This could translate into new ideas around long-term goals, connecting with friends or loved ones you trust and sharing something personal that's been on your mind.
The effects of this New Moon are most accurately explained using a rising sign horoscope, but if you don't know your rising sign, choose the horoscope that matches your Sun or Moon zodiac sign below.
Here's how the New Moon brings amazing opportunities to each zodiac sign in astrology before the end of the year.
The Holidays are about to begin, but you may be wanting to ditch town and go on an adventure. This New Moon is happening in the area of your chart that's all about adventure, exploration, philosophy and perhaps how you make meaning in your life. You could be desiring to read about subject matters you've never read before or growing your capacity to study something that helps you better understand yourself.
Right now, you are going through a transformation around identity that started in July of this year and goes through the end of 2024. This New Moon could have you feeling an internal shift that allows you to shine in all your bravery, courage, and liveliness.
Do what motivates you to take action. Finally, this New Moon highlights the growth and expansion you are having in how you make a living, but you might still be thinking about greener pastures. Now is the time to go for it.
Money might be on the mind. This New Moon has you pondering financial decisions and which direction might be the best based on how your beliefs align with the people you might be partnering up with. This new Moon answers to Jupiter in your sign, which is bringing you lots of opportunities to be noticed, and it might be connected to sharing resources with someone or spontaneous collaborations.
Because Mercury is about to station retrograde, think things through until January 1st before agreeing to anything. Ask more questions. Think of more questions. Then ask again. Alternatively, you might be curious as to life's mysteries or things that cannot quite be explained or understood. Embrace what feels elusive. With support from the North Node of Fate in Aries in your area of hidden things, getting a good workout in could lead to new insights.
You bring a flair of joy, curiosity and connection to the world that others find so enticing. This New Moon invites you to see the other parts of yourself that might not be so apparent. We all have different parts of ourselves, and this new Moon is about allowing yourself not just to make the rounds at a social gathering but also saying what you have to say and that you know enough from your experience to speak with authority.
This New Moon may bring something spontaneous that you might not typically do, and it may open up opportunities for you to be a leader in your social groups. Stand in that power, Gemini. Finally, This new Moon answering to Jupiter in Taurus could help you understand yourself better through new interactions with the people around you.
This New Moon is a helpful adjustment to your schedules and routines so that you can have more space to be the pioneer you want to be in your career. Having Sagittarius rule the part of your chart that's about health and responsibilities, you may not vibe with the idea of a monotonous schedule. How can you accept flexibility as your routine and somehow make shoveling the snow an adventure to be had?
You may have a sense that you can commit to everything because you don't mind going from one place to the next. Just make sure that it doesn't come to the cost of not being able to show up how you want to show up in your expanding career prospects. This New Moon answers to Jupiter in your area of social networks and groups. Perhaps new people you are meeting in social settings are helping you figure out how to get the most out of your day and the freedom you yearn for in public life.
It's time to have a little fun already! Not that you shy away from it, but if you need permission, this is it. What do you like to do for fun that has no other purpose other than you feeling a sense of joy and thrill? With a supportive connection to the North Node of Fate in Aries, this New Moon asks you to connect the way you like to enjoy yourself with the long-term plans you have for yourself.
A trip somewhere you've never been could be a possibility, or perhaps going dancing, doing a little karaoke or letting yourself sparkle in public. This New Moon has a connection to your career. So maybe this new effort to enjoy yourself further strengthens your belief that you have a lot to give to the world and helps you understand what you want your legacy to be. If you have kids or little ones in your family, this could be a great time to spend some time playing with them.
This New Moon is connected to where you are living, and it's influencing what you want your long-term plans to be. Questions about what to do next could still feel fuzzy, and by the end of the month, you could become clearer as to generous paths forward. This new Moon brings new intentions on how you want to spend time at home and how you feel connected to those around you, and it could give you the confidence you need to believe in yourself.
With the New Moon making a connection with the North Node of Fate in the area of your chart that connects to others' resources and emotional intimacy, how are these two factors supporting you in feeling more free and liberated at home? How are you a leader in your family when it comes to doing something different from them, and is there any healing happening in that realm in how you both relate to one another? Finally, your ruling planet, Mercury, stations retrograde in Capricorn the day after the New Moon in the area of life where you seek joy. Fun has maybe felt heavy for quite some time but relief is coming. Look to the first day of Aquarius season as a breath of fresh air to get out there and enjoy yourself.
