What Each Zodiac Sign Can Manifest This Week With The Power Of The Full Moon

Release, breathe, and then prepare to begin a brand-new cycle of manifestation.

woman manifesting during lunar eclipse in taurus Chikovnaya, yudhistirama from Getty Images Signature | Canva Pro

Embrace the building energy as you move closer to your destiny. Each moment, each turn of the page, even in the most unexpected of ways, has been part of a divine plan to bring you to this new beginning. As one chapter comes to a close, so too must another begin. Open your heart, smile with gratitude and let yourself follow the call of your soul.  

On October 23, the final Full Moon Lunar Eclipse rises in Taurus, ending a cycle that has been playing out since November 2021. Since then, you've been called to honor the truth and stability to which the Taurus and Scorpio axis has drawn your attention.


Let yourself honor and heal your darkness while you realize it's also the place to sow the seeds for what you hope will blossom. There is a rebirth energy here, along with sensuality, as you move toward what feels good to your soul and away from the lessons that have kept happiness and fulfillment at bay.



This eclipse cycle will end with a Lunar Eclipse, which rules your emotional body and will provide the perfect space for closure, understanding, realization and the ability to feel free from what you have struggled with.


As you prepare for the end of this cycle, let your heart have hope because a new cycle has already begun. It's about genuinely embracing life and going along with everything that will come. This is the moment the lesson is learned, allowing you to see its blessings. 

The elements you'll need this week 

Leading Energy: Taurus, Earth 

Best Time For Your Ritual: The evening hours of October 27 or 28 

Chakra Point: Heart 


Herbs: Mint, Thyme and Ginger 

Essential Oils: Rosemary, Ylang-Ylang and Lemon 

Crystals: Rose Quartz for love, Moonstone for closure and Aventurine for new beginnings 

Incense: Rose 

What your zodiac sign can manifest during the Full Moon in Taurus the week of October 23 - 29, 2023 

Aries: Honoring Yourself 

(March 21 - April 19)  

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse In Taurus Affirmation: I honor my inner worth with every decision I make as I move toward the life meant for me.  

Embrace the power of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus as you are guided to honor the profound love and value you have developed for yourself. Create moon water and place a few sprigs of chamomile or tulsi inside so it can be infused with courage, self-love and value. Repeat your affirmation as you dip a necklace or another important piece of jewelry into the infused Moon water.  


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Taurus: Divine Trust 

(April 20 - May 20) 

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse In Taurus Affirmation: I have divine trust in the universe as I embrace all my lessons and welcome a new beginning.  

Gather your courage as the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs in your Taurus zodiac sign as you are inspired to step out of your comfort zone and leave the past behind you. Create a trust charm using something personal to anchor the ritual: salt, lavender and thyme. Repeat your affirmation as you bind the items in blue ribbon and place them in your pocket or purse to keep with you throughout the day.  


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Gemini: Embracing The Future 

(May 21 - June 20) 

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse In Taurus Affirmation: I am no longer afraid of the future or of receiving what I most desire as I open my heart to embrace it all.  

Let yourself follow your wildest dreams as the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus encourages you to open to receive all you desire. Please write down your affirmation and place it in the flame of a yellow candle. Repeat your affirmation as you sprinkle salt and marigold petals over your offering.  

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Cancer: Exciting Opportunities 

(June 21 - July 22) 

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse In Taurus Affirmation: I am grateful for new and expansive opportunities in my life as I trust in the path forward.  

It's time to let yourself start taking advantage of the exciting opportunities beginning in your life under the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. Begin by anointing your pulse points with lemon essential oil. Repeat your affirmation as you draw an arrow facing out on your right wrist to help you move toward your destiny.  

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Leo: Career Fulfillment 

(July 23 - August 22) 

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse In Taurus Affirmation: I deserve all the success I am receiving right now.  


As the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus peaks, embrace gratitude for all the success that will continue to come your way. Break off a few basil leaves from your garden and place them in a honey jar. Repeat your affirmation as you add a spoonful or two to a cup of steaming mint tea.  

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Virgo: Soul Abundance 

(August 23 - September 22) 

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse In Taurus Affirmation: I am at peace with myself and feel incredibly fulfilled by my life as I allow things to bloom in their time.  

Welcome in an energy of ease and receiving as the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus helps you to reflect on all you've gained and created over the past two years. Create a simple offering of rose petals, sweet peas and thyme. Repeat your affirmation as you burn it under the full Moon, feeling grateful for all you can receive and enjoy.  


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Libra: Intimate Connection 

(September 23 - October 22) 

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse In Taurus Affirmation: I am practicing greater vulnerability in my relationship as I am open to building a deeper connection with my partner.  

Direct your energy toward being more vulnerable as you seek to build a more profound intimate connection with your partner under the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. Begin by using your favorite recipe for lemon muffins or bread, and add a handful of dried chrysanthemums to help increase sharing and connection. Repeat your affirmation while drizzling a bit of rose-infused honey over it, and then enjoy it with your partner. 


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Scorpio: A New Beginning In Love 

(October 23 - November 21) 

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse In Taurus Affirmation: I have learned, healed and released all that no longer serves me so that I may welcome a beautiful new beginning.  

Celebrate the ending of a cycle while you embrace a new beginning in your romantic life while the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus rises. Create an intention jar using your written affirmation, symbols of the relationship you're calling in, rose petals, lavender, ginger and thyme. Repeat your affirmation as you seal it with red wax, then place it on a north-facing windowsill to honor the energy of Taurus.  


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Sagittarius: Alignment 

(November 22 - December 21) 

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse In Taurus Affirmation: I align with my soul and trust the process of life as events continually unfold.  

Focus on cleansing away the old and trusting your soul's wisdom under the energy of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. Begin by collecting your favorite lavender body wash, or make your own using castile soap and a few drops of lavender essence. Repeat your affirmation while you are in the shower and envision washing away the events and challenges of the past two years as you embrace a clean slate in your life.  


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Capricorn: Romantic Commitment 

(December 22 - January 19) 

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse In Taurus Affirmation: I trust in my heart as I seize a new beginning and commit more deeply to my relationship.  

Commit to what brings you joy and contentment as the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus helps you embrace all you deserve. Please write down your affirmation and place it in an intention sachet with rose petals, ginger, and thyme. Repeat your affirmation while you bury it beneath a rose bush or oak tree.  

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Aquarius: Connection And Love 

(January 20 - February 18) 

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse In Taurus Affirmation: I am worthy of creating a life of love and connection and will focus my energy on what is most important to me.  

Embrace your most significant priorities under the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. Create a sacred smudge for your home using cinnamon, lavender, rose petals and thyme. Repeat your affirmation as you smudge your home and your energy.  

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Pisces: Honest Transparency 

(February 19 - March 20) 

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse In Taurus Affirmation: I am honoring my heart by transparently speaking my truth.  


Allow yourself to bloom with full radiance and transparency under the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on Taurus. Begin by collecting a lily and lighting a white candle. Repeat your affirmation as you bind the lily with a white ribbon and place it in the candle's flame.  

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and retreat curator. For more of her work, visit her website
