10 Dates In September 2024 That Bring Significant Change To Each Zodiac Sign's Life
The astrology forecast for September 2024 includes two retrogrades and a full moon lunar eclipse.

Make way for September! We are closer than ever to autumn, which officially begins with Libra season on September 22. So with pumpkin spice already making rounds on the coffee menu, we can safely say that the season for transitions is upon us.
That brings us to September 2024's astrology forecast. We have a lot of intriguing transits to contend with, including a few outer-planetary retrograde.
10 dates in September 2024 that bring significant change
1. September 1: Pluto retrograde enters Capricorn
Photo: NASA | Design: YourTango
When mafia boss Pluto does anything different, you can bet there will be ricochets felt everywhere in the collective. That's what we have in store on September 1st when Pluto retrograde shifts signs from Aquarius to Capricorn.
In Aquarius, Pluto retrograde calls on us to be more aware of nefarious technologies posing as benign and leaders posing as community-driven entrepreneurs while only being in it for themselves. Now, Pluto retrograde in Capricorn will reveal more startling realities in arenas of public service, government, corporate hierarchies, and more places where true intentions may be hidden behind smoke and mirrors.
The experience will not be easy for the collective as heavy truths they ignored the first time around confront them. That's the thing with retrograde — they force us to take off blindfolds. And since Pluto is a slow-moving planet, this retrograde will simultaneously have the energy of Aquarius and Capricorn in it as it's in the exact cusp between the two zodiac signs.
Mindfulness is the best way to stay grounded and aware under this energy. You may wish to maintain a journal where you record your observations, discuss things with yourself, and write down confusing occurrences so you can decipher them in the future when more truths are revealed. Pluto Rretrograde will end on October 11, 2024.
2. September 1: Uranus retrograde in Taurus begins
Photo: grejak from Getty Images | Design: YourTango
September 1st isn't going to be an easy day by any count since we also have Uranus going retrograde on that day. As this will occur in the zodiac sign of Taurus, Uranus will call on the collective to be more aware of traditions that block progress even when obvious change is necessary while simultaneously cautioning against solutions that may not be rooted in reality. It's a fine balance to strike, to say the least.
Just remember: everything that is considered a tradition was once something new. So Uranus retrograde in Taurus will definitely urge the collective to bring new traditions into practice that are better suited for the times and necessities. The effects of this retrograde will last until January 30, 2025.
3. September 2: New Moon in Virgo
Photo: Sheng Hu from Unsplash | Design: YourTango
Following the heavy energies on September 1st, we have something beautiful to look forward to on September 2nd: a New Moon in Virgo. So gather your ritual ingredients and grab a meditation audio track because a new moon is the perfect time to make a wish and have it come true as the moon grows full!
As this New Moon is in the zodiac sign of Virgo, intentions that are more earthy and practical in nature are best suited for this period. This can be about your career, starting a new family, renovating a house, eating clean and healthy, and so on and so forth. What wish are you going to make?
4. September 4: Mars enters Cancer
Photo: Martin Holverda from Getty Images | Design: YourTango
The beginning of September does seem to have an awful lot of astrological transits clustered around it. Luckily, the one on September 4th is a welcome change with Mars entering Cancer. Popular belief will make you think Mars does poorly in a water sign (except for Scorpio), but the truth is, nothing can stop Mars from expressing its drive, confidence, and conquering nature. The element only channels this through its unique nature.
So, in Cancer, Mars effectively becomes a psychic's best tool. Plus, the need to dive deep within and explore hidden facets, unhealed wounds and more is very prevalent during this time period. If you lean into this (along with keeping a journal close at hand), you will reap extraordinary results!
5. September 8: Pallas direct re-enters Sagittarius
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Pallas was in Sagittarius earlier in the year but traveled backward once the asteroid went retrograde. Well, now it's time for Pallas to return to Sagittarius again. Pallas in Sagittarius is a potent combination. It will bless the collective with the ability to see far into the future, hold onto big dreams that expand beyond borders, and stoke the inner fire with brilliant strategies that enable such dreams to come true. So make sure you know what you want. When you dream big and lock into it, Pallas will bless the path forward for you.
6. September 9: Mercury enters Virgo
Photo: Fotografie_Reimann from pixabay | Design: YourTango
September 9th will bring forth a swift astrology transit in the form of Mercury entering Virgo. As Virgo's planetary ruler, Mercury is very much at home here. Besides, it had earlier traveled backward to Leo because of the retrograde. So any unfinished business created by the retrograde will suddenly restart in full swing when Mercury returns to Virgo.
Trust your intellect but ground yourself so you can enjoy the best of both worlds — a fierce imagination that touches base with what's possible and what needs to be created to make the impossible happen. Don't rule anything out until you are sure it can't be done. More often than not, you'll realize that you only need to think a bit more creatively or look for more information. Good times are ahead!
7. September 17: Full Moon partial lunar eclipse in Pisces
Photo: Bobbushphoto from Getty Images Signature | Design: YourTango
As this will occur in the zodiac sign of Pisces, expect some extraordinary occurrences during this period. After all, Saturn retrograde and Neptune retrograde will be very close to the Moon, too.
There's a huge possibility that something life-altering may occur one or two days before or after this eclipse, especially in matters that impact large swathes of humanity, whether political, sociological, or biological.
Just remember: while full moons are great for manifestation rituals and then cord-cutting once the Moon enters its waning phase officially, that is not the case when it's an eclipse. So hold off on intention setting on this day. Instead, you can celebrate the lunar eclipse with your friends and family around a bonfire while throwing sesame seeds into the fire that carry your hopes and positive wishes for the community.
8. September 22: Libra season begins
Photo: Thomas Faull from Getty Images Signature | Design: YourTango
September may be mostly Virgo's domain, but come September 22nd, the zodiac season will change with the Sun transiting to Libra and Libra season officially kicking in. This is also the communally agreed day for the beginning of autumn (in the North Hemisphere), so be prepared for more pumpkin spice, overnight transformations of your neighbor's lawn with autumn and early Halloween decor, and cozy spreads all over the internet!
Are you going to lean into the festivities? Or will you leave the pumpkin hunts for later in the year? Libra season is definitely the time to socialize and make new friends. So do step out of your comfort zone and let the world dazzle you!
9. September 22: Venus enters Scorpio
Photo: DSAimages from Getty Images | Design: YourTango
September 22nd will be important for another reason this year. Venus will leave Libra and enter Scorpio on this day.
"This is how we get to the core of our sensuality," Sade Jackson explained in a TikTok video, adding that this time is for unpacking what we "really crave" from our relationships.
Plus, with Venus in Scorpio, the desire to be more shocking or edgy in romance will suddenly skyrocket in the collective. But then again, a lot of movies are scheduled for this time that lean into that hard. So maybe it's a feedback loop of edginess that shall get tapped into over and over again!
10. September 26: Mercury enters Libra
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Finally, the last major transit of September 2024 will occur on September 26 when Mercury leaves Virgo and enters Libra. That's a double Mercury transit within the span of a month! So watch out for some mercurial shenanigans when it moves this fast through the signs.
Mercury in Libra is definitely a more social Mercury and ready to entertain and be entertained in equal turn. Plus, it's a powerful transit for manifestations because Libra, as a cardinal air sign, can partner with Mercury's swiftness to boost everyone's wishes higher into the ether than usual. So make sure what you want is truly what you desire. Mercury in Libra shall make it much easier to bring it to life!
Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.