Weekly Chinese Horoscope For All Zodiac Signs Starting October 23, 2023

The universe has your back.

chinese astrology weekly horoscopes october 22 - 29, 2023 Jenny Lipets, Tartila, Happybee511 from Getty Images | Canva Pro

Good things happen to those who take a chance on themselves. That's the energy of this week, October 23 – 29, 2023. Before we get to the horoscopes for each Chinese zodiac sign, let's look at the week's general messages.

First, the I Ching hexagram of the week is Fire over Mountain (#56), changing to Water over Mountain (#39). Sometimes, it's beneficial to learn from all quarters and expand one's feelers everywhere. Other times, it's more beneficial to turn inward, strategize, look at one's wounds and mistakes and move forward later.


Weirdly enough, these phases of life transition seamlessly from one to another and back again without any observable catalysts. Sometimes, you can influence these states and control your destiny. All it requires is a moment of epiphany —  whether it happens while watching a movie, talking to a friend or buying bread at the corner bakery.



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You decide to stop and contemplate instead of letting the thought fade into the ether as most moments of epiphany do. Now, let's focus on the weekly horoscopes for each Chinese zodiac sign for October 23 - 29.

Chinese zodiac signs weekly horoscope for October 23 - 29, 2023:


(1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)

General Overview:

Rat, this week's energy is loving, generous and kind to you. The more you spend time with the folks who mean the most to you right now, the better the flow of positivity will be in your life. So keep those fake friends away!


Lucky Day in Love: October 27

Your love life will be quite prosperous this week, even if it remains the same as the last many weeks. You will have the opportunity to spend more quality time with your significant other. If you are single, you are in your magnetic phase and attracting the right sort of folks to yourself.

Lucky Day in Friendship: October 28

Some of you will benefit from doing an energy-clearing ritual this week to cleanse your aura and invite more healthy relationships to you. You can use a black candle for this. Light it to let go of harmful relationships and unloving connections and let the candle burn down.

Lucky Day for Career: October 29


Keep it easy and light in your career this week. The timing is not right to make big moves. Know that your hard work and persistence will pay off soon.

RELATED: How To Manifest Real, True Love


(1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)

General Overview:

Ox, your friends and family will greatly help you this week, whether they do so consciously or not. So keep your circle tight at the moment and reap the benefits.

Lucky Day in Love: October 29

In love, some of you are about to meet your soulmate. You will be introduced to each other by a mutual connection or family friend. But, in general, the energy of love is indolent yet sweet this week for you.


Lucky Day in Friendship: October 29

If you feel called to, light a green candle this week that's scented like mint or pine needles. You can even light an unscented one if you get headaches from strong scents. This will draw prosperity and peace into your life.

Lucky Day for Career: October 25

Communicate clearly in your work commitments this week, but be careful of people who seem more interested in initiating an office romance with you. Their ulterior motives may ruin your projects.

RELATED: Your Chinese Zodiac Sign's Lucky Number


(1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)

General Overview:

Tiger, sometimes it's good to take action swiftly. Now's not that time. It will benefit you more if you go into introvert mode this week and keep your matters strictly within your private circle or even only to yourself.


Lucky Day in Love: October 23

This week may not be ideal if you want to confess your feelings to someone. Wait for a bit longer. You may come across some vital information over the next few weeks.

Lucky Day in Friendship: October 23

Some of you will benefit from lighting a lantern and hanging it outside your home every night this week. It will ward off negativity and bring peace to your doorstep. You can even write your intentions on the side of the lantern.

Lucky Day for Career: October 24

You may find yourself in team situations at this time in your career, even if you prefer to work solo. Use this to improve your communication skills. Your mindset will help you overcome this challenge with grace.


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(1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023)

General Overview:

Rabbit, this week's energy is strong and good for you. You will feel confident and sure-footed. Just make sure not to allow anyone to needle with your emotions just for kicks and giggles. Hold your own even when you are in the company of authority figures.

