How The Eclipse On March 25 Affects Each Zodiac Sign's Love Horoscope All Week
Open your heart to receive the love you’ve always desired.

Find the space of hopeful optimism that allows you to greet this week with fresh new energy. As much as it might seem that how things are is how they will remain, the universe has other plans.
Not to remove what is meant for you or disrupt your path with cataclysmic events, but to rearrange matters in the most divine way possible. Eclipses bring a sense of magic, a reminder from the universe that when it seems like nothing is happening — everything is occurring precisely as it’s meant to.
The week of March 25 opens with a grand Lunar Eclipse in Libra, bringing a moment of fruition to a series of events that began on October 14 with the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra. Now, as the full Moon rises in the evening sky and aligns with the Sun and Earth, you will be able to truly see where your heart lies and, most importantly, how to follow it.
Lunar eclipses are known for representing times of powerful emotional and mental shifts in which a sudden realization or desire is finally seen as something that not only can you not deny but also represents an important change in your personal life.
While it’s often thought that an emotional shift will always precede a bigger change in your life, many times, this isn’t the case. You need those unexpected events, opportunities, or conversations with a beloved while the stars rain down from above to be prompted to reflect more deeply and to ask yourself the hard questions, which are those that lay the foundation for any big changes.
Reflect on what arose for you during the Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 14 and what your process has been since that time. This energy asked you to reflect on what you genuinely want, how to work together in partnership, and if you are choosing to speak your truth even if it may upset others.
Now, as the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra opens the powerful Eclipse Portal until April 8, you are ready to see the truth, to be open to love, and to see that nothing replaces the internal validation you give yourself.
As the week progresses, the divine message of the universe is intensified as asteroid Pallas stations retrograde in Sagittarius and Vesta shifts into Cancer. This is a journey of wisdom and of realizing what is most important to you — even if it means you may have undertaken major transformations in order to align your life with it.
Important dates for this week's love horoscope
Monday, March 25
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra starts the week off with a dramatic shift of energy that will help to bring clarity and courage to align with your inner truth. This eclipse also opens the portal between the Lunar Eclipse in Libra, which will close on April 8, with the Solar Eclipse in Aries.
Although the eclipses are eventful on their own, this energy wraps around you and your life, bringing unexpected events and changes during the entire two-week portal. Making this eclipse even more intense is that it’s also getting to a close a lunar cycle, which began on October 14, 2023, with the annual New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra.
In this case, there was a change of events or unexpected happenings occurred around the New Moon Solar Eclipse, but you weren’t yet ready to go all in. You needed time to process your feelings and likely close out old chapters, fears, or ways of thinking.
Now, as the Libra Lunar Eclipse occurs, it brings a point of all events that began with the Solar Eclipse in October — but it also marks a new beginning: one where you will prioritize your emotional fulfillment and the desire for healthy partnership.
Friday, March 29
While the Lunar Eclipse in Libra will represent the major energy for the week, there are still other transits that will impact your romantic life. The first is the asteroid Pallas, which will be stationing retrograde in Sagittarius on Friday, March 29.
Pallas governs over wisdom, knowledge, and the ability to go to war for what you most desire. As it stations retrograde, though, instead of an outward pursuit of understanding or standing up to others, it becomes a deep opportunity to go within, to fight your inner demons, and to learn that you can never battle against your inner truth — but embrace it.
Sunday, March 31
Asteroid Vesta will shift into Cancer just as the week comes to a close, creating a stronger importance around home, domestic intimacy, and those you consider family. Vesta rules home, both the one that you live in and the one within yourself.
In Cancer, the zodiac sign represents the same theme. This energy is amplified as you are filled with a strong desire to focus on what is most important to you. With the Lunar Eclipse and even Pallas retrograde, you may discover that you’re not where you feel most connected to or that something has shifted within what you need or dream of.
Vesta in Cancer casts a more serious energy over your romantic relationship as you genuinely desire to create a space of home within your connection. This can bring about a deepening sense of commitment or changing of your priorities so that your main focus is love and where you call home. Although the adage, home is where the heart is often rings true, with Vesta in Cancer, it also brings about the knowledge of where that is.
Weekly Love Horoscopes For Each Zodiac Sign, March 25 - 31, 2024
(March 21 - April 19)
Best Love Day: Monday, March 25, Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra in your house of relationships
This week will be dominated by the energy of the Libra Lunar Eclipse in your house of relationships. Although eclipses are often feared for bringing change that you don’t want or operating in drastic and uncomfortable ways, this one arrives with softness, helping you to receive and progress an important relationship in your life more fully.
