The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Saturday, November 26, 2022

It is time to accomplish the first step.

 The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Saturday, November 26, 2022 GPoint Studio via Canva Pro

Three zodiac signs have the best horoscopes on November 26, 2022.

What's happening in astrology that makes it such a good day for three zodiac signs?

The universe keeps you on point today as you are being encouraged and maybe even slightly pushed to accomplish the first step toward the new beginning that is calling to you.

Yesterday was the break in the skies and a chance for you to incorporate some downtime into your day.




Whether you reflected on future plans and hung out with friends in the evening or simply just relaxed all day eating leftovers, it was a chance for you to not feel so hung up on what comes next but instead to just enjoy the present moment.


However, today, the universe is amping up the energy and making sure that you do not become complacent in your patience and that everything will end up working out.

The first shift is that the Moon moves into the industrious sign of Capricorn.

This is the perfect sign to make plans because Capricorn can break things down into smaller steps which will make it easier to feel like you can get started.

Yesterday you were encouraged to incorporate balance into your life which will set the tone for that mountain you are about to climb.

Today, alongside the detailed orientated Capricorn Moon, Mars in Gemini will form a harmonious union with Saturn in Aquarius.


This is all profoundly serious, determined energy that is focused on one thing; moving forward.

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The Capricorn Moon gives your emotions a more logical base, not that you will not be feeling driven by your feelings, but you will be able to find understanding and stability within them too.



Mars in Gemini is currently retrograde which may seem like it is prolonging the inevitable to the point of uncomfortableness, but it is also giving you a chance to get everything together before you make your big leap.


The thing with big leaps though is that a million small steps go into it and that is what begins today.

Mars and Saturn are concerned with action and passion but there is also a divine order which cannot be ignored.

Saturn is asking you to double down, to focus on doing things differently now that you have learned some of your important lessons, and to take steps towards creating what you say means so much to you.

Together they create an environment of you feeling compelled to work on achieving your passions.

What calls to you cannot be ignored any longer.

While you still have to implore a certain level of patience, there is a push today to at least take one step toward your dreams.


This is not just to help you get to that first step, but also to send the message to the universe that you are ready for it.

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But by doing this you change the vibration and create the space for the universe to work with you.

A small step today may be making a list, a plan, an important phone call, reaching out to someone, or even having a critical conversation about what is to come.

Do not trivialize your progress today by reflecting on how much is still left to come, instead simply be grateful that the journey you have been dreaming of is finally about to begin.


The three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes for Saturday, November 26, 2022:

1. Cancer

(June 21 - July 22)

The Moon is in Capricorn, dearest Cancer, which means that you need to take all those feelings and start figuring out what they mean. In the past few months, you have gone from the action of speaking your truth more boldly to slowing down and caring for yourself in all the ways you do for others.

But now, it is time to start taking everything and putting it into an action plan for what you want to change within your life. Even if it seems you need change to start happening in multiple areas of your life, it does not mean it has to or will happen all at once.

Instead, start with where it feels like your heart is guiding you, make a plan this time, and then recognize that as long as you stay true to yourself you are headed for success.


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2. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19)

The Moon in your sign today is helping you to see things from a more emotional point of view. Try not to get into the depths of trying to make sense of how you are feeling and instead simply honor whatever is arising for you. It also is a great day to plan some quality time with your romantic partner if that is something that has been lacking today.


Challenge yourself to release the previous plan that you had for your life and instead focus on where it feels like your emotions are leading you. Often, logic will not lead you forward, and instead you will have to rely on your own truth to make your dreams come true. The focus for the day at hand is to let go of how you thought things would happen and instead see what direction your heart wants you to go in.

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3. Aquarius

(January 20 - February 18)

This is an incredible day for you Aquarius as Saturn is bringing a greater focus into your life about what matters most. When Saturn is involved so deeply as it has been recently, it is easy to become focused on what needs to be taken care of rather than what is of the most value to you.


Today though is a chance to return to your heart and your deepest passions. This time do not let anything talk you out of what you know is meant for you. It may mean you need to break a few rules to achieve it and practice greater patience, but it is achievable.

During this time, it matters less what things look like in this moment and more about what you see in your mind's eye for the future. Try to find one way to get closer to those passions and there is no doubt that the life you have dreamed of will soon be yours.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.