It's all about communication! How you communicate with the people around you is shifting and the insights are coming based on the dialogue you are having with your friends and close partnerships. This New Moon encourages open dialogue and being a little more blunt about what you want to say. You could have lots of new ideas that you want to bring to your social media channels, or you might be getting out there in the community and your message is getting heard.
With a New Moon ruled by Jupiter in the area of your chart that rules shared resources, how are you coming into new forms of shared collaboration with the people you see on a regular basis? Additionally, with this new Moon making connection to the North Node of Fate in your area of partnerships (business or love), you may be yearning to commit to something or someone. Look to those who have lived their life boldly and evaluate if it's a get fit.
Work. Work. Work. Work. This New Moon provides you with abundance and courage to believe in your talents and show what you are made of when it comes to making money. With this Moon having a supportive connection to the North Node of Fate in Aries in the area of your life that is about daily responsibilities, you are learning how to set boundaries on the work you can do, can't do, and the work that isn't yours to take on.
Your work routines may be changing and you are adapting to how you feel like you are leading when it comes to the daily scheduling of your day. This New Moon is ruled by Jupiter in your area of life, ruling your relationships, which may suggest that your colleagues could be the support you need and want and could lead to friendships outside of work.
There are many themes arising for you around shifts in your identity, how you want to have fun and the work responsibilities that feel abundant but potentially stressful and limiting at the same time. You want to work, and you don't have problems with it, but you are also seeking answers about yourself through the routines you have for yourself.
This New Moon may bring emphasis to wanting to be a little more romantic or perhaps doing something more creative with your energy. You need to feel a little alive and perhaps a little unnerved in your pursuits of having fun. Now is the time to honor that, whether that's skydiving or maybe dancing with your loved one. Between now and January 2025, you are being called to focus on creative efforts and see how that transforms who you are. This new Moon is about setting intentions on how you want to change the way you show up in the world.
Move your body! This New Moon falls in the area of your chart involved with rest, spiritual understandings and hidden things. In the sign of Sagittarius, you rest by going on adventures or being in wide open spaces to process. Perhaps surfing, hiking or making a trip to a place you've never been gives you better insights on things you otherwise couldn't focus on.
This New Moon makes a harmonious connection to the North Node of Fate in the area of life that involves home, family and chosen family. Resting or spending quality time or doing something inspiring with close kin could give you a sense of reprieve from the rigor of life's demands. Additionally, this New Moon is ruled by Jupiter in your house of creativity, bringing you a renewed sense of romance and creativity. Mercury stations retrograde in your sign the day after this new Moon, getting a layer of reflection around who you are and how you want to show up for yourself. By the beginning of the year, things could feel smoother and more stable for you to let the good times roll.
Are you a teacher to the world around you? This New Moon is bringing fresh ideas and a new perspective on how you want to take up space in your social networks and work connections, and with those, you have a shared vision for the future. This New Moon may be landing you in a new place to live that allows you to expand into the "spirited sharer of perspectives" role that you have with a community of folks who are eager and ready to learn.
This New Moon encourages you to connect with people that you speak with every day and let your leadership qualities shine. Now is also a great time to learn something new from those around you, simply based on curiosity, and let it integrate into all aspects of your life. By the end of the month, you could feel more stable about your living situation. That said, don't be surprised if unusual or surprising things happen in your home life.
Pisces. Let me tell you. This is a beautiful lunar phase for you to set intentions for the legacy you want to leave in the world. If that happens to be career-focused, this New Moon is calling you to dig deep and believe you can be the leader, the savant, in all things philosophy, travel, spiritual guidance, mentoring or teaching about greater perspectives.
Jupiter rules this New Moon in your area of life and rules close friends, siblings or the people you see every day at the grocery store. Observe how your daily interactions could lead you to answers about your career. Alternatively, this is a great time to position yourself as a teacher, or perhaps you're hard at work writing something you want to put out into the world before May 2024. Your friends want to help you. Let them amp you up. Embody whatever it means to you to be a leader.
Blake Kelley is an astrologer who helps people feel seen in their life experiences via their natal chart with an affirming, relational, and playful approach to astrology.