There already have been shifts within your romantic life since the Nodes of Fate first officially shifted into Aries and Libra in 2023. So, it’s not about walking away from someone or having to navigate challenges. Instead, this will ask you to open your heart to find the balance between life and love so that you don’t miss out on either. As the build-up begins for your Solar Eclipse in Aries, know that you are finally on the right path.
(April 20 - May 20)
Best Love Day: Friday, March 29, Pallas retrograde in Sagittarius in your sector of intimacy
Intimacy is often thought of as purely physical. However, when you have felt disconnected from your partner, it has more often than not to do with a break in the emotional, mental or spiritual bond. But part of being able to understand this and then use it to your advantage also comes from the wisdom of knowing precisely what you need, which is the benefit that Pallas retrograde in Sagittarius will deliver.
As Pallas stations retrograde in Sagittarius, lean into what you need from your partner, but give yourself time to process what arises before having a conversation. While you will be guided to discuss your relationship with your partner, you also need to make sure that you can fully understand it yourself before you do. This energy can help you transform your relationship, taking it out of the physical world and bringing it into the spiritual one.
(May 21 - June 20)
Best Love Day: Friday, March 29, Pallas retrograde in Sagittarius in your house of love
This week, there are incredible opportunities for growth and love as Pallas retrograde in Sagittarius lights up your house of love, just as the Libra Lunar Eclipse activates themes related to home. Pallas retrograde in Sagittarius will help you approach your relationship more consciously, spurring you to act from your higher self, which then creates a space for more profound commitment in your life.
With the Libra Eclipse bringing up matters of home and family, you may be considering a physical move, cohabitating with your partner, or even the expansion of your family. But with Pallas retrograde in Sagittarius, you are making more grounded decisions that will have a positive impact on your relationship and life. Just be mindful of the need to reflect so that you can explore the deeper meaning of love and how to manifest your dreams into reality.
(June 21 - July 22)
Best Love Day: Monday, March 25, Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra in your sector of home
The importance of home, family, and loved ones is always a theme that you carry close to your heart, but in the week ahead, it seems to be something that will also be the space of dramatic shifts and changes. The week begins with the Libra Eclipse in your sector of home, denoting that there is an emotional or mental shift at play with regard to what you want or even how you perceive things — yet that energy will be amplified once Vesta shifts into your sign of Cancer on Sunday, March 31.
Vesta is the asteroid that rules home and family, and as it moves into your zodiac sign, which rules the same, you will become incredibly driven to focus on this area of your life. Much of this energy will help you establish a new sense of home and connection in your life, whether it’s with another or by yourself. This will help you attract the love you desire. Trust that it is all for a purpose.
(July 23 - August 22)
Best Love Day: Friday, March 29, Pallas retrograde in Sagittarius in your house of commitment
Let yourself have so much confidence in what you desire for your relationship that you don’t let anything get in the way of you creating it. The Libra Lunar Eclipse will rise in your sector of communication. At the same time, the Sun and Mercury in your house of new experiences hints at what Pallas retrograde in Sagittarius will bring.
Pallas retrograde in Sagittarius in your home of commitment will help you examine the beliefs and choices you’ve made in your romantic life — while also gifting you with the knowledge of what will truly resonate with your soul.
Although you may just be beginning this journey of really understanding what you need from a long-term commitment, you shouldn’t hesitate to take any new chances for love. Much of what you learn will be from your experiences, so it’s not about knowing for sure if it will last forever but instead about being open to what its purpose may become for your life.
(August 23 - September 22)
Best Love Day: Friday, March 29, Pallas retrograde in Sagittarius in your sector of family
Pallas will station retrograde in Sagittarius on the heels of the Libra Eclipse, which will bring up themes of finances and value. The Eclipse will be opposite the Sun and Mercury in Aries, drawing on principles of transformation and intimacy in your relationship. As much as you may want more information before beginning anything new in your connection, you may have to take a leap of faith.
The wisdom that Pallas retrograde in Sagittarius will bring is gained through experiencing what life and your relationship bring. Allow yourself to seize opportunities for transformation and greater depth, embrace the abundance that your relationship brings, but do so with the awareness that there is also a larger lesson at play here.
In the best of relationships, there is no end to growth or learning together, which means there’s also never a place of perfection that needs to be reached. When you adopt this mindset, you can also fully see how love is really the best teacher.
(September 23 - October 22)
Best Love Day: Monday, March 25, Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra in your house of truth
The Libra Eclipse in your house of truth, as it rises opposite the Sun and Mercury in Aries, ruler of your romantic sector, offers a pivotal moment in your relationship. Full Moons represent a time when you are so blatantly aware of your truth that it can no longer be denied, while the Lunar Eclipse reveals what was once hidden. With the Sun and Mercury in Aries, this points to stirring up intense and meaningful conversations in your relationship, which will reflect your inner growth.
