Love Horoscope For Friday, April 30, 2021

What would you do for love?

Love Horoscope For Friday, April 30, 2021 Ruslan Huzau/

For Friday's love horoscope by zodiac sign, resident astrologer, and YourTango's Senior Editor, Aria Gmitter shares how current astrological events affect you on April 30, 2021.

Let's all admit that love is work. Even when you're having fun with your partner, or if you're single and filling the void with close friends and some self-care, you're investing time and energy into some form of love - and that too is work.


We are in work mode this entire weekend with the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and crazy Uranus in Taurus who always adds a twist to the day. 

The Moon leaves fire energy to enter the earthy nature of Capricorn by noon. 

RELATED: Horoscope For Today, April 30, 2021

Emotionally, mentally, physically, all signs point toward building relationships and establishing some ground rules.

It's inescapable this weekend to feel the down-to-your bones energy with a bunch of planets in earth signs.

How will this affect your love horoscope on Friday?


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What today's love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Friday, April 30, 2021:




Cherish the special moments that happen in a blink of an eye. There's a sweetness to the day that can help you to see the sweet side of life, especially while Venus is in Taurus.

The timing couldn't be more perfect. When you capture the joy that's available to you, it flows into everything else you do making you alluring to others and so easy to get along with.

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Share your love. You're a natural caretaker and while Venus is in your sign, it's time for you to care for yourself, too.

Give yourself a bit of that motherly energy that you so often share with others. You have so much love to give, that there's plenty enough to go around.

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Believe in love. Even if someone you cared for so deeply has let you down. Trust that there's a reason why things didn't work out. You learned.

You grew, and now when you meet someone that isn't right for you, you can tell quickly. You'll also be able to sense when a situation is right without having to waste too much time.

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It's so important to speak about what you're feeling. Holding on to your pain is only going to make you feel worse.

Chances are if you need someone to open up to, a friend wants to listen. This is the time to ask for a coffee chat and some time to just share what's on your mind.

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It's time for you to start to value yourself, especially while Venus is in your solar house of public reputation. This is what you're made to do.

Be a confident person on dates, at work, and when you're out with your friends. You'll attract someone to you that sees your strength and wants you to be yourself.

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You may be looking at upcoming travel plans. It's time for you to start viewing the world after spending a year indoors and social distancing.

You may be craving a little bit of adventure. Perhaps plan a trip to visit a friend or a person you've been chatting with online but haven't met in person yet.

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Confidence is not only sexy, it is contagious. Really own your beauty and the person that you are. Venus in your sector of sensuality encourages you to relish in your inner loveliness.

Why hide it? When you give yourself permission to express this part of yourself confidently, it may encourage others that love you to do the same.

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With Venus in your sector of commitments, you may find that life and love take a unique turn that brings with it luck and favor. Your soulmate could arrive.

Being with someone you love is a slice of heaven. You may find yourself in a wonderfully balanced relationship with a person who is more than just a lover, but a friend.

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If you've chosen to be single, there's nothing wrong with that. f that's what you feel is healthy for you at this time in your life, then don't worry.

Parents and friends may be puzzled and ask you why aren't you dating or if a friend is something more, but at the end of the day, your love life is yours. It's yours to control, too.

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Love wisely. Who you decide to give your heart to is an important decision. Who you choose to share your body with is even more so.

You may be making some major choices this week in the affection department. Be sure that if you decide you want to cross a line that it's one you're confident you're OK with.

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You can unlearn bad love. You learned how to love from the time you were a child, and with that, you can carry habits that you're not too proud of.

But, this is a time for a change, and Venus in your solar house of the family can be just the time to look at your family of origin's history with relationships and try to undo the worst parts and rewrite them in a better way.

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Sometimes silence is superior to conversation. Things left unsaid have a way of communicating themselves. The heart doesn't always need help to express its emotions.

While Venus is in Taurus, you may find that speaking aloud isn't always what you need to do. Just being there can be even more powerful.

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Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.
