The Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On Wednesday, May 18, 2022
So much love to give.

For Wednesday's love horoscope by zodiac sign, resident astrologer Aria Gmitter shares how current astrological events affect you on May 18, 2022.
What today's love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Wednesday, May 18, 2022:
Love takes you by surprise, Aries. Today, you may be blinded by the passionate side of love. It's a warm feeling when you feel like you have found a soulmate who you are meant to be with in this life.
But, at the same time, remember that lasting relationships go through highs and lows; so be prepared to take the good with the bad.
Friendship turns to love, Taurus. Even if you've been together for a long time, when you're able to be good friends with the person you love, everything feels so much better. Your comfort levels grow stronger each day, and you're able to let down a few guards. Someone is able to hold your heart, and it makes you feel safe.
Things become official, Gemini. You have been wanting to call this person your significant other for a long time. But, the timing never seemed right. And, now you're seeing signs that it's happening. What you hoped for is become real for you, and for them, too.
A soulmate enters your life, Cancer.You knew that when you'd meet your soulmate you'd know that they were the one. You're finishing each other's sentences. You can tell what the other is feeling. It's all too real. This is fate in action.
Love is give and take, Leo. There's a part of you holding back because you've been hurt (and used) in the past. But, now it's time to take a new risk. You have to try to see if there is any hope for your love to grow. You can't know if you continue to play it safe standing on the side lines of love. Test the waters, Leo.
Your relationship becomes stronger, Virgo. You have been watching and quietly observing the person you have your sight on. You may have thought that this relationship needed a little more time. And, now you can see the natural progression of two people becoming one. It feels so good for you, Virgo.
it's the little things that count, Libra. You love it when you can be with someone with all the simple pleasures love can bring.
There's holding hands and saying "I love you". Things are so different now. You know that you are together on the same team.
Bring the element of surprise into your love life, Scorpio. You know how good it feels when someone does something romantic and it's spontaneous.
Take initiative. Do you know what would make someone smile? Don't hold back any longer. Do what you're good at and create romance.
Life and love become enriching, Sagittarius. In romance, you may not always get what you put into it. But, this time is different. You're investing time and energy into yourself, and self-love is beginning to bloom. Your heart is healing and it shows.
Words take on a new meaning, Capricorn. When you say those three words, "I love you" you mean them. It takes a lot for you to finally reveal what's on your heart to someone you care about. This is a big step for you because you've helped to move your romance to a new level.
You find something of value in your relationship, Aquarius. You are someone who finds value in the uniqueness of others. It's your sweet and gentle way of accepting someone for who they are that makes it so easy to love you.
Your love life fulfills you, Pisces. It's time to let go of any need you have to control the direction your relationship takes. Starting to accept romance on its own terms without expectations changes the entire experience for you. The pressure is off, and you're free to love without strings.
Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.