The Luckiest Day Of The Week For Each Zodiac Sign September 4 - 10, 2023
The luckiest day of the week horoscopes for all zodiac signs, September 4 - 10, 2023.

Focus on what you have rather than only fixating on what you don't. The universe relates to an energy of abundance and attraction by helping you create more of what you already possess as it responds to the vibration you send out. Often, this isn't done by creating an influx of the new but by showing your gratitude and ability to respect what you have already manifested.
Jupiter, the planet of luck, shifts into retrograde in Taurus on September 4, allowing you to focus on what you've created and chosen since it first moved into this hardworking sign on May 16, 2023. Since then, you've been more concerned with creating long-term success and abundance than only fleeting moments of luck or divine timing. Now that Jupiter is beginning its retrograde in Taurus, you will be asked to reflect on all that has occurred since that time, mastering lessons around patience, dedication, honesty and perseverance.
This is a hugely beneficial time for you as you can adjust, review contracts and even begin to make headway towards achieving all you dream of. Jupiter in Taurus will be retrograde until December 3, 2023, helping you to take advantage of this review period so that as the year ends, you can ensure you will be where and within whom you are meant to be.
Jupiter tends to rearrange the structures of your life to create more opportunities for expansion and opportunity as it responds to your inner growth rather than how things look in this moment. If you've been staying true to yourself, even if it may not feel like you've accomplished all you desire, this time may also help show you the results of your healing journey. During Jupiter retrograde, you are called to realign your outer life to reflect on your inner growth, which will inevitably lead to changes. However, these changes will also help you create a life of all you desire rather than just a few serendipitous moments.
Shortly after Jupiter begins its retrograde, the Last Quarter Moon in Gemini rises, helping you release anything, including your timeline, which no longer serves you through thoughtful reflection and honest conversations. This lunation reinforces the awareness that anywhere worth going, or anything worth achieving, will take time. This process isn't meant to deter you from your goals but to give you enough time to ensure everything is done in the best way possible so that you are blessed with luck and abundance for a lifetime.
The luckiest day of the week for each zodiac sign:
(March 21 - April 19)
Luckiest Day: Wednesday, September 6, 2023
There is no room for self-doubt or negativity right now. You may not be able to change your life overnight, but you can speak your truth, which will help create the foundation for the luck and abundance you seek. Focus on what you need to release within yourself and the critical conversations about freeing up space in your life for new growth as the Last Quarter Moon in Gemini activates your communication sector.
The retrograde season isn't a period of inactivity but cleaning up what is only collecting dust within your life. The more you can take the opportunities for expansion as they come, even if it's only creating space for your dream to take root, the more successful you will be once you feel free to take action.
(April 20 - May 20)
Luckiest Day: Monday, September 4, 2023
Jupiter, the planet of abundance and luck, begins its retrograde journey in your sector of self. During this Jupiter phase, the primary purpose is to expand outside your comfort zone as you allow yourself to be more authentic and entertain new possibilities. During Jupiter's retrograde, it is your chance to reflect on how well you've embraced newness so that you can make any adjustments or clearings necessary to make full use of the planet of luck in your sign until May 24, 2024.
Use any new awareness to make new choices or learn what you are genuinely passionate about. While this may stir up feelings for you, remember how empowered you are to create the life of your dreams with Jupiter in your zodiac sign as you continually rededicate yourself to living outside your comfort zone.
(May 21 - June 20)
Luckiest Day: Wednesday, September 6, 2023
The Last Quarter Moon in Gemini rises on September 6, inviting you into a crucial moment of awareness as you can reflect more deeply on what thoughts or perspectives you are still hanging onto that no longer are serving the dreams you have for your life. Use this as a time to go within yourself, get honest about what you need and don't and then seize the moments of conversations or release with unwavering dedication.
By committing fully to the life you dream of, you also announce to the universe you are fully ready for this new phase of your life. Just because things may be moving slowly, or you have a sudden epiphany that seems to call into question recent choices, remember it's never a setback. Still, instead, it is only the divine setting you up for ultimate success.
(June 21 - July 22)
Luckiest Day: Monday, September 4, 2023
In a year wrought with changes, you are entering a period of growth and realigning your outer life with how much you've grown internally. Jupiter retrograde specializes in this, and for you, it is intensified, as in the warmhearted sign of Taurus, it is activating your personal goals and social sector. It's time to make the best use of the connections you have in your life, as they will lead to breakthroughs and even lucrative opportunities.
Embracing the power of those around you will help you assemble this new chapter of your life. While it may be hard to know precisely where that will lead during the retrograde season, you don't need to have all the answers to start embracing the connections you have in your life. By doing this, you are sending out a vital energy of worthiness and signifying to the universe that you're ready for this new and lucky chapter in your life.
(July 23 - August 22)
Luckiest Day: Monday, September 4, 2023
Jupiter retrograde in Taurus highlights your career sector as you are guided to slow down and reflect on your recent professional choices. Since Jupiter entered this hardworking earth sign on May 16, 2023, you've had to think more long-term rather than instant success. This hasn't always been comfortable, but you are primed to reap its benefits. The more you take your time to build the career of your dreams, the longer it will last. Even if that takes you in new directions or retracing your previous steps, the slower you go, the more successful you will become.
