The One-Card Tarot Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On January 9, 2025
Life can take you by surprise, but a tarot card reading can help you prepare.
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What do you have planned for Thursday? On January 9, 2025, the Moon in the steadfast Taurus zodiac sign may bring some intense energy to each zodiac sign's tarot horoscope when it meets with Uranus mid-morning.
Moon and Uranus contacts can enable you to accomplish much more than planned or require a change in your agenda. Whatever the day brings, be flexible and open to change. See where the road leads, and of course, check out your tarot card reading to get guidance and insight into your situation.
The daily tarot horoscope for each zodiac sign on Thursday, January 9, 2025.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card: Judgement
Something new within you is on the verge of blooming, Aries. This is a beautiful time to press into the inspiration or ideas that have been planted in your spirit lately.
If you follow where they lead, you may be on the cusp of the best period in your life thus far.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card: The Magician, reversed
You will know the truth when you look close, Taurus. You may encounter things or people that pose as something they are not.
From a distance, even a fake plant can look real. However, at a closer look, its reality becomes apparent.
This is a time to move forward with discretion that not all claims are true; what is the actual fruit? Is it good or bad, true to its claims or not? In other words, anyone can say anything, but do their actions align with their word?
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card: Ten of Cups
With your love cup overflowing, you are ready to embrace a whole heart, Gemini. This is the prime time to be mindful of what adds to your spirit and what subtracts.
Some things may take away from your energy and others build it up. For example, be conscious of guarding your heart and mind towards goodness and truth.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card: Temperance
An activity may not be entirely bad or good, Cancer. Rather, your relationship with it may be largely shaped by how much you engage with it and how.
This is an amazing time to assess things in your life you want to enjoy, but feel could do so better; you may be able to get the wholeness out of something after having established some boundaries.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card: Three of Wands
Are you ready to expand you horizons, Leo? This is an amazing time to explore different options or possible areas of pursuit.
It may be professional, personal, or for fun. Regardless, don’t wait any longer, but seize the present moment to do so.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card: Nine of Swords
Avoiding or ignoring a struggle doesn’t lessen its impact on you, Virgo. Instead, it can cause its influence to come about in more hidden ways.
If you are experiencing some struggles, don’t be afraid to face them. We can fear the pain we may experience by facing our hurts, but it may be less than the pain of not facing them. You have got this, Virgo.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card: Six of Wands
Self-awareness is not limited to acknowledging what you do wrong, Libra; it includes accounting for what you do right.
Otherwise, it may not be self-awareness, it can just be being a bully to yourself. This is an amazing time to be intentional about recognizing how far you have come and your wins; don’t shy away from building yourself up.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card: Three of Cups, reversed
The natural busyness of life can make it easy to skimp on socialization right now, Scorpio. You may be surrounded by work and responsibilities that it falls to the back burner.
However, incorporating quality time with loved ones can be a cornerstone of your wellness. With intentionality, you can combat the natural loss of it. Make it a priority in ways you can, and organize practical plans.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card: Ace of Cups
The grass being greener on the other side can be an illusion, Sagittarius, one that robs you of your joy and realization of how sweet what you have is.
The grass is greener where you water it. This serves as a beautiful reminder that your energy and attention is a magnificent source that has the power to make things overflow. When you fix it towards areas that bring life, you will see its results.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card: Six of Cups
How can you incorporate child-like joy into your daily life, Capricorn? Although the joy you felt as a child can naturally lessen as you grow older, you have the power to build it back up.
You can reflect on what activities brought you into a flow state as a child, forgetting everything else for a moment. You may also do things not for the outcome but for the process. There may also be people who bring you back to feeling ease and playfulness
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card: Ace of Pentacles
Don’t lose sight of the value of what you have, Aquarius. Familiarity can cause things to grow seemingly less exciting or prized.
But what you have — including your blessings, as well as your gifts — is curated uniquely to you, and to be beautifully seized.
This is a wonderful time to seek the beauty of a resource in a new light. You may ponder how you can live with what you have been given to the fullest extent.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card: The Empress
You have naturally nurturing qualities, Pisces. Your influence is not limited to how you carry yourself but also how you influence others.
Today, don’t hold back from speaking about the life you see in others — it may be through compliments or words of encouragement. In any way, speak the good you see.
Aria Gmitter is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She graduated from the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a practical astrologer.