Weekly Leo Love Horoscope

Apr 15, 2024 - Apr 21, 2024

Best Love Day: Friday, April 19

There are new beginnings of love blossoming all around you, and that will continue this week as Saturn in Pisces aligns with the North Node in Aries. While this week serves as an essential moment in your path to choose newness, you must remember that it is still all part of a bigger process meant to transform your life in the best possible ways.

Saturn in Pisces has been bringing in a greater sense of commitment and dedication in creating a dynamic, intimate connection with your romantic partner by surrendering to the continual process of transformation. As Saturn in Pisces aligns with the North Node in Aries, ruler of your house of abundance and fate, you will receive an opportunity for a new beginning in your romantic life. This could result in the fated meeting of a soulmate or in choosing to live more fully with your romantic partner. The most important aspect, though, is that there is nothing to fear with this energy, as it’s set to bring a beautiful, abundant phase into your life truly.

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