What Each Zodiac Sign Can Manifest On September 20, 2023

Own your inner power to be able to manifest whatever you desire as the Sun in Virgo aligns with retrograde Pluto in Capricorn this Wednesday.

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Exhale the stress of the world and light some fragrant clove incense as you allow yourself to ground into the workings of the universe. Remember that you are connected to the energy surrounding you, and within yourself, hold immense power to attract and manifest what you desire. Transformation is a process of alchemy in which you can take what is and create it into anything you wish, yet it is one that begins within.  


Wednesday, September 20, the Sun in Virgo aligns auspiciously with retrograde Pluto in Capricorn, helping you step back into your internal power and see how you can control not only what you manifest but also your fate.

The Sun rules your external self, and in Virgo, it is concerned with healing and planning for the future, while Pluto rules all that is unseen, and in Capricorn, it is helping you tap into your inner power. You are genuinely as influential and commanding as the universe, and when you realize this, you can co-create and manifest whatever you desire or wish. But to step into your power, you must honor your worthiness and purpose, washing anything that came before in the acceptance of necessity.  


Elements For Your Rituals, Wednesday, September 20 

Leading Energy: Capricorn, Earth 

Best Time For Your Ritual: Anytime 

Chakra Point: Root 

Herbs: Cinnamon, Sage, and Rosemary 

Essential Oils: Cedarwood, Frankincense, and Geranium 

Crystals: Black Tourmaline for power, Garnet for joy, and Tiger’s Eye for inner strength 


Incense: Clove 

It was all for a purpose, and as the stars continue to usher in a new chapter, you are being reminded that you are as powerful as the universe you are trying to manifest with. You have control over yourself and your life, and because of that, you can control your destiny. But there is no manifesting without transformation, and that begins within yourself as you own your inner power and recognize that you always have had the ability to create change, trust the divine flow of life, and confidently know that nothing can stop you because you are everything.  

What your zodiac sign can manifest on September 20, 2023 


(March 21 - April 19)  

How to manifest: Career growth 


Honor the power of the Virgo Sun and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn as it calls your attention to your career sector. Begin your ritual by collecting a piece of bark from a birch tree and carving the sigil for success on it. Anoint the bark with frankincense essential oil while you repeat your affirmation and bury it beneath a basil plant for prosperity.  

Daily affirmation: My career is stable, and as it grows, it brings me success and financial rewards.  

RELATED: How To Manifest Money


(April 20 - May 20) 

How to manifest: New opportunities 

The Virgo Sun and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn help you focus on the abundance of new opportunities surrounding you. Create an intention jar using your written affirmation, cinnamon, cloves, sage, and tiger’s eye. As you seal it with orange wax, repeat your affirmation, and then place it in an east-facing window to call in the earth energy of Capricorn.  


Daily affirmation: I am surrendering to the universe as I open to receive new opportunities.  

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(May 21 - June 20) 

How to manifest: Dynamic changes 

Embrace the period of transformation you are within as the Virgo Sun and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn invite you to surrender to the power of the divine. Begin by anointing a white candle with frankincense essential oil and rolling it in crushed sage. Once you light it, please write down your affirmation and safely burn it while repeating it. Allow the candle to thoroughly burn out, and then return all materials to the earth.  


Daily affirmation: I am embracing dynamic changes in my life as I surrender to the power of the divine.  

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(June 21 - July 22) 

How to manifest: Romantic clarity 

Allow the loving energy of the Virgo Sun and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn to help you open to clarity within your romantic relationship. Begin by collecting a small jar of honey and placing three sliced cherries inside to honor the energy of Capricorn. As you stir them together, repeat your affirmation, and then use the honey in your tea or for another to help you gain the clarity you seek.  

Daily affirmation: I am opening my heart to romantic clarity as I embrace growth and transparency in my relationship.  


