The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Stay present and let the universe work its magic.

The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Tuesday, November 8, 2022 Anna Shvets from Pexels via Canva

Today brings the long-awaited and fateful Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse which will sweep through your life in unprecedented ways.

Full Moons are a time of completion, a moment when you realize that a certain cycle or even version of yourself is outgrown.

It is a time to recognize what has grown over the past six months of the lunar cycle and what has not so that you can make different decisions about where to focus your energy.


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On April 30th, the Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse took place which was about the action you felt driven to take to change your life and align more directly with your soul’s purpose.

However, there was something that was still holding you back from stepping all the way into this new phase of your life.



It likely had to do with your feelings, beliefs, and overall emotional perception of whatever changes you were trying to implement.


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You tried to take action externally, but internally, something was not in alignment just yet with these recent changes.

During the past six months, you have had the opportunity to let your internal world catch up to the life that you are living.

This may have looked like being in the place to absorb that you have outgrown your relationship, career, or even the place that you live.

It may have been a profound time for realizing that your old beliefs and stories about how life would go no longer ring true.

Whenever you try to take something new into your life, it first has to be about what you need to let go of in order to make space for it.


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During the past six months, you have had time to reflect more honestly on what and who you value most.

This realization is what is pushing changes around this time because you are suddenly feeling clear over what is a priority and what no longer is.

As this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse peaks today in the early morning hours it is asking you to honor your new truth and to try once again to make those changes that you first tried or considered back at the end of April.

Often, it is not that you make a wrong decision but only that you are not going about it in a way that honors your lessons and soul's journey.


Today is when it finally feels like it all comes together.

Venus, the planet of love, and Saturn the ruler of karmic lessons and divine timing will both be influential factors with this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse so it is important to be aware of these themes within your life so you can move through them with awareness and dedication.

Venus, currently in Scorpio, is looking for greater truth, transformation, and intensity.

This is not about casual flings but that romantic relationship that changes your entire life simply through love.

Saturn is wrapping up its time in Aquarius which means that you have been asked to go through the process of identifying where you are following a blueprint for your life versus finding the courage to make up your own rules.


With this combined energy on this eclipse, you should be feeling freer to move in the direction of your greatest passion which also will magically turn out to be your fate as well.

The three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on Tuesday, November 8, 2022:

1. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20)

Today is important for you in ways that you may not initially realize until later on. While the Moon is on Taurus reaching its zealous point with the Lunar Eclipse it unites and challenges multiple planets bringing about huge lessons and opportunities.

During the day today, the Taurus Full Moon connects with Neptune in Pisces, Venus in Scorpio, Saturn in Aquarius, Uranus in Taurus, and Mercury in Scorpio. This is a tremendous amount of energy that will affect your dreams, relationships, boundaries, lessons, changes, and finally important conversations.


With Uranus and the eclipses this year being in your zodiac sign, change is something you are familiar with. However, today a major piece of the puzzle locks into place changing not just your life but your viewpoint on everything. This is where it finally all comes together.

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2. Scorpio

(October 23 - November 21)

Love is something that you desire almost as much as your own truth. The New Moon Solar Eclipse in your zodiac sign brought awareness to you regarding your own growth and your process for incorporating that into your life.

This ultimately is the biggest change for your romantic zone because when you grow and heal, then automatically your relationship has to as well.


Today with so much action occurring in Taurus, the zodiac sign that rules love and romance for you, it means that something is coming. It likely will be a surprise and will fit into the progression of how things have been going lately, but it will not be the ending.

Instead, today serves as a jumping-off point into a future you could not even imagine if you tried, yet it is real, and it is all yours.

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3. Aquarius

(January 20 - February 18)

The majority of all the planetary energy today is focused on Taurus and Scorpio, however, Saturn currently in Aquarius figures heavily to this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse which means that you can expect to feel it strongly.


With so much Taurus energy wrapping itself around you at this time it means that there is a great deal of focus on your home and family life. This is all positive energy, but it will change things in your life, including your relationships with others as well as the ones that you have with your career.

Make sure that you allow yourself to fully seize and embrace everything that is happening around this time so that you can enjoy all that is set to arrive. This is why Saturn has been helping you to release so much of your past because you needed to in order to fully embrace the beautiful future that is on its way.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website
