Most Unstable Zodiac Signs, According To Astrology

These signs need help and support.

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Not everyone was born with Dalai Lama-like patience.

Our Zen tends to diminish rapidly when we come into close contact with stress-related actions. In other words, we are all mental cases, time bombs waiting to explode. Well, not all of us, but some.

When we are unstable, the state of our mental health is iffy. Sometimes I, myself, feel like a walking nervous breakdown, and then on other days, I know myself to be sturdy, stable, clearheaded, and rational.


I've seen others who are clearly unstable; they fly off into tantrums and end up ruining everything they've worked so hard to achieve. And it's these unstable zodiac signs in astrology who try to hold it together as best as they can, but ultimately fail.

When we are most unstable, we can be very obvious. We don't act normally; in fact, being unstable looks quite mad. This is where we need help and support.

Balance is the only thing that allows us to live normal, healthy lives, so when we find ourselves on the verge of instability, we owe it to ourselves to reach out for help.

So, which zodiac sign is the most unstable?

1. Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Most Unstable

"Strong as bull" doesn't necessarily imply stability, it just means that, in the case of Taurus, their strength doesn't balance out their need to kick things over and destroy them — like the bull in the china shop.


They are clumsy in life, and mentally they are even worse; they have very short triggers and if they are either insulted or offended, they tend to go ballistic. They are highly unstable and will blow up like noxious gas if given the chance.

Earth sign Taurus is one of the most hated zodiac signs for this exact reason.

RELATED: Taurus Compatibility In Love, Sex & Relationships

2. Libra (September 23 - October 22): Very Unstable

The irony of Libra is that it is represented by the scales of balance. One would automatically think they are well-balanced people. That's where we'd be wrong.


Libra has a tendency to be very polarized; in fact, rarely are they ever practical or well balanced.

Libra is another of the intelligent signs; they're very smart with subjects they know something about, but if they are presented with a topic they are unsure of, they become visibly upset and nervous.

Libra's nervousness is notorious — a truly unstable sign.

RELATED: What Libras Are Like In Relationships

3. Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Unstable

Cancer would like to think of themselves as some kind of risen, enlightened being, but scratch that façade and you'll find a scared child, unable to handle the world as it is.

Cancer is a frightened sign; they crave routine and sameness and when suddenly a change is demanded of them, they retreat into a thumb-sucking state of unresponsiveness.


They cannot be relied upon as they are as unstable as they come.

RELATED: The Best And Worst Cancer Personality Traits

4. Aries (March 21 - April 19): Somewhat Unstable

If you've ever been to a restaurant with a disgruntled Aries who has just thrown the table and all of its contents over, while screaming and running out of the restaurant, then you know all about how unstable Aries is. It's true.

Attribute it to their high intelligence. Maybe they can't take all that knowledge rattling around in their brains. Aries is a great sign, but they are frantic, unbalanced, insane, and over-the-top unstable.

RELATED: The Negative Personality Traits Of The Aries Zodiac Sign, According To Astrology


5. Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Somewhat Unstable

Gemini is lucky to get out of bed in the morning, as this is not natural to them. Were they left to their own devices, they'd spend all day, every day in bed, scrolling Amazon, avoiding relationships and real-life situations.

Of all the zodiac signs, Geminis are hands-down the craziest. Because when Gemini is confronted, they back off, leaving friends and family to wonder what is going on. They are gaslighting liars of the first degree, and they lie without conscience.

They are unstable, anti-social, and generally dangerous to be involved with on any level.

RELATED: 3 Strange Myths & Facts About The Gemini Zodiac Sign That You Should Know (Even If You Think Astrology's Fake)


6. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Somewhat Unstable

Sagittarius is as unstable as they get, they just don't know it.

This loner has spent a little too much time in their mind, and so, when presented with a radical idea that takes place in the real world, not in their mind, they freak out and have no idea what to do with it.

Sagittarius cannot handle reality, which means they avoid reality as much as possible. Their lives are heavy with fantasy and very little reality, which makes them very unstable, shaky, and physically and mentally clumsy.

RELATED: 20 Best & Worst Traits Of The Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

7. Pisces (February 20 - March 20): Somewhat Stable

Of all the zodiac signs, Pisces is the least stable of the stable, but still more stable than the unstable. And it's mainly because of their emotional nature.


Very sensitive, Pisces tend to cry and pout when they don't get their way. And though they usually have a good sense of reality, they sometimes can get lost in their own little world, not grounded in the truth.

Being in touch with your emotions isn't always a positive personality trait, as Pisces don't know how to detach themselves from their emotions. In other words, they have a very difficult time leaving their baggage at the door.

RELATED: Pisces Dark Side: Bad & Negative Traits Of The Pisces Zodiac Sign

8. Capricorn (March 21 - April 20): Somewhat Stable

Capricorn is not one to lash out at other people. They have their dramatic days, sure, but who doesn't?


However, if a Capricorn is going on any emotional rollercoasters, they're most likely not going to invite you along for the ride. This zodiac sign tends to hide their emotions behind their rough exterior.

Even though they can be the moodiest of misfits, they're pros at carving spaces for themselves. So, unless you're close friends with a Capricorn, you probably won't get to see them unravel. Privacy is key for these Seagoats.

RELATED: 50 Best Capricorn Memes That Describe This Zodiac Sign

9. Leo (July 23 - August 22): Stable

Leos love to be the center of attention, that's for sure.

They tend to be emotionally stable, which makes it easy for them to keep long-lasting friendships. They're more likely to help a friend through a nervous breakdown, rather than having one on their own.


Still, they refuse to be treated like a doormat or your therapist.

Leo has no problem helping a friend in need, but if the relationship is starting to become toxic, they'll draw a clear boundary between the two of you.

RELATED: Why Are Leos So Lucky?

10. Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Stable

It is no secret that Virgos have their stuff together. They tend to compartmentalize their emotions, which isn't necessarily a good thing, but they're not one to have a dramatic outburst.

Being calm, cool, and collected — and organized, of course — is every Virgo's personal motto.


Virgos tend to rely on experts when they have a problem. If their car breaks down, they're going to consult a mechanic — not their best friends — for car advice.

They take a similar approach when it comes to addressing their feelings. When in doubt, they book an extra session with their therapist and keep their unstable feelings to themselves.

RELATED: 20 Best & Worst Personality Traits Of The Virgo Zodiac Sign

11. Scorpio (October 23 - November 22): Very Stable

Just because Scorpios are the most fun of all the zodiac signs, that doesn't mean they are emotionally unstable. In fact, Scorpios are the champions of not taking things too personally and cutting toxic people out of their lives.


One thing every Scorpio needs to work on, however, is knowing that unstable people are usually attracted to them.

Scorpios are so sensitive that it's easy for them to get absorbed in someone else's unstable mess and drama. Then, they make that drama their sole focus.

RELATED: What Does The Scorpio Symbol Mean? Zodiac Sign Glyph Meaning

12. Aquarius (January 20 - February 19): Most Stable

If you're looking to connect with an unstable sign, don't come running to Aquarius.

Aquarius are experts at controlling their emotions and addressing conflict head-on. They are really good at understanding when they need to make space for themselves.

Sometimes they're so stable that it might seem a little disturbing. It's almost like they need to throw a few tantrums here and there, just so they don't get used to acting like a robot all of the time.


RELATED: The 10 Best And Worst Personality Traits Of Aquarius + Their Perfect Love Match


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Ruby Miranda is a New Yorker who learned astrology, I Ching and all types of cartomancy and numerology from her crazy, gypsy mother. She currently writes for a wide range of esoteric publications.