RELATED: What Each Zodiac Sign Can Teach You About Love


(July 23 - August 22) 

How to manifest: Inner truth 

As the Virgo Sun and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn call your attention to your inner self, you are encouraged to step into your authentic truth. Create an aura spray using plain witch hazel cedar wood and geranium essential oils. Place black tourmaline inside to help you embrace your inner power, and as you spray it around your energy field, repeat your affirmation.  

Daily affirmation: I am stepping into my inner truth as I radiate brilliant authenticity.  

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(August 23 - September 22) 


How to manifest: Alignment 

Allow yourself to align your actions and priorities with what is most important to you as the Virgo Sun and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn highlight this area of your life. Begin by creating an offering using marigolds, sage, and cinnamon. Place a small cone of clove incense inside, and light it as you repeat your affirmation. As the incense burns, wash the smoke over your chakra points, paying particular attention to your root energy. Once it has burned out, return all materials to the earth.  

Daily affirmation: My priorities are aligned closely with what is most important to me.  

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(September 23 - October 22) 

How to manifest: Stability 

The Virgo Sun and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn draw your focus on your healing and home as you are encouraged to build a place of inner stability before focusing on anything outside of you. Begin by slicing four cherries in half, symbolizing Capricorn. Add them to a bottle of water, place black tourmaline and tiger’s eye inside, and send your intention into it. Each time you drink from this today, repeat your affirmation and focus on the feeling of building a home within yourself.  

Daily affirmation: I am building a space of stability, safety, and peace within myself and my life.  


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(October 23 - November 21) 

How to manifest: Inner healing 

Allow yourself to process the inner healing you are moving through as the Virgo Sun and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn call you to care for yourself and your feelings more deeply. Begin by creating a salve using coconut oil and the essential oils of cedar wood and geranium. Add in a touch of cinnamon and crushed bay leaves for added power. Once ready, massage the salve into your chakra points while repeating your affirmation.  

Daily affirmation: I am taking time to process my inner healing as I embrace newness in my life.  

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(November 22 - December 21) 

How to manifest: Financial Abundance 

Focus on the financial abundance you want to create in your life as the Virgo Sun and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn help you to attract more incredible wealth. Begin by collecting a birch leaf and lighting a green candle. Write your affirmation on the birch leaf, then anoint it with frankincense essential oil. Inside of the leaf, place cloves, cinnamon, and three coins. Bind it together with a green ribbon, and plant it beneath a basil plant while you repeat your affirmation.  

Daily affirmation: I am a magnet for financial abundance and wealth.  

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(December 22 - January 19) 

How to manifest: Renewal 

Allow yourself to shed what was so you can recharge your spirit and take control over your life again as the Virgo Sun and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn help you step back into your power. Begin by creating an offering with sage, palo santo, rosemary, lemon balm, and a sprinkle of salt for protection. Find a quiet space, light clove incense, and then safely burn your offering while you repeat your affirmation. Return the cooled ashes to the earth.  

Daily affirmation: I recharge my spirit as I embrace a divine renewal.  

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(January 20 - February 18) 

How to manifest: Soul direction 

Embrace the divinity of your inner self as you step into the greater trust of your dreams and intuition as the Virgo Sun and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn encourages you to listen more deeply to your soul. Begin by creating an intention sachet using lavender, sage, cloves, and black tourmaline. As you sew it closed with violet thread, repeat your affirmation and place it in your clothing or pocket throughout the day.  

Daily affirmation: I am honoring the direction of my soul and surrendering to my inner knowing and power.  

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(February 19 - March 20) 

How to manifest: Your heart’s wish 

Feel confident in your heart and inner wishes as the Virgo Sun and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn invite you to step into the place of co-creation with the universe. Begin by laying out a square of violet fabric and place your written affirmation, rose petals, sage, cinnamon, and cloves inside. As you tie up the four corners with a white ribbon, repeat your affirmation and bury it beneath a birch tree, symbolizing the Capricorn energy.  

Daily affirmation: I am embracing the deepest wishes of my heart as I trust I am meant to bring them to fruition. 

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website