By honoring this astrological phase, you can rededicate yourself to what is most important to you. Along with your professional worth, ensure that anything you agree to from this point on genuinely nurtures every facet of your life — and not just your financial bottom line. You've learned that you need more than monetary success to find happiness.
(August 23 - September 22)
Luckiest Day: Monday, September 4, 2023
This is an extremely lucky time for you as Jupiter begins its retrograde in your sector of luck and expansion. During Jupiter's retrograde in this area of your life, you will see more abundance and opportunities in what you've already put the effort into creating rather than jumping into any new educational or travel pursuits. To honor this, spend time looking at your life and what you are preparing to enjoy the rewards of, as this is where you are guided to focus your energy most in the week and even months to come.
It can be alluring to always have an eye on the future and what you want to do next, but often, the best adventures and luckiest moments are those you find closer to home — and your heart. Focus on simplifying things and giving yourself time to find gratitude for how far you've come. By demonstrating to the universe your appreciation for all you've already been divinely guided to create, you'll ensure you only continue attracting more.
(September 23 - October 22)
Luckiest Day: Wednesday, September 6, 2023
The Last Quarter Moon in Gemini lights up your sector of luck, helping you reflect honestly about what needs to be released to make the most of this opportune time in your life. Recently, there has been more of an energetic focus around you returning to your personal goals and dreams for your life, as you may have prioritized something or even someone else previously. Yet, only your vision for life can manifest the abundance you dream of.
Allow yourself to see things as they are, recognizing what is taking too much energy, draining your dreams, or even serving as a block to feeling like you are your most empowered authentic self. As you prepare for your New Moon Solar Eclipse in October 2023, take this opportunity to go within and focus on what needs to change so you can embrace the full spectrum of fated luck the universe has in store for you.
(October 23 - November 21)
Luckiest Day: Wednesday, September 6, 2023
You mustn't think the best is behind you because you are just beginning. The previous eclipse cycle, in which there will be one more event in October 2023, was about you up-leveling to an entirely new version of yourself and affecting your closest relationships. But to truly seize the potential behind this powerful force, including Jupiter retrograde in your sector of relationships, you have to leave the past where it is without thinking you are missing out on something meant for you.
The Last Quarter Moon in Gemini activates your transformation sector, allowing you to see things more accurately and transparently, which will help serve your growth process. The more you can see the past, the more the future will come into focus. Just because you had to go through everything you did to arrive now doesn't mean you need to stay there. Set yourself free and watch how the universe responds to your new vibration.
(November 22 - December 21)
Luckiest Day: Monday, September 4, 2023
Right now, the most important thing you can do is to care for yourself in all the ways you need. Direct that energy toward yourself instead of looking at your finances, career, or relationship. The more you lean into your self-care, healing and growth, the more luck you will generate in life, but first, you must become what you want to attract.
Jupiter retrograde in Taurus highlights your wellness sector, reminding you that your health determines all you can create and succeed within. When caring for your physical, mental and emotional health, you can approach things from your higher self, which will always be the key to tapping into the luck and abundance that is divinely meant for you.
(December 22 - January 19)
Luckiest Day: Wednesday, September 6, 2023
The Last Quarter Moon in Gemini rises this week, inviting you to look at the routines you have in your life and reflect on whether they support you in feeling like your best self. Gemini rules your wellness sector, and the Last Quarter Moon in this area of your life represents that something needs to be changed or even released to help you step more fully into the place where you can co-create with the universe.
Although you are currently in the depths of retrograde season, it doesn't mean you are bound to do nothing while you wait for it to pass. Instead, it's about embracing every moment, just like the Last Quarter Moon in Gemini is bringing, to be able to adjust along the way that will help you attract the luck needed for your big comeback.
(January 20 - February 18)
Luckiest Day: Wednesday, September 6, 2023
The more you believe you are worthy of everything you dream of for your life, the more quickly you can create it. The Last Quarter Moon in Gemini activates your sector of joy and commitment, reminding you that anything that is only taking up space in your life must go. Please don't waste any time on anything that feels tedious or like you must talk yourself into accepting it. If it's not a full yes of joy and happiness, then it's a no. Trust your inner voice to remain confident in creating a life entirely based on all you desire.
The Last Quarter Moon in Gemini highlights communication as this is one of the ruling signs of Mercury, so be mindful of where you may need to articulate your truth to another, specifically if it involves a boundary. You get to decide what to allow in your life and what to refuse, and as you practice this more readily, you also will find that life will only ever be as lucky as you create space for it to be.
(February 19 - March 20)
Luckiest Day: Monday, September 4, 2023
Jupiter retrograde in Taurus rules over your communication sector as you are drawn inward to reflect on whether you are genuinely communicating from a place of growth. Jupiter retrograde typically encourages inner reflection so you can make the changes necessary to live a life that aligns with your growth and healing. Still, in Taurus, it's also amplifying the importance of your conversations or writing projects.
Use this time to review how you present yourself to the world, ensuring that you are only moving in ways that represent your growth and convey your sense of innate abundance. The more you honor your worth, truth and lessons learned through declaring clearly who you are and what you desire for your life, the easier the universe will be able to co-create with you as it brings to fruition the lucky abundance you've always known was meant for you.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.