5 Reasons A Gemini Will Be The Most Interesting Person You'll Meet
For all your fascinating Geminis out there....

Gemini individuals are born from May 21 through June 21. They are often referred to as the Twins in astrology, and some people either love them or hate them.
It's hard to feel anywhere in between about them. Every zodiac sign is beautiful in their own unique way, and each has particular quirks and strengths that can greatly benefit their partner.
Gemini, in particular, is high energy, imaginative, adaptable, smart, and naturally independent. All admirable traits of a lover.
Here are five solid reasons Geminis are the most interesting people you will ever have the pleasure of meeting.
1. They are highly adaptive.
They roll with the punches life doles out like a prized fighter. Life is guaranteed to upset our plans and try us when we expect it least. Having someone in your inner circle that understands this changes the status of your life from surviving to thriving.
2. Their sex life is always vibrant and adventurous.
They know what they want and what they are comfortable with. Once you make them feel comfortable and empowered in the bedroom, they will test boundaries and explore possibilities.
Be sure to voice your genuine feelings as you two progress together. Not acknowledging and addressing a Gemini's needs in the bedroom can spell out failure for a relationship.
3. They inspire change in whoever they meet.
Even in passing conversation, the uniquely energized vibe that Gemini puts outshines like a light tower on a foggy morning. As you open up to a Gemini, watch as their opinions and insight inspire you to shift your perspective and discover new possibilities. They are very relatable people and use readily accessible common ground to stimulate change and ensure strength through independence.
4. They are naturally independent.
They have nurtured sources of love, inspiration, and strength internally. They gladly accept what you offer and acknowledge they are better off with it. The fact that they can stand on their own ensures they will inspire and guide you to the same end. While you should be able to turn to your partner for whatever you need, you should have stores of strength and positivity within you.
5. They are great at communication and honesty.
Active listening, genuine opinions and trust are natural strengths for Geminis. If you prompt them and show your own love and support, they will open up to you fully. If your Gemini is having trouble doing this, it's probably because they are still nursing wounds from the last relationship. Remind them it's a new day and that you are there for them. Nurture them back to a higher place.