The Luckiest Day Of The Week, For Each Zodiac Sign In Astrology
Tuesday sets the tone for the week of December 18 - 24, 2023, thanks to the Quarter Moon in Pisces.

Shannon Kaiser, the Author of the book Find Your Happy: An Inspirational Guide to Loving Life to its Fullest says, "When you step into your power and true authentic self, you shine so brightly that the world tries to keep up."
This is one of the many things to take into consideration when planning for your lucky day this week. When you know in your heart and down to your soul that you are destined for success and for the abundant, beautiful life you dream of, you can't help but call it into existence.
Moving with an energy of manifestation and confidence not only inspires the universe to cooperate with you but also raises you into the power of who you truly are and who you are meant to become.
Each zodiac sign's luckiest day of the week starts after the Half Moon arrives in the zodiac sign of Pisces on Tuesday, December 19, 2023.
Just because it's the last month of the year doesn't mean there still isn't time to create magic. After all, the best is always saved for last, isn't it? Although Mercury will be retrograde through the end of the year this week, it begins to draw you closer to those dreams set aside so that you can remember you did come into this life with a divine purpose.
On December 22, Capricorn season will start increasing luck for a few zodiac signs later in the week.
Embrace the energy of the Capricorn Sun as it brings truth, honor and a hard work ethic, allowing you to take the dreams of the First Quarter Moon in Pisces and Vesta retrograde in Gemini. start planting the seeds for what you know you are meant to find success within.
Photo credit: Jose Manuel Gelpi | Canva Pro
Everything that has occurred this year has only been preparing for you to honor your inner truth and the belief that you can bring anything into existence that you desire. It's only that you must remember the work you put in will be equal to the rewards you receive.
Earlier this month, Neptune stationed direct in the zodiac sign of Pisces, and for a few water signs this change fills life with hope.
No matter what zodiac sign you are, decide to be successful, to be abundant and actually to be in love with the love that you live.
It is possible, but you need to remember that you are special and that no one has the gifts that you do, and the dream in your heart is only yours to follow.
Luckiest Day Horoscopes for Each Zodiac Sign for December 18 - 24, 2023
(March 21 - April 19)
Luckiest Day: Saturday, December 23, Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, ruler of your house of expansion
Mercury rules the mind, so as it slips into Sagittarius during its retrograde, you can return to previous ideas and dreams you had to expand your life. It might be you want to return to school or become certified to teach yoga. It may even have you dreaming of starting your own business, but whatever it is, it's important to recognize it because it's the key to the success you want to create.
Whenever Mercury retrograde lights up this area of your life, it's as if you've been guided to return to the drawing board as you modify, remember, and get back to those dreams that you had. While it's necessary at times to shelve dreams for another time, you also need to dust them off to make them a reality.
(April 20 - May 20)
Luckiest Day: Thursday, December 21, Capricorn Season ruler of your house of luck
Capricorn is an earth sign known for being honest, diligent and hardworking, many traits you would say describe you. Capricorn is special because it helps to activate the energy of your house of luck, which means you can expect to have inspiring new ideas and feel a greater connectedness with the universe around this time.
As Capricorn Season begins to shake things up in your life, it's important to reflect on the opportunities or risks you've taken and those you've chosen not to. This area of your life will always require you to take a leap of faith, something that can be challenging for you at times but which is more than worthwhile to work through. Try to focus less on the risk of trying something new and more on the regret if you don't have the fuel to seize as many new opportunities as you can in the week ahead.
(May 21 - June 20)
Luckiest Day: Tuesday, December 19, First Quarter Moon in Pisces, ruler of your career sector
The First Quarter Moon rises in Pisces in your house of career, prompting an important decision about the course of your professional life. This area of your life has been of great focus this year as Saturn shifted into this water sign, joining Neptune, which was recently stationed direct. Now, as the First Quarter Moon rises, it's important to take what you've learned over the past six months and decide based on the life you want to live and not the risk-free comfort zone.
With Pisces in this area of your life, it's important to make a difference and feel like you are living your purpose for this lifetime. Now, you may need to decide to stick with your old job or risk starting something new. Try to have faith in yourself and everything you've already developed. Whatever job or promotion you apply for will be guaranteed to deliver you precisely the success you know is destined for you.
(June 21 - July 22)
Luckiest Day: Tuesday, December 19, First Quarter Moon in Pisces, ruler of your house of abundance
Piscean energy rules your sector of abundance, which can be financial, but also, there is a general sense of fulfillment in every area of your life. This represents the feeling of being satisfied, surrounded by possibilities as both your home, heart and bank account are overflowing. As the First Quarter Moon rises in Pisces, you will be guided to make a decision, but it's one that you may have to talk yourself into following through on.
Whatever arises for you around this time, it's important to focus on what you know you are worthy or deserving of receiving. In any situation, always choose the most abundant one, which means it's not just finances to take into consideration but also your happiness. You have been in the process of creating a life of worthiness this year, which means you are only one step away from the abundance you've always dreamed of.
(July 23 - August 22)
Luckiest Day: Thursday, December 21, Sun in Capricorn in your house of determination
The more determined you are, the future you will go. Determination also must consider logic, as you are able to creatively determine the best path or outcome to achieve what you desire. There is also a balance that must occur when it comes to determination so that you don't overlook one key area of your life solely to create success in another.
