Love Horoscope For Wednesday, January 20, 2021
Don't let your

For today's love horoscope by zodiac sign, resident astrologer, and YourTango's Senior Editor, Aria Gmitter shares how current astrological events affect you on Wednesday, January 20.
What would love be like if we didn't include our friendships?
The Sun is in the zodiac sign of Aquarius now and we cast our net broad and wide to include everyone we care about into our world.
Even though Aquarius energy has a reputation for being cold, it's quite otherworldly.
This eclectic energy gives an ability to embrace differences and to appreciate the uniqueness that comes when you love people for who they are.
The planet of love, Venus, remains in pragmatic Capricorn, so she continues to give a reason to keep both feet on the ground.
On Wednesday, she works with Pluto which could spell disaster for lovers who struggle with power issues in their relationship.
So, be mindful that there is something going on in the universe and it is not just you, and our friends can help us understand the history that skews perspectives.
Pluto rules Scorpio and is a generational planet, so it's not just the current situation that gets involved.
Your past can get tangled into situations, too, and if you have a friend who has known you forever, they can give you feedback so you can see the problem for what it is.
There can be possessiveness problems and even jealousy that stem from bad childhood experiences, heartbreak that's unresolved, and feelings of insecurity, and who doesn't have those in their life?
So, if you see trouble coming a mile away, handle it with love and grace, and remember that we are all in this together.
And, remember to focus on the big goal, which is to love well, as Venus continues to implore us to do while in Capricorn.
What today's love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Wednesday, January 20, 2021:
Venus and Pluto spend the day in Capricorn, your house of work, and your social status.
Venus creates an element of depth to your love life that may have been lacking before.
Now as she has her important meeting with Pluto in Capricorn some wisdom can be cleaned that can be applied to your love life.
This can help you to become more grounded and determined to be the type of mate that you want to be.
Venus and Pluto spend the day in Capricorn, your house of higher learning.
Taurus, your ruling planet is Venus and she helps you to be a little bit more empathetic about the differences that exist between you and others.
You may have a need to expand your understanding of politics and its role in love and dating. With Venus speaking to Pluto these less than fun conversations can be revealing to you in ways that you had not expected.
You may find that there are areas where you'll want to admit when you’re wrong, but also desire for others to do the same.
Venus and Pluto spend the day in Capricorn, your house of shared resources.
You may find yourself questioning everything. About who has what and why and perhaps wondering whether or not you can work situations in a way that helps you out.
With Venus speaking to Pluto, this can be a time of change for you and a big way. You may receive a gift from somewhere unexpected or you acquire money and resources without effort.
All this can show you that there are more ways to get what you need, and there’s no reason for you to fear that there is not enough to go around.
Venus and Pluto spend the day in Capricorn, your house of relationships.
Venus brings attention to the qualities and attributes that you admire in others, and a strong desire for you to potentially earn love.
When she communicates with Pluto all day this dynamic can show itself in a power-play between you and others.
If you sense yourself being caught in the undertow of a relationship where things feel out of sorts, it’s a good day to evaluate what this means for you and the relationship's future. A pivot could be taken at this point.
Venus and Pluto spend the day in Capricorn, your house of daily duties.
Leo, with Venus communicating to Pluto and your solar house of daily responsibilities you may come to terms with the fact that some things will never change.
There are areas in your life where you may need to learn to accept them for what they are. And, although it may not make life easier for you, you can count your losses and focus your energy on what you can control.
Venus and Pluto spend the day in Capricorn, your house of romance.
The practical side of love can be enjoyed and cultivated in a way that makes you feel good about yourself and your relationship with others.
However, when she speaks to Pluto, there can be an area of your life where you realize you’re overstepping boundaries.
While you may have good intentions, learning to control your wants and not others is a dance that you can decide not to participate in.
Venus and Pluto spend the day in Capricorn, your house of home and family.
Pluto in your fourth house of the family has brought significant attention to this area of your life.
There may have been quite a few things that have changed over the years as Pluto communicated with Saturn and Jupiter, and now as he speaks to Venus healing can occur.
Venus and Pluto spend the day in Capricorn, your house of communication.
Scorpio, deep, abiding conversation is something you cherish, and while Venus is in your house of communication this is something that you long for even more.
Now, as she communicates with Pluto, your ruling planet, you may find that there are some control matters that need to be addressed.
Whether it is you trying to control the situation or someone else being overly sensitive strife can be stirred.
Try your best to focus on what matters most and not to allow tension to escalate unnecessarily.
Venus and Pluto spend the day in Capricorn, your house of money, and this can cause there to be struggles related to how it is spent and where.
If you are going through financial difficulties it can be hard for you to adjust your thinking.
You may want to take the time you need to process your thoughts and ideas before making drastic decisions. Instead, try to use this difficult time as a source of inspiration to find new solutions.
Venus and Pluto spend the day in Capricorn, your house of identity and you can easily make things beautiful and comforting.
However, when she speaks with Pluto you may become aware that not everything in your personal life is secure.
Use this time to journal or to jot down what you see needs work so that you can reflect and try to make improvements.
Venus and Pluto spend the day in Capricorn, your house of karma.
And, Aquarius, sometimes people surprise you and when it’s someone you love dearly it can hurt deeply.
With Venus in your house of enemies, you may find that there are things you don’t always like, however you work with it.
Now that she speaks with Pluto, a past problem could rear its ugly head once again, and this can spell disaster for you should you react unkindly.
Instead, recognize it for what it is -- a test of your ability to love unconditionally.
Take the time you need to remain levelheaded and respond in a way that reflects your highest self.
Venus and Pluto spend the day in Capricorn, your house of friendships.
Things change and so do friendships at times-unexpectedly.
There could be many things that could contribute to the dynamic of your innermost friendships from political discussions to tensions related to covid and it could be very difficult on your heart.
However, as Venus speaks to Pluto activating your friendship sector, things can have a miraculous turn of events for you.
From an apology that comes unexpectedly to a change of mind, your friendships could undergo a transformation that you sensed but didn't think was possible.
Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.