Lucky Day in Love: October 23

Some of you are going through a glow-up right now. This attracts all kinds of people to you right now, regardless of whether you are single or in a relationship. Stay alert to the developments.

Lucky Day in Friendship: October 25

Your manifestation powers are strong at this time, too. So, if you haven't done a ritual lately, you will benefit from doing one on October 27 or 28. You can invite your friends for a communal bonfire night with beer or wine afterward.


Lucky Day for Career: October 28

Stay true to your convictions about your career, whether you are planning to change your job, relocate to a different country or something else. Only you know what's right for you.

RELATED: The 5 Luckiest Chinese Zodiac Signs


(1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

General Overview:

Dragon, the words of elders carry a lot of wisdom. They are not infallible. Ensure you know the context behind the wisdom lest you apply it willy-nilly to unrelated situations and secure the bad end of the stick.

Lucky Day in Love: October 25

Your sexual energy will be extremely heightened at this time. If you are single, you can use it in a manifestation ritual. If you are in a relationship, you and your partner are entering a very fertile phase of your romance.


Lucky Day in Friendship: October 24

Some of you may need to reevaluate the people you have in your inner circle. Good friends are not fair-weather partners. Neither are they doormats who let anyone and everyone take over their life without a say.

Lucky Day for Career: October 23

The energy around your career is a little mundane now. Go slow and steady and you will be fine. The time to express your ideas will come soon, just not yet.

RELATED: The Best (And Worst) Chinese Zodiac Compatibility For All Signs


(1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

General Overview:

Snake, the cosmic forces align protectively for you now. You are being urged to extend this energy to those who matter the most to you and ensure no one is taking advantage of them behind the scenes or outside your knowledge.


Lucky Day in Love: October 23

This week's energy is perfect for love and romance. It's also good for spending time with your loved ones. The more you lean into it, the better your life will be.

Lucky Day in Friendship: October 25

Those of you who have children may need to explain some of the grimmer realities of the world to them for their safety. Books written by child psychologists and other experts can help you greatly in this regard so you can communicate without scaring them.

Lucky Day for Career: October 27

If your intuition warns you against sharing personal information or ideas at your workplace, pay attention and don't ignore it! Some of you may face a challenge with a superior who is not as scrupulous as they seem.


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(1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

General Overview:

Horse, this week's energy urges you to go into introvert mode and spend time on personal reflections. Some of you may be prone to peer pressure at this time, so much so that you may take a drastic decision that is not in your best interest even though it's perfect for the person who suggests it.

Lucky Day in Love: October 27

Pay attention to the red flags! Whether single or in a relationship, you will benefit from reflecting on past mistakes and ensuring they haven't become unconscious habits. The color red will help you this week in matters of the heart.


Lucky Day in Friendship: October 29

Weirdly enough, you are entering a new chapter of life right now concerning friendships. You may even meet a platonic soulmate soon, if not this week. Trust your intuition when you meet new people at this time.

Lucky Day for Career: October 28

Everything is falling into place as it should in your career. Don't worry! Just maintain your pace and the fruits of your labor will come in soon enough. You may also benefit from finding a mentor, whether one-on-one or as part of a group or class.

RELATED: Year Of The Horse Chinese Zodiac Personality Traits, Years And Compatibility


(1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)


General Overview:

Goat, victory decorates the path of those who trust themselves. This week's energy urges you to boost your self-esteem and confidence and know what you are good at and where to improve. One will prevent you from second-guessing yourself. The other will help you stay humble.

Lucky Day in Love: October 25

The energy around your love life is good now. Your sex drive may be heightened, too. So, if you are single, pay attention to the red flags lest you exchange energies with the wrong sorts and allow negativity to cling to your aura.

Lucky Day in Friendship: October 26

If you feel called to, do a gratitude ritual this week to honor all the good that has come into your life. You can even make offerings to whichever higher power you believe in or your ancestors. Flowers and fruits are best for this; so is incense.


