Most Skeptical Zodiac Signs — And What They're Most Suspicious About

They're not buying it.

What The Zodiac Signs Are Most Skeptical About. getty

Everybody has something they’re skeptical about. It may be a deal that sounds too good to be true, or a way of thinking that doesn’t make sense. There are skeptical societies who go around debunking theories like psychics, aliens, and other mystical phenomena. 

A healthy dose of skepticism is good because if you’re gullible and believe everything you hear, you could be taken advantage of and used by people who don’t have your best interests at heart. And the skeptical zodiac signs in astrology are always questioning information they are told.


There are some things you shouldn’t believe just because someone tells you they’re true. Sometimes you need to have your own reservations and not believe it until you can see tangible proof that it exists.

ARIES (March 21 - April 19)

Aries are skeptical about organized religion. It's not that they're not spiritual — they can be, they just believe in the power of the individual, not the group. They believe in free-will, self-determination, and tend to put their faith in themselves.


Aries question authority, especially any kind of religious authority. It's hard for them to have faith just because someone tells them they should.

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TAURUS (April 20 - May 20)

Taurus are skeptical about astrology. They tend to be down to earth and believe in things they can see with their own eyes or touch with their own hands. Astrology doesn't hold any weight for Taurus, and they're fairly certain it's all a bunch of bologna.

A Taurus could get their chart done, be amazed at how true it was, and still not believe any of it.

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GEMINI (May 21 - June 20)

Geminis are skeptical about politics and politicians. It's difficult for them to believe that politicians and political groups will keep their promises and do what they say they'll do.

Geminis will never take anything a politician says at face value; they're always going to do their own research and dig deeper. It's not that Geminis are pessimistic — they believe that change can happen and that things can get better — they're just not going to blindly believe it.

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CANCER (June 21 - July 22)

Cancers can be skeptical about love. If their heart has been broken, they can have a hard time believing they'll find love once again.


It doesn't matter if they've never had problems finding partners before, it's always like they go back to square one. If they are asked out, they will have reservations and doubts that anything good will come of it.

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LEO (July 23 - August 22)

Leos are skeptical about aliens and life on other planets. Sure, it would be great if other planets could sustain life, especially human life, but Leos have their doubts.

They don't believe aliens have come down to earth and have abducted humans; that's just someone's imagination going at full force. All those shows and movies about alien life are just science fiction.


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VIRGO (August 23 - September 22)

Virgos can be skeptical of humanity. They're not convinced that people are good, decent, or want to do the right thing. If someone does something nice for Virgo, they will wait to see what the price is going to be for that favor or act of kindness.

There are no free lunches in their book, and until proven wrong, that's what they are going to continue to believe.

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LIBRA (September 23 - October 22)

Libras are skeptical about the things people say. This individual isn't going to believe something just because someone told them. They want to analyze something for themselves and arrive at their own conclusions.


The last thing they want to do is take action based on gossip or hearsay. It's much better for Libra to do their own investigating and make decisions on what is true.

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SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpios are skeptical about conspiracy theories. Sometimes things played out just the way they were shown and there was no secret agenda behind it. Marilyn Monroe wasn't killed because of her involvement with the Kennedys, the moon landing wasn't faked, and there wasn't any cover-up at Roswell, at least according to Scorpios.

All those theories are not the result of investigative research but of people's wild imaginations.


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SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 21)

Sagittarians are often skeptical about their own talents and abilities. They can come off as very competent and confident, but in truth, they're often second-guessing themselves and whether they can handle a new project or promotion.

Sagittarius are willing to take a leap, they're just not sure they're making the right kind of leap at the right time and if the pay off will be worth it.

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CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19)

Capricorns are skeptical about the supernatural. Okay, maybe there are spirits, but as things like demons, poltergeists, and monsters. They think most of that stuff is made up to sell stories and scare believers into being better people.


If a Capricorn has an encounter with the supernatural, they'll still need convincing that there wasn't a scientific reason for it. 

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AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18)

Aquarians tend to be skeptical of advertising. Anything that makes a big promise, Aquarius is convinced it won't deliver. They don't believe testimonials, free gifts with coupons, or wild claims that certain products will change your life.


This zodiac sign thinks that most promotions just want to get you into the store so they can do a bait and switch on you. if they're selling an instant pot for $30, you can bet they'll be all out when you get there.

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PISCES (February 19 - March 20)

Pisces are skeptical of medicine — alternative and traditional. Pisces aren't going to blindly follow a protocol because their doctor advised it; they're going to get a second and maybe a third opinion.

On the other hand, they're also not going to try any kind of alternative medicine unless they do research first on it or feel they have no other choice. Pisces are very careful when it comes to getting the right kind of care.


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Christine Schoenwald is a writer, performer, and astrology lover. She has written over 500 articles on the zodiac signs and how the stars influence us. She's had articles in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, Woman's Day, and is a contributing writer to Ravishly, I AM & CO, and YourTango. Check out her website or and her Instagram.