Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On December 31 — The Moon Aligns With Uranus
Plan and begin dreaming about what you want to experience or pursue.

Let's see what the love horoscope reveals for each zodiac sign on December 31, 2024. As you prepare to bid farewell to 2024, take a moment and reflect on what you want or need to have a brand-new beginning.
As the Moon aligns with retrograde Uranus in Taurus, you will be ready to cast off what has held you back. You will be open to new adventures and risks and excited to embrace the changes that will help catalyze a new beginning in your romantic life.
The Capricorn New Moon just occurred yesterday, reminding you of what you deserve and the importance of your emotional fulfillment. But as it aligns with retrograde Uranus, you will experience a breakthrough moment.
No longer are you waiting for someone else to make a decision that impacts your life. You’re not leaving your fate in the hands of another, and because of that, you will experience great freedom from your inner obstacles that have kept you from accepting less. You don’t just get to determine how all of this will end but also how it will begin.
Trust in what arises, but most importantly, trust yourself to say when enough is enough. Because nothing changes unless you choose to become the one to change it – and today is the day to take your power back.
Each zodiac sign's love horoscope for Tuesday, December 31, 2024:
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You don’t need to keep being so careful, Aries. Finding a balance between your ability to take charge and being softer with the one you love can be challenging. But this isn’t something you need to let worry you now.
You need to be assertive and stop worrying about how everyone else feels so that you can start to honor your innate values. Be firmer about your intentions and what you’re willing to accept.
This new chapter in your romantic life will not ask you to sacrifice yourself to take up less space for anyone’s comfort.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
There is no holding back now, dear Taurus. You have been preparing for this moment for years. While you’ve made significant progress in becoming authentic, you will suddenly reach a point of heightened awareness.
Decisions become easier as you no longer fear of change or doubting yourself. There is clarity around whether something resonates as a yes or a no. Because of this, you will consider making a radical choice about the future of your relationship today.
This decision won’t be because you have everything neatly planned but because you’re finally trusting your intuition.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Nothing is as valuable as your inner peace, Gemini. You can often have difficulty cultivating inner peace simply because you are sociable and exuberant.
But recently, you’ve realized that if a relationship contributes to your peace, it holds less value. Your priorities have shifted, and because of that, you’ve also healed a part of yourself that prevented you from doing the real work of love.
You will be drawn to focusing on celebrating the new year in a meaningful way, which won’t only feel good to your soul but will give you the confidence to know just how much you’ve grown.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Open yourself up, dear Cancer. You had cut yourself off from so much in your life as you went through the previous chapter. There was a reason you had to spend time in solitude or working to free yourself from the past.
But now, you need to start getting back out into the world. Plan a celebration this evening that reflects what you’ve accomplished this year. You have wrapped up a massive karmic cycle and are now ready for new beginnings, which means letting yourself focus on the connection in your life that brings you joy.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Own your confidence, sweet Leo. Although you tend to be one of the most confident signs in the zodiac sign, that has been tested this year. You’ve reflected and learned more about yourself than you had anticipated.
But during this process, you were quieter as you focused on your inner self. Now that this chapter is coming close, it’s time to step back into your confident and radiant self.
Don’t wait for anyone else to recognize how far you’ve come or their permission to own your space. Step out into your new beginning, confident that all eyes are on you for a reason.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You’ve risen to the challenge, Virgo. You haven’t given up on your dream of love throughout everything you've encountered. You’ve healed yourself and learned what matters most. Because of this, you’ve become comfortable with what it takes to make a lasting relationship and experience abundant love.
This is your night to celebrate your relationship and focus on all the past year has brought you. You may want to spend a quieter evening with your partner, but it’s one that you deserve. Nothing is as important as your love, and you finally understand why.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Do what you want, Libra. This evening, There may be conflict around how you had hoped to celebrate the new year and what your partner wants. While it is a similar theme you have experienced during the past few challenging months, it’s never too late to choose differently.
Do what you want this evening, not just because you deserve to, but because it speaks to the continued transformation you are moving through. By trusting yourself and giving yourself what you need, you are already planting the seeds for the new beginning you hope 2025 will bring.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Honor your truth, dear Scorpio. If nothing else, the past year has taught you that you can’t pretend to be somewhere you aren’t. You may logically have had realizations or lessons that helped to bring about transformation in your life. But inside, a part of you was still hooked on old storylines.
You must honor where you are if you hope to reach still what you dream of. It’s never too late to accept your own truth and realize that you might still be in the process. By embracing where you are, you can ensure that you are open to continued healing and lessons that will make all the difference in the new year.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You deserve to feel good, Sagittarius. This isn’t just about a relationship, but within yourself as well. You should feel good about all you’ve moved through this year, and hopefully, because of that process, you feel good about yourself.
You always have a choice as to whether you will make yourself suffer for the past or continue to be in situations that do that for you.
But this choice also extends to focusing on what feels good. You have a decision to make about what you are going to give your energy to. Just remember that you haven’t come this far to still make yourself feel bad. Choose to embrace what feels good without worrying about where it will all lead.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
How you look at love has shifted, dear Capricorn. You no longer see your romantic life as separate from the rest. It’s not something you give extra time to, but one of your main priorities.
This has dramatically affected the progression of your relationship and the new goals you are setting for yourself. But you need to let yourself embrace that while you don’t have control over everything, this was something that you made happen.
By continuing this process and placing greater importance on love, you are truly having one of the best New Year ever. Embrace this moment and all the love it brings.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Home is a feeling, Aquarius. You have been on quite the journey to heal your wounds so that you could be open to a relationship. Not just in attracting a new person but also in letting yourself surrender to share a life with the one you love.
One of the difficult aspects of this journey was the realization that home is a feeling and not necessarily a place. As you find yourself celebrating New Year’s somewhere other than home this year, take a moment to reflect on how you are feeling. Allow the new perspective to arrive and make space for the growth and commitment you’ve been hoping for.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
It’s up to you to take a stand, dear Pisces. While you are known for loving and easygoing, it doesn’t mean you are a pushover. Despite feeling like that at times, you have realized your own strength and are ready to take life on. You are no longer willing to compromise or give endless chances to those who don’t deserve them.
While some might see you as colder or cutthroat during this time, you simply have decided to take a stand for what you want. Tonight would be better celebrated with friends or loved ones at home, as you may feel tired from all the year has brought. But take heart because everything is about to change in the most amazing of ways.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.