The Daily Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On Thursday, January 26, 2023

You can look to the stars for your astrology forecast. Today's horoscope for Thursday, January 26, 2023, is here. Let's see what's in store for all twelve zodiac signs.
The Sun is in the zodiac sign of Aquarius, which brings a season of change to all of us — especially those involving friendships, social networks, and how we use technology.
The Moon is in Aries, where it will connect with Chiron, the Wounded Healer.
This planetary combo will bring up some hard feelings for us, but these are emotions necessary for healing, growth, and accomplishing what our fate put us on the planet to do.
Your zodiac sign's daily horoscope for Thursday, January 26, 2023.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Expect there to be growing pains. With Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in your zodiac sign, there have been many realizations and moments of great sadness.
These moments have allowed you to see how you've survived and what mechanisms you've had to depend on in the past no longer work.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Saying goodbye is not going to be easy, but sometimes you have to rip the bandaid so your body can heal.
It's never easy to shut the door on a relationship, opportunity, or situation you felt was good for you. But when you are doing the right thing, rewards often follow.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
You have changed, but the problem is others' perceptions of you have yet to catch up with the new you.
Once your friends, family and coworkers can spend more one-on-one time with you, they will recognize how much you've worked on yourself.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Work can be demanding, and sometimes you feel underappreciated and overworked. In these moments, it's important not to remain silent about how you feel.
It's good to clear the air and voice your concerns respectfully, but it's even better to have a few ideas to help solve the problem.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
It's always challenging to let someone make their own mistakes while you watch from the sidelines, knowing it's a bad decision.
You want to be a protective friend and help someone you love to avoid the pain and suffering you went through. They may prefer it this way, and your support shows much dignity and respect for their person.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
You have to give from the heart, or else you only set yourself up for heartbreak and unmet expectations. When you love someone, your first reaction is to do things for them that show how you feel.
With love, you have to give it as a gift with your hands open. Love comes back to you in other ways, and it may not be packaged how you think it ought to look.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Love does not always mean you get to be together in the end; people grow apart, and it is sad. You never know if in the future, your paths will cross once again. For now, maybe friendship is better to allow you both the freedom to follow your dreams.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Today is filled with busy work, some of which may not be as fulfilling as you would like.
The details of life can be cumbersome and boring. So, schedule some reward to look forward to — a massage or manicure or even a dinner date with a friend, followed by a movie or play.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
There's always room for romance, even if you give someone a piece of chocolate with a post-it note saying, "You matter to me." They will love the sentiment and you will feel good being a light in another person's day.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
You and your parents will not agree on everything. You are your person, and it's OK to live dreams different from what they wanted you to be in life. They will be happy to see you flourishing and doing things your way.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Tough conversations are golden moments for growth and change. So, why avoid them? Speaking your mind can do a lot of good and bring you closer to a person you care about.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
A bad financial decision can be repaired with a strategy and a little bit of time. Slow down before making a big expense. Think things through and be sure the obligation is something you feel good about.
Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.