Each Zodiac Sign's Weekly Horoscope For April 18 - 24, 2022

Things are about to get crazy.

Each Zodiac Sign's Weekly Horoscope For April 18 - 24, 2022

Your horoscope for the week is here with another astrology forecast for all zodiac signs, starting April 18— 24, 2022. Here's what's happening during this part of Aries season.

Between the 18 and 24 of April 2022, we are going to see so many transits that we will probably get a chance to feel every emotion there is, especially in terms of love and romance.

This week is packed with Venus transits, and while half of them are in balance with confused, chaotic celestial bodies.


The other half seems to be working in our favor, which implies that this week could be a very good week for love. We could say that one way or another, we're going to find love — even if the road that takes us there is a rocky one.

We are also looking at some work conflict; some folks here may move on from a long-term job this week, which does suggest that jobs will be lost.

There's a tone to the week, however, that says that all losses can and will be used as inspirations; lessons learned will actually turn into manifested wisdom.

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In other words, if we experience a hard time during this week, we will not only become smarter for our pain, but we will start something new because of it. This week does NOT belong to slackers; this is a week of action, work, and most of all: change.

One of the highlights of the week is that we're moving out of Aries Sun into Taurus season, and Taurus is generally a pretty happy vibe to find one's self. While this season may bring out the stubborn bull in many of us, it may also act as a barometer for what needs to change and what needs to stay the same.

This is a good week for standing up for what we believe in, as well as sitting down in rebellion against that which does not suit us. And thanks to the many Uranus transits we have ahead of us, 'rebellion' will be the name of the game.

Each zodiac sign's weekly horoscope for April 18 to 24, 2022:


(March 21 - April 19)


As you've seen, change was mentioned earlier. This is what your week is going to be made up of, but it will come as a result of a very important decision that you're about to make.

This could even concern your location. Are you, or have you been thinking about relocating, maybe even picking up and leaving for another country?

This is the week where thoughts of this kind of nature come to the surface and demand attention. This is the week where you have the potential to change your life utterly if you are brave enough.

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(April 20 - May 20)

This could be the week where, if you're not careful, you may lose some money. This is due to an oversight on your part. You have been taking advantage of things, assuming they will all work out simply because they have in the past, but there's a new variable in the game and it's changing the way things work.


This means that you cannot be lazy; you must be vigilant. What you take for granted is no longer running on the same terms; things have changed and if you don't move with the times, you will end up losing time and money.

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(May 21 - June 20)

This week may just turn you into a fool for love, Gemini. There's a good chance you have a major crush on someone. You'll make the moves towards letting them know your feelings, and while you think you're being very cute and charming, your person of desire will look at you, smile, and with their eyes, tell you to go away.


Looks like you've fallen for someone who is utterly disinterested in you. This won't be the end of your world, however, as there is something inside you that knew this would happen. Ah well, you tried.

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(June 21 - July 22)

You are one of the signs that will benefit from the positive influence of this week's many Venus transits, though your week may start out a little rougher than you'd imagined it to be.

What begins with a serious argument with your mate about serious topics, ends up in a new understanding between the two of you that may just lead to a happier romantic life.


What you thought was gone forever is not only here to stay, but new and improved, thanks to the effort you are both willing to make for the sake of the relationship.

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(July 23 - August 22)

This week holds a lot of work for you, but so much of it is begrudged and unappreciated on your part. That basically means that you resent doing the work and it shows.

At this point, you don't really care what happens to your job, you just want the paycheck and to get out quick. You may even be setting yourself up for a dismissal; you act in a passive-aggressive way when it comes to your work life. 


Those who work with you may start to resent your presence and wish you'd just stay home. If you're ready to lose your job, this week might bring you just that.

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(August 23 - September 22)

There are times when 'looking on the bright side' just doesn't work for you, and this week will bring you plenty of that.

You'd love to grab all the opportunities that avail themselves to you, but you're just not quick enough to grab them; you assume these changes will always be there for you,

And, when you miss out, once again, you just shrug and pull out the apathy card. You will spend much of this week telling yourself that you just don't care when indeed you actually care too much and hope that nobody notices.


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(September 23 - October 22)

You are off base today with a calculation that you made in previous weeks. This isn't to say that the week will be a disaster, but what you had in mind will not occur 'this' week, per se. What you're dealing with is trying to push things when they don't want to be pushed.

Your efforts to make something happen this week will be thwarted by the transits, as this just isn't the 'big' week for your personal change. Then again, next week could be the one. Try to just roll with this week; have patience and know that you may just have to wait a tiny bit longer for what you want.


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(October 23 - November 21)

The irony of the week is that most of the actions you participate in will require patience and stamina — just the things you really weren't into giving. You like control and predictability, and well, that's not going to happen. There are several transits tugging at your psyche, and that means that you need to second guess every action you take.

This week has zero spontaneity to it, which is OK with you, as it gives you a touch of control, however, there are surprises coming your way. You're going to have to maintain both your temper and your sense of wanting to get it all over with already.


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(November 22 - December 21)

This week brings the lesson of effort and results. For a long time now you've come to believe that you can get away with anything. You have started to think that you're some kind of special being who is eternally seen as 'the fun one' or the 'creative genius'. This has made you think that you are somehow different than others.

But this week will turn your world upside down and show you that you are not immune to the laws of nature. This means that you will be doing something so mundane and necessary that you, yourself, will laugh over the mediocrity of it all.


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(December 22 - January 19)

While this week isn't your number one week for producing great work, you will enjoy the midweek change-over from Aries to Taurus. There have been a few hitches to your work situation and it appears that Taurus season is here to remove the problems and steer you towards a more fitting goal.

It was as if Aries energy was at the bottom of all your work concerns, and with it now on its way out, you literally feel freer. Your vision of success is now much more accessible; you will do well this week and even better in the weeks to come.


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(January 20 - February 18)

This week brings you the power of decision; you're the one in the family who must decide on something of import, and you are glad this responsibility falls on you, as you are truly the one you trust.

You make swift decisions that affect the lives of others and everyone involved is grateful for your ability to think on your feet and do what's right for everyone involved. This kind of quick response will build your self-esteem and fill you with a sense of self-confidence.

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(February 19 - March 10)

You are about to experience a fun night or two out with friends. This week may not be all thrills, but you will certainly be spending at least two days of it with pals, having a great ol' time.

This implies that old friends are in town and in need of something social to do. You are there for them, and this sparks in you a desire to be as social as they wish. You may even find yourself traveling a bit, if only within a short distance. Adventure will seek you out this week, Pisces, and you are so ready for it.

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Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter.

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