How Each Zodiac Sign Can Improve Their Life Almost Immediately, According To An Astrologer
What each zodiac sign can start changing now to live their best life.

Whether you call it a New Year's resolution or are simply looking for simple lifestyle changes that can improve your life even just the slightest, what works for one person might not necessarily work for another. According to astrologer Stewart King, tailoring your goals around your zodiac sign may just be the best way to improve your life almost immediately.
How to improve your life almost immediately, based on your zodiac sign
1. Aries
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The best thing Aries can do to improve their life is "show courage," King said in a TikTok video, suggesting Aries show their courage by "making a decision that nobody else would make."
You can do this by taking small risks, introducing yourself to new activities, or changing your career path. Not only will this improve your life, but it’ll also benefit you in other ways. According to a study published in the Journal of International Human Science, showing courage can bolster self-esteem, which may attract positive people into your life.
“People enjoy you the best when you show that level of courage,” King said.
Through the opportunities you create from the courage you display, people will begin admiring you.
2. Taurus
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Taurus, showing the world how dependable you are is the first step in improving your life. Showcase your steadiness to others by being your reliable self. This can benefit you in the long run as people will likely come to respect and admire your natural ease and ultimately attract more opportunities your way.
Be the person others can turn to during times of need. This can mean showing up during times of need or keeping the promises that matter most. As long as you’re organized, responsible, efficient, and observable, you’re likely one step closer to being reliable and immediately changing your life, summarized physician Dr. Frank John Ninivaggi, M.D., F.A.P.A.
3. Gemini
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The special thing about Gemini is their ability to react positively and quickly in almost any situation. This air sign is all about keeping things calm and happy. According to King, “If they continue to do that, like quick response, quick reaction, show people how on it, how on the ball you are, that’s going to improve your life in all aspects.”
This aligns with one study published in Clinical Practice & Epidemiology in Mental Health, which found that staying positive significantly impacts our overall well-being. Specifically, it promotes healthier lifestyle choices and positively influences our problem-solving skills.
So, whenever you feel those negative thoughts creeping in, find ways to ground yourself, such as repeating positive words of affirmation.
4. Cancer
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King explained that the greatest way for Cancers to improve their lives, “Is by actually making those connections that they already have.” Whether that be friends or family, using those connections will only benefit them in the end.
He suggested that reaching out will benefit Cancers as these connections will help open doors and opportunities, which is backed by science. A study published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine found that even simple things like social connections help enhance mood and lower blood pressure, effectively decreasing their risk of mortality. So, go grab dinner with your loved ones or have a get-together with your friends.
5. Leo
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“For Leos to improve their life very quickly, all they need to do is incorporate that childlike excitable quality that they naturally have,” began King. That funny streak and excitable energy they have buried deep inside themselves will open up opportunities as people become drawn to their free-spirited nature.
However, that’s not all this is good for. An experiment conducted in 2016 found that happy people experienced a 13% increase in their productivity, so don’t be afraid to crack jokes and be authentic to yourself, Leo! Doing so will draw people in like moths to a flame.
6. Virgo
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Virgo's key to improving life stems from understanding other people’s needs. According to King, “The more they show people that they understand their needs by actually providing what they need in that moment, the more people are gonna be impressed.” This skill is a great asset for Virgos, “Because you naturally have analytical skills, so they naturally can analyze what people need,” King explained.
Simply listening to others' complaints to get a sense of what's going on beneath the surface or being direct in your questions will help you figure out how best to help those around them and make you feel more fulfilled at the same time.
7. Libra
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Libra, to improve your life, start by being more decisive.
“You excel in harmony and diplomacy, but you can evolve by confidently making choices and decisions that align with your true values,” an astrologer named Nicole explained in a TikTok video.
While Libra's people-pleasing personality notoriously makes it hard for them to make the decisions that are best for them, doing so will only lead to happiness in the end. Not only will this improve your life, but this authenticity can also boost your mental health. As humanistic psychologist Rom Brafman Ph.D. wrote, “And as a client becomes more and more authentic, they become happier and their psychological well-being increases.”
So, the next time someone does or says something that doesn’t align with your values don’t be afraid to cut them off. Psychiatrist Judith Orloff, M.D., suggested visualizing cutting a cord to make it easier to sever that bond. And though it certainly won’t be easy at first, it’ll only benefit you in the end, Libra.
8. Scorpio
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If you want to improve your life immediately, Scorpio, practice forgiveness and be more open.
“You’re passionate and intuitive, but you can grow by letting go of grudges and being more open about your feelings," Nicole said of Scorpio.
Research has found that forgiveness can lower the risk of a heart attack, improve cholesterol levels, improve sleep, and reduce the risk of depression, anxiety, and stress. All of this combined can lead to healing and increase the chance of Scorpio having meaningful relationships, ended Nicole.
9. Sagittarius
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“You’re adventurous and philosophical, but you need to invest time in deepening your knowledge and relationships,” Nicole said.
While you have a positive outlook on life and a strong sense of who you are, it's important not to take friendships and other relationships for granted. This will ensure you have a network of people to rely on when it counts the most.
So, the next time a friend asks you to hang out or your family member asks to grab coffee with you, don't flake on them! Those connections matter and will bring you an abundance of happiness, improving your life instantly.
10. Capricorn
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If you’re a Capricorn, learning to balance your ambition with self-care is a must. As successful as you are, Capricorns have the bad habit of pushing themselves too far. Wanting the best out of life, this earth sign will overlook themselves to the point of exhaustion, which can lead to symptoms such as constant fatigue, low energy, pain throughout the body, and headaches, cited the Journal of Psychosomatic Research.
Carving out time in the day to eat healthy, exercise, or practice gratitude is great place to start improving your mental health, summarized the National Institute of Mental Health.
11. Aquarius
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The best thing Aquarius can do to improve their life is embrace emotional expression and connection.
“You’re innovative and independent,” Nicole explained, but it can be hard for you to open up and depend on others. However, if your goal is to improve your life, “You need to open up emotionally in order to foster closer and more personal connections," the astrologer said.
Human beings are social creatures that need social connections to thrive, cited the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine.
Opening up to others isn’t always easy. To start, BetterHelp suggested finding the right person and using I statements to get started. If you’re still not comfortable, talking to a counselor is always another step Aquarius can take!
12. Pisces
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Pisces, improving your life starts with grounding yourself into reality and being more assertive.
“You’re creative and compassionate," Nicole explained, "but you have to action those dreams and assert yourself in your personal and professional life.”
You have the creativity and intelligence to take yourself to the next level — you just have to trust yourself to show off those skills! Your performance will speak for itself.
Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's degree in psychology who covers topics such as self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology.