Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On January 21 — The Last Quarter Moon Is Here
Take stock of your emotional well-being.

The Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio will rise on Tuesday, January 21, offering a powerful time for release and healing in each zodiac sign's daily love horoscope.
You control how you feel, and because of that, the relationship you choose in this lifetime is important. You don’t need to believe the voices of those who say what you want is impossible, nor do you have to entertain that wounded fear of being alone any longer.
The Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio is a time for emotional release, especially as Scorpio rules the depths of your subconscious. Reflect on the feelings or beliefs that no longer serve you so that you can make space for new things with the upcoming Lunar New Year. Face your shadows and clear away the cobwebs of your heart, trusting that the space you make will be invaluable for attracting the love you truly desire.
The Last Quarter Moon is a reflection, healing, and release time. It brings a final opportunity to shed old layers, past hurts, and outdated beliefs before a time of new beginning with the New Moon.
The New Moon in Aquarius occurs on January 29, marking the start of the Lunar New Year and amplifying the importance of the Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio. You deserve to feel the possibilities of a new beginning, yet that only becomes possible once you let go of what or who you no longer need.
What each zodiac sign's love horoscope has in store on Tuesday, January 21, 2025:
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Explore what hurts, Aries. It’s never easy to dive into the wounds of your past, but it is the only way to truly have a clear heart to welcome in what you dream of.
The Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio represents a time of letting go of the hurts preventing you from starting anew. These feelings may center around past relationships or themes of intimacy.
You must allow yourself to deal with your deepest pain to transform it into newfound strength. You don’t have to be defined by what has happened in the past, but to do that, heal so you can release the hurt you’ve been carrying around.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Honor your personal needs, Taurus. You crave a deep and transformative relationship but can often attract unhealthy partners. This is because they are attracted to your stability and loyalty but then often end up abusing this because of their unhealed trauma.
While you may need to reflect honestly on a relationship, you must also start honoring your needs in this connection.
You can’t just be there for your partner and become a martyr for love, as this will only continue to lead to dynamics you are trying to end. Focus on your needs and stop thinking you need to care for everyone else.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Your emotions may feel heavy today, dear Gemini. While it serves a purpose, it doesn’t mean it will be easy to embrace this potent phase in your life.
Be especially mindful of who you choose to be around today, including your partner, as you will be susceptible to taking on the feelings of others.
You tend to be empathetic if that’s not a personality trait you easily display to others. However, you also must realize that carrying the emotional burden of others affects not just your emotional health but your physical one.
When you can release yourself and let yourself be dictated by the emotions of others, you have greater sovereignty over yourself and your life.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
No one loves like you do, sweet Cancer. You must see this as your superpower, though. Otherwise, you may find it being used against you. You possess a deep desire for your relationship and are incredibly expressive. However, because you show up so intensely for a relationship, you often don’t realize that another isn’t until it’s too late.
You must become aware of how you begin or continue an existing relationship. An unmet need in the beginning won’t suddenly change months or years in. Instead of continuing to feel like you need to give someone a chance, you need to be aware of how the person you’re with is showing up.
Release the idea that you must give endless chances to have your needs met and make space for someone who will right from the beginning.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Not every relationship will feel safe, Leo. It is up to you to understand what you need to feel emotionally safe and give it to yourself first before rushing headlong into a love affair.
You have been becoming mindful of your relationship; however, you’ve been still looking to outsource a need you haven’t fulfilled for yourself. You deserve to feel emotionally safe in a relationship, but your partner can’t do that unless you’ve done it for yourself first.
Release the idea that it’s a matter of finding the perfect person instead of becoming the perfect person for yourself. Love becomes easier when you no longer seek someone else to fill your cup.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You don’t have to over-explain yourself to be understood, dear Virgo. Because of your caring and healing nature, you often carry wounds of not being understood by those you love the most.
This can lead to you thinking that if only you explained yourself, surely, they would finally understand and become the person you need in a relationship. You don’t need to waste time overexplaining your needs, beliefs or feelings.
Focus on being succinct with how you express yourself. Don’t hold back the truth or try to sugarcoat it so it’s easier for another to take. As you focus on releasing the need to over-explain yourself, you’ll realize some people are never meant to understand you.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Invest your energy into yourself, sweet Libra. You often have a carefree and beautiful way of looking at love, although you often find it can be a bit naive.
This is only a problem in relationships where you can’t trust your partner, but it also points to a bigger need for you to invest in yourself.
Financial matters may arise during the Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio, especially if you’ve relied on your partner for financial stability. While this may feel confronting, it is a chance to invest energy into yourself.
Financial independence in a relationship is key, as it will allow you to choose a healthy love rather than one that fills a void. Release the idea that you need anyone to care for you and start doing for yourself and your dreams.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Listen to your truth, Scorpio. As the Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio rises, it’s your chance to confront yourself and the inner demons wreaking havoc in your romantic life.
Release the emotional baggage you’ve acquired, and shift your perspective on relationships. Instead of working to achieve the relationship or life you want, focus on how you want to feel.
You often go after the milestones yet don’t feel how you thought you would once you’ve achieved them. When you can focus on the feelings and not specific events, you will likely find the fulfillment you seek.
Let go of thinking you have to have the perfect relationship and instead focus on how you want to feel when you are with the love of your life.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Face what is most difficult, Sagittarius. You’ve been on quite the journey the past year as you’ve reflected on the type of relationship you need and your fears of commitment.
However, because this phase has been challenging, you may have missed some key patterns in your life that could help you manifest the love you want. Be willing to call yourself out, Sagittarius.
Be honest with yourself as you focus on what is most difficult. Reflect on how you have begun and ended relationships, recognizing that any patterns aren’t attributed to exes but to yourself.
By facing what is difficult, you can release these patterns that have kept you in karmic cycles so that you can have the new beginning in love you want.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Don’t let any relationship take you away from your true self, Capricorn. The Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio occurs in your house of connections, both friendship and romance. However, it also represents a loss of self or identity as you take on the qualities, traits, and dreams of those you surround yourself with.
This can make you take on people-pleasing qualities, as you are trying to be liked by others and then loved for who you authentically are.
You deserve a supportive and loving relationship in your life, but you don’t need to change who you are to receive that. Release the need to be liked to fall in love with yourself and attract someone else who will do the same.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You are allowed to change your mind, dearest Aquarius. This is a bit of contradiction as you are one of the zodiac signs known for frequently changing their mind. However, recently, you’ve talked yourself into something that you may not want anymore.
Whether this is a certain progression of a relationship or the priorities you have for your life – you must allow yourself to change your mind. There is no reason you need to carry on a path you know no longer resonates with your heart.
The longer you invest energy into what you don’t want, the longer it takes to get out. Release the fear around changing your mind, and trust that you know what’s best for yourself.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Embrace all possibilities, sweet Pisces. With the Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio, you are becoming an explorer of the emotional realm.
This applies to within your self, as well as that special person in your life. However, you need to make sure you are asking direct questions and not just assuming that feelings lead to intentions.
Rather than being hypersensitive to your partner's emotions during this time, try to reflect on what confirmation or validation you need.
When you can ask direct questions your, partner, not only do you find the answers you’re seeking, but you also heal the part of you that fears knowing the truth.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.