Love Horoscopes For Each Zodiac Sign On August 14 Feel The Effects Of Mercury Retrograde
Have patience for the process.

Our love horoscope for August 14, 2024 reveals how Mercury retrograde can be helpful to our romantic and intimate relationships when we slow down and let ourselves think. Mercury retrograde will leave Virgo to reenter Leo this Wednesday, and since Leo encourages you to follow your heart, this theme will come up again in your love life. You can use it to do a mini-review of what's working and what can improve romantically.
Mercury retrograde is a time to not only be wary of exes returning but also reflect on your agreements with others — even if your current relationship is doing just fine. If you know that a breakup is imminent, it could be better to wait until Mercury stations direct on Wednesday August 28; otherwise, that romantic situation may boomerang back into your life sooner than you’d like.
Now is also the time to be mindful when talking about finances or the direction of your relationship. It's smart to practice patience now; you will soon have the clarity you need to move forward when you pause and reflect.
Mercury retrograde is a great excuse to take the time you need to build the healthiest and best relationship you can have. Try to resist feeling like you must rush to decide on something in your relationship. Since Mercury rules the mind, it can reveal where we hold anxiety or fear. When possible, take a deep breath, slow down and savor the moment instead.
Here is each zodiac sign's love horoscope for August 14, 2024:
You might finally get the closure you need, dear Aries. While you have been trying to fake it until you make it and move ahead with your romantic life, certain pieces haven’t yet settled.
Whether this is just a previous relationship or divorce, clarity and positive news will come. And if any legal proceedings are still involved, you can expect a ruling in your favor. Try to bide your time and know your new beginning is coming.
You are being called to pay more attention to your relationship and including the life you have set up with your partner, Taurus. This may lead to conversations about moving in or even selling a home. If this is the case, try to hold off making any final decisions until later in the month, but do take this time to research and start planning.
You may also have an unexpected healing conversation with your parents or children, which can help you in ways you didn’t know you needed. All this is about creating more space for a healthier and more fulfilling love life, Taurus, so take your time with it.
Try to let go of any judgments you may be feeling from others, Gemini. As much as you might be accused of changing your mind more than others, that is precisely what you are meant to do during this time.
Pay close attention to your relationship agreements, especially if changing them also means letting the connection grow in a new direction. Now is the time to engage in conversations with your partner, but do wait to make any final decisions, as more clarity will be arriving.
Sometimes, Cancer, you discover that it’s not your partner or exes that are the issue but how you have been cultivating your relationship with yourself. Realizing that you haven’t been being true to yourself is often part of the journey of self-healing, so try to hold space for what arises.
This would be a great time to start journaling again or even practicing guided meditation, as you are being encouraged to understand that you need to work on the relationship with yourself a bit before you pursue a new love.
Your greatest strength can often become a weakness in love, dear Leo. You are confident and bold and trust your instincts — yet in romantic situations, you can often let your pride get in the way of admitting you were wrong or even that you’ve grown out of that past version of yourself.
But part of true confidence is knowing that no matter the situation, you can handle it and even find the success you’re longing for. Let yourself be honest about your process because, in this case, it may just help to progress that important relationship in your life.
While there are many types of great love, Virgo, you may experience the return of a soulmate that could shake up any plans you’ve made. A soulmate is a relationship that mirrors your own soul and helps you become the person you are meant to be.
While not necessarily toxic relationships, these relationships often limit growth. Be mindful of taking anyone back too soon into your life or even of thinking that this time will be different than the past.
Don’t be surprised if you find help in the most unsuspecting of places, Libra. When you learn that you don’t have to keep everything to yourself or handle it on your own, you not only attract greater support but also change the dynamic of your relationship.
Today, you may receive an unexpected offer, financial gift, or other form of support from your partner. Remember generosity is done with love, so be open to receiving help for your dreams.
A familiar issue may arise in your romantic life, dear Scorpio, but you must remember that it is occurring to test your growth – not to set you back. Given the magnitude of your emotional depths, you need to feel seen, valued, and recognized by your partner — not just in terms of what you bring to the relationship but also of who you are as a whole.
If an old trigger does surface today, breathe through it and try to do the opposite of what you have in the past. This means having a conversation rather than silently stewing in it.
Every review occurs so that you are being given a chance to see the consequences of your decisions, Sagittarius. Some of the choices you’ve made, specifically since last year at this time, may not have aligned with your truth or even your soul contract.
Regardless of how challenging it might feel to acknowledge this and try to correct it, it is your chance to embody growth and realize you can still have the relationship — and life you’ve always wanted.
It may seem as if family matters are playing a more central role in your relationship at this time, Capricorn. Whether involving children or caring for ailing parents, this is a part of life. Yet, it doesn’t mean it must take away from your connection or your plans. Try to talk with your partner about the stresses you both have been feeling and then create regular time for connection to honor your responsibilities and the love you share.
Everything comes up for a reason, so try to see this time as ultimately positive rather than ruining the progress you’ve recently made, Aquarius. You have been going through an immense transformation phase in your relationship, and part of that is discussing some of the themes or challenges that have come up.
Communication and talking about aspects of the past will play a major role in this, so try not to get too frustrated. Sometimes, you must take a few steps back to feel like you’re moving ahead.
Reviewing how well your life and relationship work allows you to keep growing, Pisces. Don’t be afraid to talk about real-life matters like schedules and even how you and your partner can have time together and apart for other aspects of your lives. Real love isn’t just romance, but figuring out how to make it all work so you can feel at peace and fulfilled by your relationship and the life you are creating together.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.