The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Friday, August 26, 2022

You are the one that you have been waiting for.

The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Friday, August 26, 2022 Rohappy via Getty Images Pro/Kristi Create via Canva Pro/Slidesignus via Canva Pro

The Virgo New Moon is celebrated this evening, reminding you that you are on your own path to healing and abundance.

Luna shifts from Leo into Virgo in the evening, marking this the time to celebrate this lunation and plant any seeds for intentions you want to manifest over the next six-month lunar cycle.

Virgo is the earth goddess, the one who is full of potential and healing and is the embodiment of wisdom and abundance.


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This is a very fruitful sign as anything planted under the energy of the Virgo New Moon tends to take root even more deeply.

A New Moon in Virgo is about bringing the themes of this healing earth sign into your own life.

Think about where you would like more peace to exist, how you can honor yourself more fully and what you can do to create more acceptance over this space you are currently within in your life.


This is a sacred Moon that is helping you to bring closure or find solace in current challenging situations.

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Once this can occur, then you can utilize the growing potential of Virgo and start tending to those dreams that you have for your life and your future.

The idea is to make sure that you are always beginning a new pattern or cycle instead of simply becoming stuck in one repetition after another.


This is your work to do, and a major part of that is to take time to internalize your own healing process.

Being able to move beyond limiting patterns or cycles first asks you to heal the parts of yourself that continued within them for so long.

Whatever the specific nature of the situation, there is always a reason you chose or even simply chose to accept a cycle rather than taking steps to remove yourself and begin your own path.

Virgo wants to help you understand things more deeply, to see that you were never broken, but only searching for something outside of yourself that you already had within.

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Virgo, in similar ways to Chiron, is capable of healing itself yet often chooses to sacrifice itself for the healing of others, teaching the ultimate lesson that you are no good to anyone else unless you first care for yourself.

Instead of blaming or looking for others to save you in any respect with this Moon, look within yourself.

Reflect on what you seek or feel you need and give it to yourself through self-love, self-care, and even self-forgiveness.

Until you understand that you are the one that you have been seeking all this time, you will continue to seek lessons outside of yourself to teach you just that.

Because the ultimate lesson is you cannot know what or who is truly meant for you as long as you are searching for something to become what you are already capable of being for yourself.


These three zodiac signs will have the best horoscopes on Friday, August 26, 2022.

1. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22)

Your annual New Moon is here, ripe with possibilities and healing. This has been a year for you to focus on yourself. To return to a space of clarity and truth where you can see yourself and your actions for what they are.

There is no point in trying to be someone you are not, even if it is for the best intentions because you can only be what you are at any particular moment. Understanding your actions from the past more clearly means that you can now understand the parts of you that were still searching for something outside of yourself.

Take this lunation as a chance to return home to your soul. To understand that the choices that you have made were guided by where you were at the time and not a reflection of where you will ultimately go. The more you can extend your grace and find that core within, the more you can tap into your infinite power to achieve anything you desire.


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2. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20)

Virgo energy rules your home life and even committed relationships which means that you are also about to receive the gift of a brand-new beginning. Virgo energy holds immense healing, so look for where you may need that energy in your home and relationship. Whether it is about being able to forgive what has already happened or receiving the abundance already there, this is a chance for you to embrace the present moment.

Mars is currently in Gemini, meaning you could feel some frustrations about your life.

However, it is best to understand their origin rather than projecting it upon anyone you live with.


There is a key here for you to use, which can unlock even deeper caverns of happiness and joy as long as you realize that you are the one holding it. See any frustrations as a chance to see yourself more clearly and allow yourself to receive the life you have been working so hard to create.

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3. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20)


This New Moon will deliver some serious blessings to your love life, dear Pisces. Virgo is your opposing sign that rules all things romance, relationships and love. For you, it has been a journey recently of being more honest about your feelings and needs, which means that you already have tapped into much of that healing energy of Virgo.

When you learn that your feelings and needs are valid simply because they are yours and not based on another's ability to validate or honor them, you can step into a place of immense personal power.

This power is not something that rages or overinflates itself. Instead, it speaks quietly, sacredly, as you now know exactly what it is you deserve. As you are about to find out, knowing this is the key to receiving it. Do not rush any process or be too quick to judge; instead, keep showing up as you have been so that you do not miss a moment as the magic begins to unfold.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website