The 4 Zodiac Signs Who Fall Out Of Love & End Relationships, January 23 - 29, 2023

A conversation should not lead to an argument.

The 4 Zodiac Signs Who Fall Out Of Love & End Relationships, January 23 - 29, 2023 MixMike from Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro

This week, four zodiac signs fall out of love and end their relationships starting January 23 - 29, 2023.

At the start of the week, Venus shifts into romantic and sensitive Pisces, emphasizing the value of vulnerability.

Since the start of the month of January, Venus, the planet of love, has been in Aquarius, and this was more of a detached period in love. Venus in an air sign was a time for you to focus on yourself more, which and as a result, cracks in your relationship would become more obvious to you.


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Now that Venus is shifting into Pisces, one of the zodiac signs that it operates the best within, it also means that you will be asked to step up your love game.

Complete independence or avoidance regarding emotions or issues in your relationship can no longer replace transparent and vulnerable communication.

Venus in Pisces brings more romance and love, making sharing your feelings more important.

Some zodiac signs may struggle with that this week, and in addition to the energy of the First Quarter Moon in Taurus, it may all prove too much.


The First Quarter Moon in Taurus represents a shift from the past toward the future.

It encourages you to release, let go and move on, which means you may be more likely to take off on a new path than work on your current relationship any more than you already have.

Everything happens for a reason, and while nothing is guaranteed, your relationship is in your hands and the hands of your romantic partner.



It takes two to create a healthy relationship and two to repair one that is not.


RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign's Weekly Love Horoscope For January 23 - 29, 2023

Remember that a productive conversation about your relationship should never turn into an argument over who is right or wrong.

The four zodiac signs who fall out of love and end relationships during the week of January 23 - 29, 2023:

1. Scorpio

(October 23 - November 21)

This week, you have the unique position of being in a failure or success with your love life. You may find that you can deepen your connection with your partner or realize that your path will never lead to where you hoped.

The reason for this unexpected energy is that Uranus, the planet known for shocking and awe-inspiring events, has just turned direct within your romance sector. Uranus can bring positive changes to your love life, but it can also be the straw you cannot move past. The thing with Uranus is that whatever it brings into your life is unexpected.


That is how this planet works. So, no matter how good or dismal things have recently seemed, they will still have to change that way. However, this week you may decide the past is too great to move past and move on by yourself.

The Last Quarter Moon in Taurus also occurs this week, again taking aim at your love life. The Last Quarter Moon makes you want to move forward at all costs, which, when it comes to relationships, can mean that you find it better to move on in your direction. The past makes the connection so amazing sometimes, but at others, it is simply too much to move on from.

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2. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19)


In the week ahead, a lot of hostility and emotions will brew in your committed relationship. While this can affect talks of greater commitment within your life, the challenges will most exist for those already living together.

Venus shifts into Pisces this week, and Capricorn lights up your communication sector for you. Venus in Pisces is even more connected to its feelings and wants to talk everything through. Being emotionally expressive is not usually your strong point, which will bring some uncomfortableness into your relationship. But Jupiter and Juno are currently in Aries, activating your home and family environment. Jupiter expands whatever it touches, but this week is for you.

It may also feel like you need space from your relationship to grow truly. There will be challenges around your partner wanting you to be more emotionally expressive, to talk through your feelings and to hold space for them to do the same.

During this, you will want to break out of whatever rut you have felt like you have been in recently, causing a dramatic split. If you are invested and truly committed to working through things, remember that love is an emotion. To get the most out of it, you will need to allow yourself to become vulnerable in ways you previously have not.


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3. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20)

You have already been on the fence about your relationship, Mars turning direct in your zodiac sign has not cleared everything up yet. As you progress through the next month, things will become clearer one way or another, but as Venus moves into Pisces, your career zone gets activated this week. You strive for success in all areas of your life, and financial independence is important to you.

If you have yet to feel phenomenally successful in your romantic life recently, you will be more likely to dive headfirst into your career this week. While you should always pursue your interests, this week serves more of an escape from your domestic life than anything else. Venus in Pisces here is concerned about financial abundance, but it also may be more willing to sacrifice to achieve it.


Boundaries may be lowered during this time, creating less division between home and work, and you may feel more willing to give up time with your romantic partner to get ahead in the workplace. While everything happens for a reason, if this is not something that you want to happen, then you need to be mindful of where you are investing your energy this week.

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4. Cancer

(June 21 - July 22)

Sometimes, you need permission to focus on yourself, which is what this week is about. In recent months you have learned that your feelings need to come first and that you need to make taking care of yourself as much a priority as it often is caring for those you love. Your relationship may be going through some growing pains as your romantic partner begins to understand and adjust to this.


Things have likely fallen off recently, but this week may create more distance between you. In the week ahead, Venus in Pisces will enter the luckiest part of your life, but it also brings the desire for new experiences and adventures. At the same time, Jupiter and Juno are in Aries, activating themes around your workplace and career.

You could feel like you need to focus more on your purpose in life and are starting to crave a new level of freedom now that you are putting your needs first. Some relationships can grow through situations like this, but at other times it is too much change, so it becomes time to part ways. If that is the direction things take this week, remember that the best love also helps you become more of who you are.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.
