The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Thursday, July 7, 2022

Let yourself remember who you truly are.

The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Thursday, July 7, 2022 Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash

As the cosmos swirl around you today, there is a homecoming of reclaiming your inner fire and power, which dramatically affects events around you.

The major shift today is asteroid Vesta in Pisces turns retrograde, inviting you to go on a journey within as you learn where in your life you have given your power away or allowed others to be the narrator of your own story.

Vesta is considered one of the daughters of Saturn, one of three that served to represent the feminine energy present in life and to protect the world around it.


Vesta in Pisces is spiritual and deeply intuitive, which aligns with this asteroid's purpose of reminding you of what is most sacred to you.

During this retrograde phase, it is a time to remember who you truly are.

To embrace or reignite that inner fire within that helps direct your path to include only what is most scary and valuable to you.

Vesta was also the fertility and family goddess, sometimes even the healing goddess.


This represents the immense amount of transformational energy present around this time, both for yourself and collectively.

Vesta in Pisces may sometimes be overly self-sacrificing, encouraging an attitude of confusion or disempowerment as it feels like its own needs often come last.

During this phase, though, the beginning of October is a time for you to start putting your own self first.

To see that it is not selfish to do so, but self-full.

Representing that until your cup is full, you will only ever feel empty as you continually help others with theirs.

As you move through the energy today, it is a chance to step into your own divinity, your own magic authenticity that beats within.


No matter how it gets ignored at times or attempted to be extinguished by others, it is always there, waiting for you to return.

Three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on Thursday, July 7, 2022.

1. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20)

Vesta is similar to your energy that your own will feel magnified during this energy. It is also a chance to truly release and walk away from those scenarios or individuals requiring you to compromise your values to be in a relationship with them.

Boundaries are something that you often are challenged with Pisces because the water, of course, is limitless. However, Vesta in Pisces turning retrograde represents a unique opportunity for you to return to your own inner sense of power.


The part of you that is intuitive, gifted, and able to see things far beyond what the physical eye can. This is where your inner fire resides; others can be intimated by it and even try to get you to doubt yourself.

During this phase, though, there is a remembering happening. Remembering your own truth goes far beyond any boundaries you may have had to set to the point of entering a state of just being.

Being who you are completely unapologetically and, because of that detaching from anything that is not in complete alignment with that. You will also radiate magnetic energy during this time, attracting as much as you will be released, creating a true energetic upgrade.

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2. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22)

The last time Vesta turned retrograde was in your sign back in 2021. Now in Pisces, as it is your opposing sign, it will still be affecting you in a different manner. Instead of this coming in and having sweeping changes to your beliefs and behaviors, it will affect your romantic relationship sector.

This area has seen a lot of changes within the past year thanks to so much Pisces energy, including Jupiter, the planet of expansion that did move through this water sign. It is set to do so again later in the year.

Pisces always asks you to reflect on your relationships, the choices you have made and the direction you want.


Today will bring greater awareness about this area of your life, specifically where you have given up on your dreams to keep or maintain a romantic connection.

It is important to remember that a healthy relationship will make you more of who you are, never less. This also may bring up themes in which what you had hoped would manifest in love is different from reality. Neptune, currently retrograde in Pisces, will emphasize this current theme as well; overall, helping you to see things more clearly and to feel empowered to start making different choices.

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3. Libra

(September 23 - October 22)

The Moon is currently in Libra, with the First Quarter Moon occurring yesterday. This energy is all about what you must leave behind so that you can have room to bring in the new. Vesta in Pisces activates all matters of health. Healthy living, mindset, communication and even relationships extend to your professional and personal life.

A big wave comes through in what you allow and tolerate from others if it violates these boundaries for you.

While you may have tried to maintain balance or calm, if it has been at your own inner peace's expense, you can now feel things reaching a tipping point. It is time to either have these situations improve or cut them out of your life altogether. This is an act of self-love.


You recognize that if you continue to participate in unhealthy connections, it affects your health. It is time to make that a top priority and to advocate and protect it fiercely. Don't allow anyone or anything that risks your peace into your space. You are healing, but most of all, you are learning to live in truth.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website