What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Manifest On Sunday, May 7, 2023
To get a different result, you need to do things differently.

Your daily manifestation affirmation is here to help you manifest what your zodiac sign needs on Sunday, May 7, 2023. To get a different result, you need to do things differently. This means exploring other methods to achieve your goals and manifest your intentions.
Today, Venus shifts into Cancer, activating both themes of love, self-care, financial abundance and even family. By tapping into the frequency of the universe, you are also becoming one with it.
You are working with celestial energies and opening up a portal of creation. You remove blockages and plant the seeds of abundance by harnessing your inner belief that you can create and have whatever you wish. You make real what you already believe is.
What each zodiac sign needs to manifest on May 7, 2023:
(March 21 - April 19)
Manifest: a peaceful home
Practice a sweeping meditation as you sweep out all that you no longer want in your home. Finish by smudging your space with white sage and lavender to cleanse and restore peace.
Manifestation affirmation: I am worthy of a loving, safe space to call home.
(April 20 - May 20)
Manifest: improved communication
At 3:33 (pm or am), hold an aquamarine crystal in your hand while repeating the daily affirmation three times; you can add what you are specifically awaiting word on.
Manifestation affirmation: I hear what I need to know.
(May 21 - June 20)
Manifest: wealth
Take a dollar bill and write on it the word wealth with a green pen or marker. Go outside and plant it beneath a large tree, like an oak repeating the affirmation seven times.
Manifestation affirmation: Wealth grows for me.
(June 21 - July 22)
Manifest: harmony
Place a yellow knob candle at the center of your altar surrounded by lavender, rose petals and chamomile. You can also make tea from the same herbs as you focus on the candle sending your intention for harmony as you repeat the affirmation.
Manifestation affirmation: I am at peace with myself and those around me.
(July 23 - August 22)
Manifest: belonging
Write the word 'belonging' on a small piece of paper, then place it at the bottom of a new empty gardening pot. Place it in soil and then plant seeds or a seedling of lavender, passionflower or ginger as you repeat the daily affirmation to bring in a greater sense of belonging within your life.
Manifestation affirmation: I am where I truly belong.
(August 23 - September 22)
Manifest: intimacy
Taking a red candle, etch the word intimacy onto it vertically. Cover it with rose oil, and then massage the remainder of your hands into your heart chakra. As you write the candle, repeat the affirmation eight times as you focus on receiving the same warmth and love from others you always extend.
Manifestation affirmation: I receive the same presence I bring to the lives of others.
(September 23 - October 22)
Manifest: respect
Take a white candle and wrap twine or string around it as you repeat the affirmation. Once finished, place it surrounded by bay leaves and light it as you focus your energy on radiating being worthy of respect.
Manifestation affirmation: I am worthy of respect for all my contributions.
(October 23 - November 21)
Manifest: quiet
Draw or gather photographs of what or who brings unnecessary noise to your life. Place it on an altar with a white candle and visualize the word silence as you quietly say the daily affirmation.
Manifestation affirmation: I embrace the quiet to return to myself.
(November 22 - December 21)
Manifest: emotional truth
Take a red, blue and white candle and etch into them the word 'truth.' Arrange them in a triangle formation with a bowl of water in the middle. Add lemon balm oil to the water and anoint yourself as you repeat the affirmation for today.
Manifestation affirmation: I am open to seeing and feeling things differently while holding space for others.
(December 22 - January 19)
Manifest: patience
Hold even a common stone in your palm as you feel the texture, shape and size of the stone. While repeating the daily affirmation, focus on absorbing the stone's energy and place it in your pocket throughout the day.
Manifestation affirmation: I trust in divine timing and practice patience in all matters.
(January 20 - February 18)
Manifest: comfort
Write down the daily affirmation on a piece of paper and then rub a few drops of rose oil into the paper. Place it inside your pillowcase and breathe deep as you focus on the word and the feeling of comfort filling your body and space.
Manifestation affirmation: I create a safe, nurturing, and comfortable life.
(February 19 - March 20)
Manifest: vulnerability
Place a white candle at the center of your altar, and using a knife, slice the apple open down the middle, revealing both sides. Place them face up as you repeat the daily affirmation four times; once finished, consume the apple as you meditate on the candle and the space of vulnerability you have created.
Manifestation affirmation: I am emotionally safe and with those that care for me.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.