Reflect on creating a more whole-minded approach to embracing determination in your life as the Sun shifts into Capricorn, highlighting this theme. Be determined not just to get that new job or close on that new house, both of which are possibilities around this time, but also to become your best self and enjoy what you are creating. When you can take that determination and spread it throughout your entire life, you end up having more power to make any dream a reality.
(August 23 - September 22)
Luckiest Day: Wednesday, December 20, Vesta retrograde in Gemini in your house of professional aspirations
Asteroid Vesta represents your internal flame that governs what is most important to you and what drives you. In this case, Vesta is shifting into Gemini in your house of professional aspirations and will be providing you with an opportunity to change your mind about the direction of your career. You don't always like to change your mind or direction as you tend to have extremely specific plans in place for your life, but in this case, it's all about greater passion and success.
As Vesta shifts into Gemini, spend time reflecting on whether you are still working in alignment with what you want to achieve in your career. You may realize that you need to embrace a new path or create more time for your personal life. This shift helps embrace all you've grown in as well as create more space for joy in your life, which is necessary, especially with all the exciting new developments happening in your romantic life.
(September 23 - October 22)
Luckiest Day: Wednesday, December 20, Vesta retrograde in Gemini in your house of travel
When in doubt, Libra, just book that ticket. Asteroid Vesta shifts into Gemini as part of its retrograde and brings in new desires and possibilities for travel. While you can tend to be a homebody, you also have a strong urge to explore the world and see what else is out there. You've silenced this for a long enough time, and it's just a precursor to what 2024 will hold as Jupiter will shift into Gemini as well and bring many of the same themes.
Luck isn't just created by hard work or manifesting with the universe, but in following your soul's desires, even if it might not make logical sense. In this case, that lucky break you're hoping for may occur on one of your travels or an impromptu work trip. So, take the trip. Book that ticket. Trust that the success you desire may be resting in that unexplored dream.
(October 23 - November 21)
Luckiest Day: Saturday, December 23, Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius in your house of wealth
Mercury, the planet of communication, will shift into Sagittarius as part of its retrograde and activate your house of wealth. While this can bring in a surprise financial benefit, such as a bonus or inheritance, it's also the perfect energy to advocate for a raise or increase in your benefits package. It can sometimes be challenging for you to speak up about what it is you are worth, especially in a career setting. Still, you also have made significant developments in your work, so you deserve to be compensated accordingly.
As Mercury shifts into Sagittarius, reflect on what it is you've been hesitant to ask for from your employer or supervisor. Even if it's more time working from home, vacation time or that bump up the pay scale, it's important to use this energy to your advantage so that you truly are creating the wealth that you now know you deserve.
(November 22 - December 21)
Luckiest Day: Thursday, December 21, Sun in Capricorn in your house of self-worth
Sun in Capricorn highlights an important focus of your growth that has dominated the last decade of your life. Pluto first shifted into Capricorn in 2008 and began to help you work through any self-limiting thoughts or beliefs that have kept you from pursuing your dreams. As Pluto ends its era in Capricorn, the Sun enables you to take the positive action you need to show yourself and the world that you now have the confidence to achieve anything you dream of.
Capricorn Season is one to not only act on your dreams, such as investing in a property or starting a business but also exercise your boundaries with others so you are surrounded by only those who are the absolute best. This will help reaffirm your growth so that you can make progress this month, and remember, there is no perfect timing, but only the time you decide is finally perfect.
(December 22 - January 19)
Luckiest Day: Tuesday, December 19, First Quarter Moon in Pisces, ruler of your house of communication
Piscean energy rules over your house of communication, and the First Quarter Moon brings the necessity to make a crucial decision. Reflect on what you've learned about how you communicate with others and what you've wanted or needed to change to be more proactive about creating a life you love. While hard work will get you anywhere, being aligned with your soul leads to everything.
Focus on the conversations that arise with others this week as you will need to make a decision that has to do with your beliefs about yourself, life and what you are worthy of. Make sure no one tries to undercut your worth with an offer this week and if that does arise, you must be prepared to walk away from the table. The decision you make this week will help you start to put together the plans for the year ahead, so it's important that whatever choice you make is one that your soul is at peace with.
(January 20 - February 18)
Luckiest Day: Tuesday, December 19, First Quarter Moon in Pisces in your house of financial abundance
The First Quarter Moon in Pisces activates your sector of financial abundance this week as you experience a sudden windfall, and the only decision left to make is where to spend it. While it's best to hold off on making any big purchases, especially with Mercury retrograde through the end of the year, you should see this incoming cash flow as a reflection of your growth.
The time has passed for merely accepting something because it was always the case or because another told you it was the best you could do. Now, as you embrace the ending of a major year in your life, take this financial abundance and direct it toward your dreams. With Jupiter wrapping up its time in Taurus in your house of home, you may want to reflect on any renovations or improvements you want to make to your home, as investing in yourself and the place you hold sacred may be the most successful decision you make.
(February 19 - March 20)
Luckiest Day: Saturday, December 23, Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius in your house of success
Mercury rules over conversations, thoughts and ideas, helping you speak up, advocate and create what you want by using the power of your words. Sagittarius, it highlights your house of success, career and professional goals. This may be the time to rethink your career direction or to approach any recent challenges you've had in the workplace to bring about greater collaboration and understanding.
Success isn't just about what you do or how much money you generate because of it, but the relationships you form along the way and what you learn from them. As you open to observe where this energy is directing you, you may have to trace over some matters from the past, but that may be precisely what is needed to help propel you toward divine success in the future.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and retreat curator. For more of her work, visit her website.