Weekly Love Horoscope For All Zodiac Signs For February 6 - 12, 2023
You can have it all.

In the week ahead, the energy shifts allowing you to fully believe that having it all is not just a dream but a genuine reality you can achieve.
The Aries stellium will peak in a couple of weeks, meaning something beautiful will begin no matter where you are.
As that energy amplifies and Mercury shifts into Aquarius this week, it becomes more believable that you genuinely can have it all.
This means you can feel fully satisfied with multiple personal, professional, and romantic areas of your life.
But usually, there is also a fear that goes along with having it all, and that is the fear of losing it all.
So, it usually becomes easier to experience a self-fulling prophecy that is not possible than to tackle the fear of losing it.
In a year that represents so much healing, it is becoming clear that this old belief is no longer serving you, which means that you are starting to believe not only is having it all possible but that you deserve it as well.
This week is another step on the beautiful journey of creating a more fulfilling and authentic relationship, and it is one that will bring not only love but also so much joy.
Most romantic day of the week:
Tuesday, February 7th
Asteroid Vesta enters Aries today, joining Jupiter and Juno. Vesta rules matters of home and your internal fire, while Jupiter brings expansion and change. Juno rules marriages or the agreements within a relationship.
As more planets move into this dynamic, pioneering fire sign, it will be time to start something within your own life. This is a new beginning and one that will only start to materialize this week.
Today Jupiter in Aries also unites with the North Node in Taurus, bringing a sense of fate to the events and themes that arise, which will help guide you towards the bigger meaning that everything has within your romantic life right now.
Wednesday, February 8th
Last week, the cosmic lovers, Venus and Mars formed their divine union in the sky, bringing events to fruition within your life, but this week Venus will cross paths with Uranus. Uranus is known as the great awakener. It is the planet that helps you shake free from limiting beliefs and stagnant situations.
As Venus intersects here, it will create a desire for fresh new energy within your romantic life. You will be craving a new experience with your partner, a deeper level and an even more tantalizing connection with your partner. Use this energy to shake up your relationship if it starts to feel more like a business arrangement or to give you that push toward a new love.
Saturday, February 11th
Mercury, the planet that rules thoughts and communication, will enter the air sign of Aquarius today. Aquarius is a zodiac sign that does not mind fighting for what it wants. It can find the best possible outcome and get creative about how to make it all happen.
While Aquarius can be known as being detached, it is a zodiac sign that invests quite a bit into a romantic relationship. It is just that this sign is not going to ask you to stop being who you are or give up the best parts of yourself for them.
It is a sign of autonomy and independence, which offers you a chance to make decisions that are true for you and to respect the same for your partner. Mercury in Aquarius is more dynamic and creative; any relationship challenges can be figured out unconventionally, allowing you to form a deeper, more genuine connection.
Each zodiac sign's weekly love horoscope for February 6 - 12, 2023:
(March 21 - April 19)
Most romantic day of the week: Friday, February 10th
The Moon represents your emotional and sensitive self. As it moves through Libra this week, it will activate your romantic relationship, helping you tap into your true feelings just as your sign is lit up by a third planet moving into Aries. Pay attention to your feelings even if they are inconvenient because they are always true.
(April 20 - May 20)
Most romantic day of the week: Sunday, February 12th
Scorpio energy rules all matters of the heart for you because it represents the passion you sometimes fall short on by believing you cannot have it all. As the Moon shifts into this zodiac sign this week, it is your chance to tap into the depth within yourself and your relationship. Once you start mirroring what you want to receive, it suddenly becomes much easier to create.
(May 21 - June 20)
Most romantic day of the week: Tuesday, February 7th
As one of the most social signs of the zodiac, it is important this week to take your relationship into some fun and exciting new social scenes. You have had a rocky few months. Either you were going through a transition in your relationship or ending it altogether.
Now that you are emerging from this, you need your friends more than ever. Whether helping you get over an ex or just giving you and your partner a chance to laugh and have fun, this week, your friends will help improve your relationship.
(June 21 - July 22)
Most romantic day of the week: Saturday, February 11th
Mercury is the planet of communication; in Aquarius, it activates themes around intimacy and transformation. You are undergoing an immense transformation as you start finding a greater balance between caring for yourself and your relationship. This week conversations become key to moving forward and continuing your growth so that you can continue to feel confident you can have it all.
(July 23 - August 22)
Most romantic day of the week: Saturday, February 11th
Mercury governs both your thoughts and the words that you speak. This week as it shifts into the sign that rules your romantic relationships, Aquarius, the conversations turn toward the future. Aquarius believes in commitment but does so in a way that suits their dreams or needs. There is no blueprint to follow, and instead creates its own. Use this energy to make the changes in your love life you have been seeking.
(August 23 - September 22)
Most romantic day of the week: Tuesday, February 7th
A phenomenal week is taking shape as Neptune in Pisces aligns with Mercury in Capricorn. Neptune in Pisces activates your romantic relationship as Mercury in Capricorn brings up conversations about commitment, marriage and even children. This could be a week that holds some beautiful moments of growth that allow you to feel like you are genuinely taking your relationship to that next level.
(September 23 - October 22)
Most romantic day of the week: Tuesday, February 7th
This month will bring in many romantic changes for you as the stellium in Aries peaks in your zodiac sign that governs this part of your life. Vesta rules your home and your internal fire. As more planets enter this part of your chart, you will see greater relationship development. You have been working towards this for years; you must trust your growth.
(October 23 - November 21)
Most romantic day of the week: Tuesday, February 7th
The North Node in Taurus governs all matters of the heart, while the current influx of Aries energy highlights themes of health and your daily routines.
Taurus is your opposing sign and represents the stable energy you sometimes interpret as boring within healthy relationships. As Jupiter in Aries aligns with the North Node, this area is being expanded, showing you that the healthier you become, the more improvements you will see in your romantic life.
(November 22 - December 21)
Most romantic day of the week: Tuesday, February 7th
More than likely, you already know all that is coming your way, but this week Vesta in Aries offers a crucial step. Vesta rules the home you return to each evening and the one within yourself. As these two combine this week in the part of your life that rules marriage, joy, children and even self-expression, you are being guided to own your truth. You can only take advantage of Jupiter's expansiveness in Aries if you are honest about what you want.
(December 22 - January 19)
Most romantic day of the week: Tuesday, February 7th
Vesta is the asteroid that helps you to return to yourself and your truth. It is also responsible for creating space to make you feel safe and cared for. With the Aries energy amplifying this week, your focus will greatly be drawn to these themes. It is also a huge opportunity for you to have the life that you are living, including your relationship, be more representative of your truth than it currently is.
(January 20 - February 18)
Most romantic day of the week: Tuesday, February 7th
Changes are coming to your domestic life: The North Node and Uranus join in Taurus, your solar house of home and family, which means that you will be deepening your commitment and even talking or beginning to share domestic space. As scared as you have been in the past, this is also about trusting your growth and opening up to receive all you deserve from love.
(February 19 - March 20)
Most romantic day of the week: Tuesday, February 7th
Your opposing sign is Virgo, representing the complementary energy to your zodiac sign. Virgo energy helps you practically look at things; it grounds you and even helps you focus on the steps to the dream and not just the fulfillment of it.
As the Moon moves into this zodiac sign this week, you will feel more emotionally grounded and pragmatic about your romantic life. Venus is still in Pisces, but the Moon in Virgo not only can help you take advantage of new opportunities, but it also can help you to see things from a more realistic perspective.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.