How Love Horoscopes Improve For Each Zodiac Sign On September 22, 2024
Make peace, mend hearts and revel in love.

Your zodiac sign's love horoscope for September 22, 2024, is here. See how the Sun entering Libra encourages partnership, relational peace, harmony and some flirtiness.
This is a new season, and with it comes a new focus in your life. You realize it should never be you against your partner but the two of you against the world. You don't only crave a partner, but you also want a teammate — someone who will always have your back.
While Libra Season may encourage you to dial up flirtation a bit more, it will also bring back a newfound sense of commitment where you'll want to share your life with someone who truly adds value to what you have always created.
Once the Sun completes its entry into Libra this Sunday, it will help you find more peace and love. Be sure you aren’t sacrificing your truth or needs as you do. While Libra Season can help mend any relationship, it can also have you keeping more to yourself, especially if something threatens your love connection.
Most of all, the real lesson to learn during Libra season is that you can never sacrifice your inner peace in hopes of creating it in your own life — real, genuine, healthy love is always based on inner truth.
Here's what is in store for each zodiac sign's love horoscope on September 22, 2024.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You are truly moving into an excellent time for love, dear Aries, and it also will likely take you into a completely new direction. No matter what has transpired since the year started, you are encouraged to seek a new beginning in love.
To try once again to show up as the self that you know you can and want to be. Reach out to the one you love, plan a date, and be willing to be the one who seeks peace first — as it may just be the catalyst to the changes you’ve been seeking.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Take time to fall in love with yourself, Taurus. Not because you won’t receive opportunities in your romantic life but because you deserve self-love. Reflect on how you’ve been feeling recently, especially with your recent pace, and consciously choose to give yourself what you need.
Plan a holiday, take yourself to dinner, or even plan a night in with your partner. Let yourself focus on the bigger picture, and then you may realize you can finally enjoy the smaller moments.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
As much as you are a lover of love, sweet Gemini, certain aspects of relationships can often feel overwhelming or confusing. But much of this occurs when you internally know that the person you are with isn’t your person. Yet, it can also sneak in when you overthink matters instead of trusting your heart.
This is a phase of your life that isn’t just about love, but commitment, family, and truly reveling in all that you have ever wanted to manifest. Trust your heart, Gemini, and let yourself take the next step no matter how much has gone into creating this romantic opportunity.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You will feel a more profound desire to focus on the home you share with your partner, Cancer, or even prepare to let a new love in more deeply. During this time, the focus is on love, home, and tending to create the perfect environment for romance.
Dates at home become more a priority along with also making new updates to make it more comfortable, and feel good to your soul.
Redecorate your bedroom, clear out a drawer for a new love, or even start looking at houses with your long-term partner, and you will see that home really is where the heart is.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Any challenges that you normally experience in relationships have the potential to be resolved during this phase, sweet Leo. Now is the time to focus more on the best course of action, or how you and your partner can compromise, rather than solely on being right or what you once wanted.
Apologize to your partner, let yourself see it from their perspective, make amends, and also take a chance on reaching out with an olive branch. When you can see that you and your partner truly are on the same side, you may discover specific arguments are less vital than they originally seem.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Being treated how you deserve is always an important focus for you, Virgo, but beginning today, it will take center focus in your relationship.
Before you accuse your partner of anything or write off this connection, reflect on what you think you are worthy of receiving and what you deserve. Then, without making assumptions, try to communicate this more fully to your partner while also honoring yourself in all the ways you ask them to.
All is not lost in this relationship, but you do need to make sure you clearly communicate what you need and are worthy of.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
It's your birthday season, Libra, and it's time to celebrate. Reflect while planning your birthday with friends and your partner.
Take a moment and honor the year that has passed while also honoring all that is ahead. You have come so far in the past year, but you need to allow yourself to acknowledge it to embrace your future as the person you have become.
While this is an excellent time for love, you need to ensure your relationship is honoring this new version of yourself so that you don’t sell yourself short on what you can achieve in this life.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You will experience a heightened sense of intuition during this new season, dear Scorpio. But there will also be a stronger motivation to honor and follow it to manifest more of what you have always dreamed of.
Sudden insights and awareness are likely during this time, and while they may lead to deeper healing, especially in your romantic life, it’s really about learning the difference between your intuition and your wounding. When you can make that distinction, you can also feel confident that you are following the path of your soul.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You are being guided to embrace a new way of expressing yourself, Sagittarius. But rather than fearing this will isolate you or end a relationship, you feel more confident that expressing your true self is a way to bring greater connection.
There will be greater optimism and even socialization during this time as you crave to get out into the world and live your life with the one you love.
Don’t let anything hold you back. Most importantly, if you want to mend a recently broken relationship, you are given everything you need to make this happen, but you will have to reach out first.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Honor what is most important to you, Capricorn, but make sure you are also in touch with the deepest part of yourself. Instead of just carrying along as usual, pause and ensure that you aren’t just doing what you feel has to be done but creating time to do what you love.
While this should bring a better balance to your life and more opportunities for romance, it’s also about you learning who you really are when you let go of the obligations or even the need for approval from others. This allows you to feel greater peace in all you do and makes more space for love to grow.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Love isn’t just a feeling; it’s an experience, sweet Aquarius. Let yourself answer the call of your soul, plan that holiday or weekend away, sign up for that sound bath and enjoy all the moments and experiences that love can truly bring to your life. The idea is to let love not only become the greatest adventure but also change your life.
You don’t have to feel alone; instead, you can embrace the excitement of making plans together. If single, this could be an incredible time for new love – but only if you start listening to that inner voice urging you to explore new horizons.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You have always craved a profound romantic relationship, sweet Pisces. This is a love that isn’t just full of desire and connection but seems destined for you by the universe truly. You crave a special love and are about to be guided to see how you can create it. This is a time for greater closeness, intimacy, and divinely arranged moments in your life.
Watch the stars together or take an impromptu day trip where you can spend time talking and focusing on nothing but one another. Not only will this be a deep and intimate time for love, but you may also finally receive that once-in-a-lifetime romance you’ve always dreamed of.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.