The Nodes of Fate in Libra and Aries all year are helping to refine the lessons you have been building upon. This will point out the direct correlation between the work you do on yourself and the romantic relationship you choose. Don’t be afraid to discuss what you’ve learned or what you want. Your needs matter, too. As you open up to your partner, you may just find that you are both on the same page.
(October 23 - November 21)
Best Love Day: Sunday, March 31, Vesta in Cancer in your sector of new love
As you prepare to gear up for Taurus Season and the monumental Jupiter Uranus conjunct, all of which will highlight your romantic sector, you are being urged to keep making strides towards new beginnings in love. The Libra Eclipse at the start of the week will highlight your intuition, dreams, and that deep soul connection you crave with another individual — but it’s the magic that Vesta in Cancer brings on March 31 that really sets you free in a bold and brave new direction.
Vesta rules home and who you choose to share that space with, while Cancer governs much of the same. But in this area of your life, it’s more concerned with setting you up to discover new places, relationships, and love than having you remain where you are. If in an existing relationship, this can help you and your partner grow to a new level — but if single, then it’s important to embrace opportunities for travel and newness that will put you in the spaces to meet a new love. New beginnings are already taking seeds around you, but to reach them, you must venture into the unknown.
(November 22 - December 21)
Best Love Day: Sunday, March 31, Vesta in Cancer in your house of transformation
When you feel truly ready for commitment, it becomes the easiest choice in the world. Although Vesta in Cancer will highlight an important process of transformation, it’s everything leading up to it that will put you in place to feel truly ready to take this big step in your life.
Saturn and Venus will be in Pisces drawing on changes in your home and within the space of domestic intimacy you’ve created; at the same time, the Libra Eclipse will shine in your area of wishes while Sun and Mercury in Aries point the way forward toward romantic commitment and marriage.
There is an ongoing storyline here about you becoming more serious about love and realizing that the romantic commitment you desire will fulfill many of the wishes you’ve ever had for your life. As you do, the process of transformation Vesta in Cancer will bring makes you realize that some changes are more about what you must gain rather than what you may lose.
(December 22 - January 19)
Best Love Day: Sunday, March 31, Vesta in Cancer in your sector of romance
The week begins with the Libra Eclipse in your house of career yet ends with asteroid Vesta shifting into Cancer, ruler of your romantic sector. This is a time when you must be able to practice consciously shifting gears between your personal and professional life to find a healthier sense of balance. This may also be the beginning of realizing that though you will forever crave success, your personal life may be of higher importance right now.
Vesta in Cancer in your house of romance strengthens the importance and meaning of your relationship. You will start to see that no matter how much success or accolades you amass, they can’t replace the feeling of returning to a relationship that feels like home. Let yourself receive the new insight that the Libra Eclipse brings so that you can fully seize the loving connection that Vesta in Cancer will bestow upon your relationship.
(January 20 - February 18)
Best Love Day: Monday, March 25, Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra in your house of romantic growth
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra will rise in your house of romantic growth and new beginnings opposite the Sun and Mercury in Aries, highlighting the importance of conversations with your partner. You are craving a new start in your romantic life, and though it could be about dating, it likely will bring up more within an existing relationship as you try to convey what you truly want for your future.
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra will highlight a new beginning that takes place because of a shift in your emotional perspective. Although this is a Full Moon, which is more known for endings, what is concluded under this lunation has more to do with those feelings that are taking you away from seeing how much love and possibility surround you. To fully seize this benefit, you must open the space for thoughtful conversations with your partner, where you don’t let any frustrations get the best of you but instead express yourself as clearly as you can because, in this moment, what your partner most needs is to see your heart.
(February 19 - March 20)
Best Love Day: Monday, March 25, Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra in your sector of life partners
On the other side of faith is the love that you always dreamed was possible. The week begins with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra, activating themes of second-life partners, intimacy, and positive new changes starting to take place. But the eclipse is opposite Sun and Mercury, so you may be tested to know what you truly deserve and are worth in terms of love. This is a lesson that you’ve already passed, but you need to make sure rather than having boundaries with what isn’t aligned with your worth — you now need to start opening to receive what is.
As you embrace the gifts for connection and deepen your relationship with the Lunar Eclipse in Libra, you will feel a greater sense of confidence and trust, which will impact your romantic commitment as Vesta shifts into Cancer.
Asteroid Vesta rules the home, domestic intimacy, and the bond with the one you love, while Cancer governs over much of the same. As Vesta shifts into Cancer, it will highlight a deepening commitment that also carries the potential of marriage. The lesson here is knowing when it’s safe to say yes and take a chance on love so that you can truly move into the love that you have always hoped for.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator. For more information about her work, visit her website.