The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Friday, November 4, 2022
Never underestimate the power of a dream.

Your imagination has an opportunity to take center stage in your life when the Pisces Moon connects with Neptune, which is also in transit through this deep water sign.
For three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes in astrology, it is as if you are lost in your own dream world today because reality seems to just fall away.
This is the magic of the eclipse season. Dreams are even more potent right now, and your imagination is how you traverse into your future.
Oftentimes it seems foolish to waste time dreaming of how things could be different or why they could be better.
But the start of making any change is first imagining that new opportunities are possible.
The Moon in Pisces today makes this even easier, especially as it pairs up with Neptune in Pisces blurring the edges between dreams and reality.
As this occurs early in the day it will cast everything in a surreal light.
Although it likely is still a workday for most, try to balance it out by rescheduling anything that can be done next week once the Moon has shifted zodiac signs allowing for greater concentration.
Today really is the best day to take a break from the intense eclipse portal energies which you are still within until early next week and imagine what you would do if you knew you could do anything.
Instead of limiting yourself by what seems possible, or what seems realistic, let your imagination run wild.
Envision what you would spend your days doing, what career you would pursue, the relationship you would have, or even where you would live.
If you truly could do anything, now is the time to let yourself discover what that is.
This place is your truth.
Even if it seems challenging or impossible to figure out how to make it all a reality, what you dream of as the ultimate in everything is what your soul is called to pursue.
It is only your logical mind that hosts fears or limitations which make it more challenging to comprehend.
The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio begged for something to be released or let go of.
These are karmic ties and lessons that are associated with the South Node in astrology.
Yet as you approach the Taurus Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse next week, that is ruled by the north node and represents your fate, your soul contract, and the birth of a new you and maybe even a new life.
You can have one without the other, just like you cannot manifest the reality you desire if you do not give yourself time to dream.
In the evening hours, the Piscean Moon also joins with Jupiter in Pisces at critical degrees marking a time of abundance and luck within the dreams that you are having.
It is time for you to embrace the power that this part of you has in creating the life that you desire because your dreams are truly the stepping stones to the life that you want to live.
The three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on Friday, November 4, 2022:
1. Pisces
(February 19 - March 20)
You have a chance to surrender to that dreamy mind of yours and get lost in the realm of your subconscious. Dreaming is actually a huge asset for you, more than any other zodiac sign.
Because your intuition is so high, it is this part of you that often comes through in your dreams.
If you lack self-confidence then you could dismiss these visions as frivolous, instead of the divine message from the universe that they are. Today is a wonderful day to get as much quiet or solitude as you can.
Let yourself daydream about what you want for yourself and your life, what changes you hope will happen, and then get out of the notes section of your phone and start writing because there the universe is speaking to you today.
2. Gemini
(May 21 - June 20)
Mars is now retrograde within your zodiac sign which has been slowing you down long enough to make sure that you do not miss something important. T
Today as it intersects with the Pisces Moon there is a challenge here to fall back to old patterns, however, it does not mean you have to.
This serves as a valuable time for you to see just how far you have come so that you can get greater confidence in yourself and your ability to truly learn, grow and react differently than you would have previously.
As you do, you are able to understand and value your emotions as much as your mind, which lets you find greater balance within yourself. Once this takes root in your deepest self, it will not only transform yourself but your life as well.
3. Sagittarius
(November 22 - December 21)
Today is an interesting day for you Sagittarius. While you are going to be guided to surrender to your dreams as much as anyone else, the combination of the Piscean and Gemini energy is calling attention to your home life and romantic relationship.
You either have already ended a relationship or are still contemplating how to actually go about it. This will change not only your relationship status but also your current living situation.
Dreaming may seem futile today, but there is a message here for you. By making sure that you are not dreaming of a quick fix, and instead really and truly allowing your imagination to go wherever it wants, you are able to understand what your motivating factors are now.
This would have changed over the past month for you as you went through different levels in your healing so now it is time to take them into account as you make some big life decisions.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.