Your Zodiac Sign's Tarot Horoscope For The Week Starting December 30, 2024
As we enter a new year, the week's tarot horoscope is here to guide each zodiac sign.

The tarot horoscope for December 30, 2024 - January 5, 2025, is here to guide each zodiac sign through a big week of important developments.
We have the Ten of Pentacles and Ace of Swords as the tarot cards for the collective this week. Together, they speak of how one success can lead to another and then the next if you keep the ball rolling and never let the energy dissipate. Where will you choose to focus this? The Ace of Swords also speaks of ideas that can come to you randomly while you do things you haven't tried before or meet new people.
We also have Nine of Wands cautioning against being impatient or unrealistic about the new year. Keep the positive drive and hope but remember that a year is not as long as it appears. As long as you bring your A-game to the table, little by little, you will reach your destination.
Now let's take a look at the weekly tarot card reading for every zodiac sign for December 30 - January 5.
Your zodiac sign's weekly tarot horoscope for December 30, 2024 - January 5, 2025:
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Aries tarot card of the week: Ten of Swords
Aries, the Ten of Swords cautions you about embarking on new ventures this week. This is especially true if you suspect people in your social circles who have the vibe of being frenemies or who ring your intuition bells with demands on your time, energy, and love. You may not completely manage to side-step this energy, but you can start making positive moves now.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Taurus tarot card of the week: Seven of Swords
Taurus, the Seven of Swords reminds you that it's not necessary to divulge your secrets to people just because they ask nicely or are your best friends or family. You can choose to keep things to yourself until you are ready as that's a boundary you must establish.
The Seven of Swords also highlights the presence of lies and deception, so be mindful of recognizing words versus actions.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Gemini tarot card of the week: The Tower
Gemini, The Tower comes with an urgent message to be careful of current times and social developments in your community. Approach debates with empathy and tact, especially those concerning social and political issues.
Try to involve yourself with local groups and communities to help others and receive good information and resources in return.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Cancer tarot card of the week: Knight of Swords, reversed
Cancer, the Reversed Knight of Swords highlights a need to slow down, take a step back, and let go of certain responsibilities burdening you, especially if you haven't received any gratitude or consideration from those you help. Remember that no relationship, whether platonic, romantic, or familial, should be one-sided.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Leo tarot card of the week: Strength
Leo, you have a serendipitous major arcana card showing up for you this week — Strength, the card representing Leo! Be yourself this week but remember to be patient as you go. Some situations will reveal their secrets and give you the fruits of your labor only after a while while others require more intuitive actions and a collaborative spirit.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Virgo tarot card of the week: Nine of Cups
Virgo, the Nine of Cups speaks of extreme joy and abundant good energy coming your way! You will discover sources of joy in your everyday life if you look more closely. Self-love is the end goal here.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Libra tarot card of the week: Eight of Pentacles, reversed
Libra, you have the Reversed Eight of Pentacles showing up for you this week. The reversed energy highlights a need to make plans before you jump into things, encouraging you to take a step back from swift action and constant movement and allow yourself to breathe.
Once you feel grounded, make a list of all the things you have achieved so far and what you want to achieve next to reach your broader goals. This will allow you to fine-tune your plans.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Scorpio tarot card of the week: Ten of Swords, reversed
Scorpio, the Reversed Ten of Swords is a reminder to remember that if something you were looking forward to doesn't work out as planned, the universe is preparing you for something more suited to you.
Keep a journal of your experiences each day to help you identify things more clearly and trust yourself more.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Sagittarius tarot card of the week: Three of Wands
Sagittarius, the Three of Wands reminds you of all the opportunities and wonder of the world waiting for you, especially once 2025 is here! So take in a deep breath, let your heart come to the fore, and then go off on these adventures where you will discover growth and expansion in all areas of life.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Capricorn tarot card of the week: The Chariot
Capricorn, The Chariot encourages you to take advantage of the wind beneath your wings. Keep soaring high and moving forward. You will discover greatness wherever you go. Now is the time to think fast and act just as fast. You may cross the finish line sooner than you realize.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Aquarius tarot card of the week: The Hierophant, reversed
Aquarius, you have the Reversed Hierophant as your tarot card this week. Since it's a major arcana card and the symbol of the teacher or mentor, you are being cautioned about such figures in your life. Reconsider and explore your values to ensure you're not led down the wrong path for you.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Pisces tarot card of the week: Ace of Cups
Pisces, the Ace of Cups reminds you that you are a powerhouse. Never let anyone diminish that or call you too empathic — your emotions are your strength. Leaning into this strength to discover career paths and a life purpose that allows you to use these skills to benefit your community (and yourself). You are strongly inspired to create something new and beautiful this week.
Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.