Lucky Day for Career: October 29

A positive attitude will take you far in your career this week. So, if you get irritated, take a break and just breathe in peace. The solution to your irritation will come to you soon enough.

RELATED: The Luckiest Feng Shui Home Layout For Each Chinese Zodiac Sign


(1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

General Overview:

Monkey, follow your heart at this time. Don't let emotional blackmail or the burden of other people's responsibilities crush you. Everyone should bear the weight of their own life. You are about to enter a new phase of life soon where decisions made from the heart will have a wonderfully positive effect on your future.


Lucky Day in Love: October 25

If you are single, don't chase after love and romance this week. The energy is better-suited to personal pursuits and self-care. How about signing up for a hobby class? Or learning a new language. The more you focus on yourself, the more attractive you will be to the right person.

Lucky Day in Friendship: October 25

This week's energy is great if you haven't expressed love to your close friends. You don't have to be direct and cheesy if you think they will laugh you out of the house or feel uncomfortable. You can express your care through small gestures.

Lucky Day for Career: October 26

Your hard work is paying off in your career, especially if you are part of a team or are a team lead. Rely on your strengths and allow the strengths of others to make up for your weaknesses. The results will be more than satisfactory.


RELATED: What It Means If You Have A Green Aura


(1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

General Overview:


Rooster, the energy this week is introverted for you. Spend more time on your creative pursuits and trust your intuition if it alerts you to potential problems and disasters. For some of you, this will be literal, like a storm warning or the sense that you are interacting with a bad person.

Lucky Day in Love: October 27

If you are growing tired of love and society's expectations of finding a match, take some time out this week to journal your thoughts and feelings on this subject. If you look for love right now, you may inadvertently chase the right person away because of emotional unavailability on your part.

Lucky Day in Friendship: October 28


Some of you are about to enter a new phase of life soon. So, if you find it hard to end the old cycle, do a closing ritual this week with a black candle to end the energetic attachments to that which doesn't serve you anymore.

Lucky Day for Career: October 25

The energy this week is very mundane for your career. Try not to overwork yourself and trust your intuition as you move ahead. Some of you will benefit from updating your knowledge or signing up for higher education now.

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(1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

General Overview:

Dog, this week's energy is calm and straightforward for you. You will be fine if you rely on your mental faculties. Don't let your emotions overrule you or lead you to procrastinate on what's important.


Lucky Day in Love: October 23

Some of you will benefit from journaling about your bad experiences in love. The energy this week is very supportive of finding resolutions and closure. If you feel unloved, say "I am worthy of love" to yourself every morning for the next week.

Lucky Day in Friendship: October 29

Peer pressure may have an undue effect on you at this time. So have fun when you socialize, but don't let anyone force you into actions or decisions that are not in your favor or for your highest good. The wrong people will be offended. The right ones will respect your boundaries.

Lucky Day for Career: October 27

If you are about to start a new job or are transitioning to a new project, the energy is auspicious at this time. You can amplify it by lighting an incense to do your best.


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(1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

General Overview:

Follow your counsel now, even if some of your well-wishers are not on board with your plans. They may not see all sides of the story that you can because of your advanced knowledge. Or, they may be speaking subjectively about something that would be bad for them but would be subjectively a very good decision for you.

Lucky Day in Love: October 23 & 24

If you haven't expressed what's in your heart to the one who has stolen it (metaphorically), now's the time to be brave and take the first step. Don't rush them, though. Sometimes, knowing you are loved can be incredibly healing, even if they are not ready for a relationship or interested in one.


Lucky Day in Friendship: October 27

If you feel called, do a cord-cutting ritual this week, perhaps on October 27 or 28. This will help you cleanse your energy field and allow you to attract healthy relationships into your life. It can even help some of you make new friends if you feel stuck in a toxic space.

Lucky Day for Career: October 29

The timing is not right for fast action in your career. Be patient. The time right now is better suited for personal reflections and journaling your plans for your future.

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
