Love Horoscope For Monday, November 15, 2021

Love is not always romantic.

Love Horoscope For Monday, November 15, 2021 denis Belitsky/

For Monday's love horoscope by zodiac sign, resident astrologer, and YourTango's Senior Editor, Aria Gmitter shares how current astrological events affect you on November 15, 2021.

Love is not always about romance or doing things that are emotionally driven.

We are less inclined to be assertive when it comes to love over the next few days as the Sun in Scorpio semi-squares Venus in Capricorn. 

Our romantic nature finds other ways to channel passion into work, purpose, and responsibilities. 


What does astrology have in store for your love horoscope this Monday? Find out.

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What today's love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Monday, November 15, 2021:




Let go of expectations, Aries. Expecting something that you will never get from someone is a reflection more of yourself than the other person.

You can't demand a person to be more than who they are. So, it's time for a reality check and to decide if this is the person with who you see your future with? If not, time to reconsider your approach.

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When someone's faith or belief system conflicts with yours, you can try to compromise and understand them better.

But, the emotions need to be mutual, and the respect reciprocal. If you're belittled and left feeling like your thoughts about astrology don't matter, it's time to chat deeply with your significant other on how this hurts your heart.

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Friendships go through transitions, and this may be where you see big and sudden changes in your own.

You may not understand the intensity of these emotions and changes, but when you look in hindsight later, the vision will be a perfect 20/20.

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You want a partner who not only looks good on the outside but has beauty on the inside. So, be selective with who you decide to build a life with.

In other words, don't settle for less because you're lonely. Being alone for now is better than in a relationship that makes you feel as if you don't belong.

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Learn about your significant other's needs.

The best way to improve your relationship this week is to see how you can help to make each other's lives better by starting off with the regular everyday routine.

Find out how to make small changes that give you free time to enjoy yourselves, together.

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What's romantic is seeing how your relationship can transform from just friends to something so much more.

You are coming out of the ashes together and being each other's soulmate healers. This is a beautiful time for your love life, so don't be afraid to enjoy it.

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Home may be where the heart is, but right now, things feel contentious and difficult. You have so much happening in. your family that it's hard to figure out where the balance is.

You will have to be flexible as you navigate these changes, Libra, and when you feel exhausted, tired, and spent, ask for space to regain your energy.

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Invest in the health and well-being of your relationship. Love happens, but you know that it takes time and investment to grow.

So, when you choose to work on yourself, Scorpio, it's like adding value to your entire life. This is what will make your romance run so much more smoothly, and when it's right in your own world, everyone else can feel it, too.

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Buy something you would love to make for your significant other or plan an outing where the two of you get your hands into something fun and playful.

Go on a paint date. Stroll a craft store. Visit a hobby shop. Let your imagination extend beyond the bedroom and get yourselves out into the world having fun and expanding your horizons making beautiful things.

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Your identity and the way you view yourself is defined by you and you alone.

No one else in the world can tell you who to be or who to love. You get to decide, and if that means breaking a few hearts out of disappointment, then you may choose to be a heartbreaker after all.

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It's one thing to forgive a person who did you wrong, and it's another to allow that person to remain in your world.

Just because an ex tells you that they are sorry for all the hurt and damage that they have done, does not obligate you to remain friends. It just means you get to let the past go without holding on to the what-ifs or wishing you could have tied up loose ends.

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Someone who loves and cherishes you will tend to your things in the same way you would do for them. So, when you see a person not caring for your property or even for what you value, then they are telling you all that you need to know.

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Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.
