Weekly Tarot Horoscope For January 20 - 26, 2025
This week's tarot horoscope encourages each zodiac sign to take life at their own pace.

Each zodiac sign's one-card tarot horoscope for the week of January 20 - 26, 2025 is here. After shuffling the cards, the Five of Wands and Knight of Pentacles are the two general cards for everyone, guiding this week's reading.
The Five of Wands reminds us that competition doesn't always have to be unhealthy and stressful. A little competition is useful for honing your talents and abilities — so long as you don't forget that this is the ultimate goal of competing and get lost in unsportsmanlike conduct.
Knight of Pentacles is also here exerting the need to pace yourself. Don't compare your pace to anyone else's. Act when you need to and relax when you don't. Daily proactivity, no matter how small the task, can still help you inch forward toward your long-term goals. Good habits have a tremendous impact in the long haul.
Now let's take a look at the weekly tarot card reading for every zodiac sign for January 20 - 26.
Each zodiac sign's one-card tarot horoscope for the week of January 20 - 26, 2025:
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card of the week for Aries: Five of Pentacles
Aries, the Five of Pentacles brings with it the message not to overspend. This can be tough to do when there are so many intriguing experiences (and sales!) encouraging you to cause any strain on your pockets, but it's important to keep your budget in check right now.
Think about ways you can maximize your income, such as through investing or reworking your current budget.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card of the week for Taurus: The Hanged Man
Taurus, The Hanged Man has a simple message: don't let the slowness of everyday life discourage you — it takes time for big plans to come to fruition.
Think outside the box and you will find intriguing surprises and new knowledge waiting for you, even on the most routine day. You may come upon a startling new idea that has major influence on the future, especially Are you feeling creative?
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card of the week for Gemini: Eight of Pentacles
Gemini, when the week gets a bit hectic, remember that the rewards will justify all your hard work. Give it your best and remember that there's no such thing as perfection.
You are on the verge of leveling up skill-wise, so any extra effort expended at this time will lead to powerful dividends in the future.
Carve out some time for a creative hobby this week. It doesn't have to have a purpose other than helping you relax and develop a fun skill.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card of the week for Cancer: The Sun
Cancer, The Sun is a powerful card highlighting that unconventional and forward-thinking can bring beautiful new change and adventures into your life.
Embrace the unique aspects of your soul and don't second-guess your abilities to begin creating a solid legacy.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card of the week for Leo: Temperance
Leo, be cautious and practice patience when making big moves. Not everything will pan out as you expect.
Sometimes, collaborating and engaging with clashing personalities is required to get things done. Adapting and embracing people's differences can make you all the more creative.
Incorporate daily habits that help you remain calm and steady this week.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card of the week for Virgo: Knight of Wands
Virgo, if you're single the Knight of Wands is a clear sign of something big coming your way in romance. You may cross paths with someone with a larger-than-life personality or attend an event that connects you with your next romantic partner.
The Knight of Wands also represents a deep desire to work on a significant creative project. Don't self-sabotage with doubts. Instead, engage with each challenge and situation swiftly and decisively to thrive and shine.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card of the week for Libra: Page of Pentacles
Libra, this is a week to prioritize and support the growth of someone who may really need you right now — especially if that person is yourself.
Your mental and physical health is extremely important. Burning yourself out won't help anyone, especially if you are learning new skills. Don't bite off more than you can chew.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card of the week for Scorpio: King of Wands
Scorpio, the powerful King of Wands encourages you to be true to yourself and let your personality precede you. Doing so will attract people and friends who resonate with your vision and admire your confidence, benefitting your life personally, romantically, and even financially.
Tremendous growth and respect are coming your way.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card of the week for Sagittarius: The Hierophant
Sagittarius, The Hierophant encourages a spiritual approach to the week to help align your energy centers.
Understanding where you find meaning in life can stimulate your learning process and help you become an authority in your chosen field.
Consider becoming a mentor to others or find a mentor yourself.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card of the week for Capricorn: Three of Pentacles
Capricorn, the Three of Pentacles encourages you to be more team-focused this week, whether at work or in your personal relationships.
Your collaborative efforts can lead to strong results, as this card is a good omen of powerful change and victories that can only be attributed to the team as a whole instead of a linchpin player.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card of the week for Aquarius: Seven of Cups
Aquarius, the Seven of Cups is a powerful reminder to never give up on your dreams.
Life can (and will) throw challenges your way and peer pressure can easily veer you off-course. But if you hold on to what you truly want in your heart, temporary pleasures or attempting to live up to someone else's vision for your life won't distract you. Avoid comparing yourself to others, which can lead you down the wrong path.
If you are unsure of a romantic situation, take a deep breath and ask yourself what you cannot do without.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango
Tarot card of the week for Pisces: Knight of Cups
Pisces, the Knight of Cups is a reminder not to avoid your emotions but to actively engage with them.
While it's not wise to let your emotions get the best of you, finding a good middle ground will help you acknowledge hidden wounds and understand what your heart wants.
Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.